Curriculum Vitae
Research Interest
2004: Ph.D., Department
of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering,
Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA
1999: M. Sc. Engineering,
Department of Water
Resources Engineering, Bangladesh University of
Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh
1996: B.Sc. Engineering,
Department of Civil
Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and
Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh
1989: Higher Secondary
Certificate (HSC), B.M.
College Barisal, Bangladesh
1987: Secondary School
Certificate (SSC), Barisal
Zilla School, Bangladesh
Employment and Job experiences
April 2012 to date: Professor, IWFM,
BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Oct 2008 to date: Associate
Professor, IWFM,
BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh
April 2005 to Oct 2008: Assistant Professor,
IWFM, BUET, Dhaka,
Jan 2000 to Sep 2004: Research
&Teaching Assistant, Dept.
CAEE, Drexel University, USA
May 1997 to Mar 2005: Lecturer, IWFM,
BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Aug 1996 to May 1997: Teaching Assistant,
Dept. WRE, BUET, Dhaka,
Visiting Scientist / Researcher
25 June - 30 June 2024 : NCAR,
Boulder, USA
Attending the WRF/MPAS
workshop and presented the work on the development
of Early Warning Systems in Bangladesh for Flash Floods
and Cyclonic Storm Surges to Enhance Climate Resilience.
02 July- 3 July 2024: MIT,
Attended the on workshop on Flood Hazards
and Climate Resilience and presented the work on 'Coastal
Hazard Modeling to Enhance Climate Resilience in
Bangladesh’ in the at Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT), Boston, USA.
25 January- 10
February 2020:
NCAR, Boulder, USA
Working on improvement of the rainfall forecasting over
the Meghna basin by applying data assimilation techniques
in weather research forecasting (WRF) modeling.
14 October - 20
October 2018:
of La Rochelle, La Rochelle, France
Working on coastal modelling over the Bay of Bengal region
and research collaboration with Laboratoire d’Etudes en
Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales (LEGOS).
25 August - 24
2018: NCAR, Boulder, USA
Working on improving modeling over the GBM basins by
applying data assimilation and nudging and sounding data
for simulating WRF weather model.
- 14 March - 12
April 2018: University of Oxford,
Oxford, UK
Working on climate change attributions on Brahmaputra
basin hydrology using SWAT model at the Environmental
Change Institute (ECI). This short term academic visit is
funded by Martin School Visiting Fellowship Program at
University of Oxford.
01 August- 31 August, 2017:
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Working on climate change attributions on Brahmaputra
basin hydrology using SWAT model at the Environmental
Change Institute (ECI). This short term academic visit is
funded by Martin School Visiting Fellowship Program at
University of Oxford.
14 July- 21 July 2016: IIS,
Bangalore, India
Working on improving bathymetry for simulating a 3D costal
model, SELFE over the Bay of Bengal region and use of
satellite altimetry data at the Indo-French Cell of Water
Science of IIS.
30 May-
8 June 2016: UNESCO-IHE,
Delft, The Netherlands
Working on developing course material for the subsequent
use of the students following Erasmus Mundus M.Sc. in
Flood Risk Management at UNESCO-IHE funded by the Scholar
22 Jan-3 February 2016:
NCAR, Boulder, USA
Working on WRF modeling over the GBM basins by applying
data assimilation and nudging and sounding data. Also,
WRF tutorial 2016.
June-July 2015:
IIS, Bangalore, India
Working on setting up a 3D costal model, SELFE over the
Bay of Bengal region by improving the existing bathymetry
data at the Indo-French Cell of IIS.
May-June 2015:
Delft, The Netherlands
Working on developing course material for the subsequent
use of the students following Erasmus Mundus MSc in Flood
Risk Management at UNESCO-IHE funded by the Scholar
Nov-Dec 2013:
National Oceanographic Center (NOC), Liverpool, UK
Working on simulation of FVCOM for the Bay of Bengal in
the ARCHER super computer for DFID & NERC funded
project on Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviations
(ESPA) Deltas.
2012: Plymouth
Marine Lab (PML), Plymouth, UK
Working on setup of FVCOM modeling grid for the Bay of
Bengal for DFID & NERC funded project on Ecosystem
Services for Poverty Alleviations (ESPA) Deltas.
Jul 2012: Met
office, Exeter, UK
Working on the multi-member ensemble regional climate
modeling, PRECIS for a DFID funded project on
High-resolution Regional Climate Change Information for
Bangladesh to inform Impacts.
2010: Tufts
University, Boston, USA
Working on regional climate modeling, PRECIS for a
Institute of Health Sponsored project
on Effects
of Climate Change on Cholera Dynamics and Prediction.
Awards and honours
Research Applications Laboratory (RAL) visiting scientists
fund, NCAR, USA, 2018 & 2020
Research Leadership Training Scheme, British Council, UK,
Martin School Visiting Fellowship, Environmental Change
Institute, University of Oxford, UK, 2017 & 2018
Visiting researcher funding for University of La Rochael,
French Embassy, Dhaka, 2018
Scholar Scholarship for Erasmus Mundus M.Sc. in Flood Risk
Management at UNESCO-IHE, 2015 & 2016
Commonwealth Science Conference Grant, Royal Society, UK,
2014 & 2017
ICTP Fellowship for Workshop on the Theory and Use of
Regional Climate Models (RegCM), Italy, 2014
Nuffic Fellowship for Remote Sensing Course at ITC,
Netherland Fellowship Program (NFP), the Netherlands, 2007
UN Fellowship for Training Course on Remote Sensing
Education for Educators, Univ of Stockholm, Sweden, 1999
Member, American Geophysical Union (AGU), USA, 2024
Fellow, Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB),
Bangladesh, 1997-present
Teaching experience
Semester - Year
WFM 6204:Climate Risk
Management |
April 2024, April 2023, October 2020,
April 2020, April 2019, April 2018, April 2017, April
2016, October 2013 , October 2012 , October 2011 , October
2009. |
BUET, Dhaka
WFM 6306: Urban Water
October 2023. |
BUET, Dhaka
CE 6213: Water Pollution and
its Control
Spring 2020. |
CE 6217: Sewerage and
Drainage Engineering
Autumn 2020. |
CMRM 6201: Climate and Earth Systems Modeling |
April 2024, April
BUET, Dhaka |
WFM 6202: Remote Sensing and GIS in Water Management
April 2017,
October 2016, October 2015, October 2014, April
2014, April 2013 , April 2012 , April 2010 , April
2009 , October 2008 , October 2007 , October 2006 ,
October 2005.
BUET, Dhaka |
WFM 5201: Data Management and Statistical Analysis |
October 2013 , October
2012 ,October 2011 , October 2009, April 2009,
April 2008, April 2007
BUET, Dhaka |
WFM 6103:
Hydrologic Information System |
April 2020, April
BUET, Dhaka |
WFM 6204:
Hydrologic Statistics |
BUET, Dhaka |
DSMHT 403:Climate Modelling
and Adaptation |
March 2017, October 2016
Dhaka University |
ENV 107:
Environmental Science |
Fall 2006 , Spring 2006
South University, Dhaka |
330: Hydraulics
Winter 2004
Drexel University,
Philadelphia, USA
Research Experiences
Principal Investigator. Enhancing Coastal
Resilience through nature-based solutions. Funding Agency:
Global Center on Adaptation (GCA). October 2022 - September
Co-Investigator. Understanding flood risk in
human-altered landscapes from cities to farms: inferences
from satellites and machine learning. Funding Agency:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
November 2021 - November 2024.
Co-Investigator. Integrated flood services and
climate change adaptation for the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna
River basin. Funding Agency: Alliance of International
Science Organizations (ANSO). January 2022- December 2024.
Co-Investigator. Remote sensing assessment and
capacity building for sustainable development in Hindu Kush
Himalayan (HKH) region. Funding Agency: Chinese Academy of
Science (CAS). January 2022- December 2024.
Principal Investigator. Climate change/flood
preparedness research for building climate resilient
infrastructure. Funding Agency: Local Govt. Engineering
Department (LGED) and International Fund for Agricultural
Development (IFAD). July 2019 – June 2020.
Co-Investigator. Oasis Platform for Climate and
Catastrophe Risk Assessment –Asia. Funding Agency: Grant of
the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature
Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), Federal Republic of
Germany. January 2019- June 2020.
Principal Investigator. Estimation of SLR in
Bangladesh using Satellite Altimetry Data. Funding Agency:
Department of Environment (DOE), Ministry of Environment and
Forest. July 2018 – June 2019.
Principal Investigator. South Asian Extreme
Climate Research Networking to Inform Adaptation and
Mitigation Policies. Collaboration with the University of
Oxford. Funding Agency: Global Challenges Research Fund
(GCRF). January 2018- December 2018.
Co-Investigator. Risk Evaluation of Brahmaputra
Inundations for Loss and Damage (REBuILD). Lead: University
of Oxford. Funding Agency: Global Challenges Research Fund
(GCRF). December 2017- March 2018.
Co-Investigator. Joint Report on
Hydro-morphological and Ecological Aspects of Inland
Navigation with a Focus on Cross-border Protocol Routes
between Bangladesh and India. Collaboration with
IIT-Guwahati. Funding Agency: International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN). February 2017-January 2018.
Co-Investigator and Institutional Lead, BUET.
High End cLimate Impact and eXtremes (HELIX). Collaboration
with Exeter University, UK (PI) and 15 other institutes from
Europe, Asia and Africa. Funding Agency: European Union
(EU). November 2013 – October 2017.
Co-Investigator and Institutional Lead, BUET.
Research Project on Developing Flash Flood Early Warning
System (FFEWAS), Capacity Building and Knowledge Management
for the Haor Region of Bangladesh. Collaboration with
Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB), Bangladesh
Meteorological Department (BMD) and Institute of Water
Modeling (IWM), Bangladesh. Funding Agency: International
Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). October 2014 –
June 2019.
Co-Investigator. Assessing Health, Livelihoods,
Ecosystem Services And Poverty Alleviation In Populous
Deltas (ESPA Deltas) . Collaboration with Southampton
University, UK (PI) and other 19 institutes in UK, India,
China and Bangladesh. Funding Agency: Department for
International Development (DFID), the Economic and Social
Research Council (ESRC) and the Natural Environment Research
Council (NERC). April 2012 – March 2016.
Co-Investigator. Transforming Climate Knowledge
with and for Society: mobilizing knowledge on climate
variability with communities in northeast Bangladesh
(TRACKS). Collaboration with University of Bergen, Norway
(PI) and other 4 institutes in USA, Norway and Bangladesh.
Funding Agency: Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. July
2014 – May 2017.
Co-Investigator. Combating Cholera caused by
Climate changes of Bangladesh. Collaboration with University
of Copenhagen (PI) and other 2 institutes in Bangladesh.
Funding Agency: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark.
November 2013 – October 2017.
Co-Investigator. Production and Service of
Agro-meteorological Information for the Adaptation to
Climate Change in Bangladesh. Collaboration with Southampton
University, UK (PI) and other 17 institutes in UK, India,
China and Bangladesh. Funding Agency: Department for
International Development (DFID), the Economic and Social
Research Council (ESRC) and the Natural Environment Research
Council (NERC). April 2012 – March 2016.
Co-Investigator. Assessment of Sea Level Rise and
Vulnerability in the Coastal Zone of Bangladesh through
Trend Analysis. Collaboration with Center for Geographic
Information Services (CEGIS) (PI) and Institute of Water
Modeling, Bangladesh. Funding Agency: Department of
Environment (DOE), Ministry of Environment and Forest (MOEF)
of Bangladesh. April 2013 – June 2014.
Co-Investigator. Climate Change Impacts,
Vulnerability and Adaptation: Sustaining rice production in
Bangladesh. Collaboration with Collaboration with Center for
Geographic Information Services (CEGIS). Funding Agency:
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. June 2012 – July
Co-Investigator. Assessment of the impact of
anticipated key drivers of change on water resources of the
coastal zone. Collaboration with Institute of Water and
Modeling (IWM), Bangladesh. International Water Management
Institute (IWMI), India. and Bangladesh Water Development
Board (BWDB), Bangladesh. Funding Agency: CGIAR: Water and
Food Program. April 2011- April 2013.
Project Director. Institutional Strengthening of
Climate Change Study Cell at BUET for Knowledge Generation
and Human Resource Development. Funding Agency: Climate
Change Trust Fund (CCTF) of the Ministry of Environment and
Forestry (MoEF) of Bangladesh. June 2010-May 2012.
Co-Investigator. Development of Flood Hazard and
Risk Maps with Effect of Climate Change Scenarios. Funding
Agency: Climate Change Trust Fund (CCTF) of the Ministry of
Environment and Forestry (MoEF) of Bangladesh. June 2010-May
Co-Investigator. Change Review of Warning System
for Climate Disasters. Funding Agency: Climate Change Trust
Fund (CCTF) of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry
(MoEF) of Bangladesh. June 2010-May 2012.
Co-Investigator. Study on Residual Flow in the
Bay of Bengal considering Future Climate Change Induced
Hydro-meteorological Scenarios. Funding Agency: Climate
Change Trust Fund (CCTF) of the Ministry of Environment and
Forestry (MoEF) of Bangladesh. June 2010-May 2012.
Co-Investigator. Sustainability of groundwater
use for irrigation in northwest Bangladesh. Collaboration
with BRAC Research Institute, Bangladesh. Funding Agency:
Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). October
2011-September 2012.
Co-Investigator. High-resolution Regional Climate
Change Information for Bangladesh to inform Impacts
Assessments, Vulnerability indicators and Adaptation
Policies. Collaboration with Hadley Center, Met Office, UK.
Funding Agency: Department for International Development
(DFID). March 2011-May 2012.
Co-Principal Investigator. Capacity Building for
Government Agencies on Climate Change Modeling.
Collaboration with Hadley Center, Met Office, UK. Funding
Agency: Department for International Development (DFID).
October 2009-March 2010.
Co-Investigator. Assessment of Crop Water Deficit
and Estimation 0.of Yield of Wheat in Greater Dinajpur
Region Using MODIS Data. Collaboration with Bangladesh
Agricultural Research Institute. Funding Agency: BUET.
September 2008-February 2010.
Principal Investigator. Hydrologic Aspects of
Flood 2007. Funding Agency: BUET. September 2007 - February
Principal Investigator. Improving flood
forecasting of Bangladesh using Artificial Neural Network
(ANN) and remotely sensed rainfall data. Funding Agency:
BUET. March 2007-February 2008.
Co-Investigator. Development of a Water Resources
Model as Decision Support Tool for National Water
Management. Funding Agency: BUET. September 2005-August
Co-Investigator. Yield Estimation of Potato Using
Remote Sensing in Munshigonj District. Funding Agency: BUET.
April 2006-March 2007.
Principal Investigator. Rainfall forecasting of
Bangladesh using remote sensing data. Funding Agency: BUET.
April 2005-March 2006.
Research Assistant. Application of an Integrated
Monitoring and Modeling System to Narragansett Bay and
Adjacent Waters Incorporating Internet-Based Technology.
Funding Agency: National Oceanographic and Partnership
Program (NOPP), USA. August 2000-August 2004.
Principal Investigator. Hydrological
Characteristics of 1998 Flood in Major Rivers. Funding
Agency: BUET. September 1998- September 1999.
Co-Investigator. Conjunctive Use of Groundwater
and Surface Water for Irrigation in Buri-Teesta Irrigation
Project. Funding Agency: BUET. December 1997-December 1999.
Advisory Services
Climate Change and GIS Specialist. Supplemental
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (S-ESIA), Fire
and Life Safety Risk Assessment and Climate Change and Flood
Risk Assessment for Patenga Container Terminal (PCT) and
South Container Yard (SCY). Client: Red Sea Gateway Terminal
(RSGT). February 2024- May 2024.
Climate Change Specialist. National Report on
‘Climate Change Impacts in Bangladesh: What Climate Change
Means for a Country and its People’. Client: The Meliore
Foundation. November 2023 -December 2023.
Team Leader. Hydrological and Morphological Study
of Construction of a Bridge Over the Fuli-mara Bill at ch.
490m Fulimara steel Bridge West Side to Mirzapur Upazila
Boundary Road Kaliakoir Upazila, Gazipur District. Client:
Local Government Engineering Department (LGED). October
2023- November 2023.
Team Leader. Short-term consultancy to assess
changes in future GBM basin flows and their uncertainty
based on CMIP6 climate projections. Client: Flood and
Riverbank Erosion Risk Management Investment Program
(FRERMIP) for Asian Development Bank (ADB). October 2023 -
November 2023.
Team Leader. Short-term consultancy to assess
impacts of climate change and anthropogenic change on “low
flows” in the Jamuna River. Client: Flood and Riverbank
Erosion Risk Management Investment Program (FRERMIP) for
Asian Development Bank (ADB). October 2023 - November 2023.
Climate Change Specialist. A study on the
estimation of forest coverage contribution as a land use to
water balance in Bangladesh. Client: The Compass Program,
USAID Bangladesh and US Forest Service International
Programs. April 2023- June 2024.
Team Leader. Hydro-Morphological Study for the
proposed Jaiganj Bridge at 2nd km of Jharbari
(Birganj-Joyganj-Bhabaniganj-Nilphamari (Police
(Sadurarpul) Road (Z-5027) on the Korotoa River and Kumedpur
and Kantar More Bridge at 23rd and 32nd km Bhurungamari
(Sonahat) Road (Z-5624) -Madarganj-Bhitarband-Nageswari on
the floodplain of Dudhkumar and Brahmaputra River under RHD.
Client: Roads and Highways Department (RHD). October 2022 -
March 2023.
River Morphology Engineer. Feasibility Study and
Detail Design for Permitting Locomotive and Coaches with
Higher Axle Loads Over the Existing Kalurghat Bridge of
Bangladesh Railway with Feasible Strengthening Measures as
an Interim Alternative until the New Bridge is Constructed.
Client: Bangladesh Railways. September 2022 - May 2023.
Team Leader. Consultancy Services for the
Hydrological and Morphological Study of 2 (two) nos of
Bridges over different river at Narayanganj and Faridpur.
Client: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED).
November 2022 - June 2023.
Team Leader. Hydro-Morphological Study for
constructing 100m long bridge over the Srimanta river on the
Subidkhali UZHQ (Old UPC) – Mahiskhkata Bazar Road via
Bottala Dasherdanga and Amragachi Bazar (Near Mahiskatha
Bridge) at 12+466 Chainage under Mirzaganj Upazila of
Patuakhali. Client: Local Government Engineering Department
(LGED). June 2022- June 2022.
Coastal Zone Management Expert. Preparation of
Payra-Kuakata Comprehensive Plan Focusing on Eco-Tourism.
Client: Urban Development Directorate (UDD). April 2022 –
March 2023.
Team Leader. An Investigation on the Causes of
Embankment Failure and Recommendations for Sustainable
Solutions. Client: Bangladesh Water Development Board
(BWDB). October 2021– October 2022.
Team Leader. Hydrological Assessment of the
Project Area at Diabari. Client: Grameen Telecom Trust. July
2021 – August 2021.
Team Leader. Hydrological and Morphological Study
for the Construction of 8 Bridges (Package No-CIB-S-61). .
Client: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED). June
2021 - January 2022.
Climate Change Specialist. Requesting assistance
in the development of Climate Scenarios considering future
climate change in the Rohingya Refugee camps of Cox's Bazar
and Bhasan Char (Noakhali). Client: IUCN. June 2021 –
December 2021.
Team Leader. Providing Consultancy Services for
Early Flood Warning System Including Inundation Forecast in
Ganga Basin. Client: AECOM Asia Company Limited (for World
Bank). February 2021 – August 2028.
Climate Change Specialist. Feasibility Study and
Detailed Design for the Construction of an Elevated
Expressway/Road from Mithamain Sadar Upazila to Karimganj
Upazila via Mithmain Cantonment of Kishoreganj District.
Client: Bangladesh Bridge Authority (BBA). January 2021–
April 2022.
Team Leader. River Morphological Study of the
230kV Double Circuit Transmission Line at Rupsha on Turnkey
Basis Under NWPGCL. Client: Southern Engineering Limited.
December 2020- January 2021.
Climate Change Specialist. Climate Inclusive
Inundation Modelling for Gaibandha Sadar under Gaibandha
Strategic Development Plan. Client: BRAC. November 2020 –
January 2021.
Hydrologist. Rainfall intensity data and frequency
analysis for the Bangladesh Navy submarine base project.
Client: Bangladesh Navy. November 2020 - December 2020.
Team Leader/ Senior Hydraulic Modeler. Hydrologic
Design and Report Preparation for the Dhaka Bypass
Expressway in Bangladesh. Client: Dhaka Bypass Expressway
Development Company Limited. August 2019- November 2019.
GIS Specialist. Feasibility study with ESIA for
Resuscitation of Ichamoti River in Pabna District. Client:
Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB). April 2019 –
December 2019.
Morphologist/River Engineering GIS and Climate Change
Specialist Morphological Mathematical Modeling
Studies for Construction of Bishkhali Bridge on
Patuakhali-Amtali-Barguna-Kakchira Road (R-880) over
Bishkhali River. Client: Bangladesh Bridge Authority (BBA).
November 2018- October 2019.
Team Leader/ Urban Drainage and Climate Change
Specialist. Urban Drainage Design for Gopalganj
Pourashava considering climate change under Municipal
Governance and Service Project. Client: Local Government
Engineering Department (LGED). September 2018 - December
Team Leader. Hydro-Morphological Study for
Construction of Bridge on Rajanagar UP –Sirajdikhan,
Munshiganj. Client: Local Government Engineering Department
(LGED). July 2018 - June 2019.
Team Leader. Hydro-Morphological Study for
Construction of Bridge over the Turag river Dewan Connecting
Berribudh to Uttara 16 Road, Savar, Dhaka. Client: Local
Government Engineering Department (LGED). July 2018- June
GIS Specialist. Feasibility Study for Flood
Control, Drainage and Irrigation System at Gowainghat in
Sylhet District. Client: Bangladesh Water Development Board
(BWDB). June 2018-December 2018.
RS/GIS Specialist. Feasibility Study and Detailed
Design for Development of Jetties and Infrastructure at
Mirsarai and Sandwip at Chittagong, Subrang-Jaliar Dwip at
Teknaf and Sonadia Dwip at Cox’s Bazar. Client: Bangladesh
Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA). June 2018- June
Team Leader. Hydro-Morphological study for
Constructing three bridges over the Dhaleswari, Ichamati and
Madhumati rivers at 1st and 2nd km of the Keraniganj
(Syedpur) – Hasara – Birtara – Singpara – Kajaalpur –
Nagerhar Road (Z-8203) Client: Roads and Highways Department
(RHD). January 2018 - February 2018.
Climate Change Specialist. Hydro-morphological
Study (Part-2) for 63 number of bridges at different
locations of Barisal, Khulna, Rajshahi and Rangur Divisions.
Client: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED).
January 2018- November 2019.
Climate Change and GIS Specialist.
Hydro-morphological Study for Construction of a New Bridge
on the Teesta River. Client: Hifab International AB.
November 2017 - December 2017.
Climate Change Specialist. Hydro-morphological
Study (Part-1) for 80 number of bridges at different
locations of Dhaka, Chittagong, Mymensingh and Sylhet
Divisions. Client: Local Government Engineering Department
(LGED). November 2017- November 2019.
Hydrologist. Detailed Appraisal Mission for
Climate Resilience Community Development Project (CRCD).
Client: Design Mission of International Fund for
Agricultural Development (IFAD). July 2017.
Climate Change Specialist. Feasibility Study in
terms of Hydrological and Morphological Study and
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) including
Topographical Survey of Proposed 01 (One) Bridge at
Borobaisdia- Kachiaburia Bazar Road under Rangabali Upazila
in Patuakhali District Client: Local Government Engineering
Department (LGED). March 2017 - April 2017.
RS/GIS and Climate Change Specialist.
Hydrological and Morphological study using mathematical
model for replacemet of Bailey Bridge (Kathoir Bridge) of
Madanpur-Derai-Sulla Road under Sunamganj road Division.
Client: Roads and Highways Department (RHD). March 2017 -
May 2017.
Hydrologist. Detailed Design for Climate
Resilience Community Development Project (CRCD). Client:
Design Mission of International Fund for Agricultural
Development (IFAD). March 2017.
Team Leader. Feasibility Study in terms of
Hydrological and Morphological Study and Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA) including Topographical Survey of
Proposed 01 (One) Bridge at Borobaisdia- Kachiaburia Bazar
Road under Rangabali Upazila in Patuakhali District Client:
Local Government Engineering Department (LGED). March 2017 -
April 2017.
Team Leader. Hydro-morphological Study of Hanging
Bridge over Naf River connecting Jaliar Char at Teknaf,
Cox’s Bazar Client: A2Z Technologies Ltd. February 2017 -
March 2017.
GIS Specialist. Hydro-morphological Study on the
feasibility of the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib International
Airport. Client: Nippon Koei (for Civil Aviation Authority).
February 2017- July 2017.
Climate Change Specialist. Hydro-morphological
Study of Hanging Bridge over Naf River connecting Jaliar
Char at Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar Client: A2Z Technologies Ltd.
February 2017 - March 2017.
RS/GIS and Climate Change Specialist.
Hydrological and Morphological study and IEE of proposed 4
Bridges over different rivers in Rangpur, Narayanganj and
Dhaka. Client: Local Government Engineering Department
(LGED). January 2017 – June 2017.
Team Leader. To Develop Flood Forecast Modelling,
Inundation Mapping and Early Warning System including River
and Embankment Survey in Kosi Basin. Client: AECOM (for
World Bank). January 2017-December 2018.
Team Leader. Investigate potential of real time
damage assessment caused by cyclones landfalls in Bangladesh
using mathematical model: A case study on the damage
assessment by Cyclone Roanu. Client: UNDP. November 2016-
December 2017.
Team Leader. Hydrological and Morphological study
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of prepared 5 Bridges
over different rivers of Greater Rajshahi district of
Northern Bangladesh. Client: LGED. November 2016- March
Team Leader. A Study of Thermal Plume of Orion
Power Dhaka Limited at Meghna Plant Site, Dhaka. Client:
OPDL. July-September 2016.
Hydraulic Modeler/Climate Change Specialist. An
Assessment of the detailed hydrological, hydraulic,
morphological and climatic variability of the plant site in
determining of intake of water maximum temperature and
thermal plume modeling for the plant site at Charbetaki,
Gazaria, Munshiganj. Client: Orion Power Unit-2, Dhaka Ltd
(UPDL-2), Orion Group. July 2016-September 2016.
Hydrologist. Purbachal Expressway System and
Internal Bridges Planning, Design and Construction Top
Supervision Client: RAJUK (Capital Development Authority).
June 2016- July 2017.
Hydrologist. Purbachal Expressway System and
Internal Bridges Planning, Design and Construction Top
Supervision Client: RAJUK (Capital Development Authority).
June 2016- July 2017.
Remote Sensing and Climate Change Specialist.
Kuril to Balu River Canal System Planning, Design and
Construction Top Supervision Client: RAJUK (Capital
Development Authority). March 2016- July 2018.
RS/GIS and Climate Change Specialist.
Hydrological and Morphological Study and IEE of Propsed 6
Bridges over different rivers in 6 districts of northern
Bangladesh. Client: HIFAB Ltd. under Nobidep Project, Local
Government Engineering Department (LGED). 2016-2017.
RS/GIS and Climate Change Specialist.
Hydrological and Morphological Study and IEE of Propsed
Bridge over Bakkhali river under Ashrayan-2 Project near
Cox’s Bazar airport under Sadar Upazilla, Cox’s Bazar
District. Client: Local Government Engineering Department
(LGED). 2016-2017.
RS/GIS and Climate Change Specialist.
Hydrological and Morphological study for construction of
200m bridge on Boultali-Ghonapara-Fukra road under Gopalganj
Sadar Upazila, Dist.- Gopalganj. Client: Local Government
Engineering Department (LGED). 2016-2017.
RS/GIS and Climate Change Specialist.
Hydrological and Morphological study and IEE of proposed 3
Bridges over Jhinai (Pungli) river in Basail Upazila,
Tangail District. Client: Local Government Engineering
Department (LGED). 2016-2017.
RS/GIS and Climate Change Specialist.
Hydrological and Morphological and EIA study of proposed 3
Bridges over different rivers in Rangamati, Chittagong Hill
Tracks. Client: Local Government Engineering Department
(LGED). 2016-2017.
Climate Change Specialist. Evaluation, Study and
Performance Audit of the Ongoing, Recently Completed and
Completed Ashrayan Projects under Prime Minister’s Office.
Client: NAPD. December 2015 - February 2017.
RS/GIS and Climate Change Specialist.
Hydro-morphological study of 3 long under Second Rural
Transport Improvement Project-II of LGED. Client: RPMC (for
LGED). June 2015-July 2016.
Climate Change Specialist. Selection of Area of
Intervention in the Coastal Districts of Bangladesh Under
Climate Change Adaptation Programme For The Climate
Resilient Rural Infrastructure Project. Client: LGED. May
2015 - December 2015.
Climate Change Specialist. Hydrological and
Morphological Study and EIA of Two Bridges over Dhaleswari
River at Ghior of Manikganj and Chandahar River at Singair
of Manikganj. Client: Local Government Engineering
Department (LGED). May 2015 – December 2015.
Co-Team Leader/ Climate Change Specialist.
Hydrological and Morphological Study and Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA) for Planning and Designing of
Proposed 16 Bridges over different rivers Under Construction
of Large Bridge on Upazila and Union Road Project. Client:
Local Government Engineering Department (LGED). January 2015
– December 2015.
Climate Change Specialist. Feasibility study of 4
large bridges in Sylhet Division including
hydro-morphological and environmental impact study. Client:
LGED. October 2014-February 2015.
Climate Change Specialist. Hydrological and
Morphological Study and EIA of proposed 1 (one) no. Large
Bridge over Choto Jamuna River at Badalgachi of Nagaon
District. Client: Local Government Engineering Department
(LGED). July 2014-August 2014.
Climate Change Specialist. Hydrological and
Morphological Study and IEE of 16 nos. Important Large
Bridges in Some Selected Districts under Hydrologiacl and
Morphological Study, Economic Analysis, EIA, including
Topographical Survey and Design of 27 nos. Important Large
Bridges in Some Selected Districts Project. Client: Local
Government Engineering Department (LGED). March
2014-February 2015.
RS/GIS and Climate Change Specialist.
Hydrological and Morphological Study and EIA of Two Bridges
over Kaliganga River at Nesarabad of Pirozpur and Dhaleswari
River at Tangail. Client: Local Government Engineering
Department (LGED). December 2013.
Team Leader. Assessment of Flood Flow
Vulnerability for Orion Power Dhaka Ltd. (OPDL) and Orion
Power Khulna Ltd.(OPKL). Client: Orion Group Ltd. September
2013- August 2014.
RS/GIS and Climate Change Specialist.
Hydrological and Morphological Study and EIA of Four Bridges
over Kushiyara River at Golapganj and Balaganj of Sylhet,
Khowai River at Habiganj and Kalni River at South Sunamganj
of Sunamganj. Client: Local Government Engineering
Department (LGED). May 2013 to September 2014.
Climate Change Specialist. Hydrological and
Morphological Study and Environmental Impact Assessment
(EIA) for Planning and designing a Large Bridge over
Kachipara Karkhana River in between Bakerganj Upazila of
Barisal district and Bauphal Upazila of Patuakhali District.
Client: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED).
February 2013- April 2013.
Climate Change Specialist. Hydrological and
Morphological Study and EIA for three bridges over the
Arialkhan, the Tentulia and the Kalabazar rivers (within 10
km road from Bhola Bustand to Laharhat). Client: Kranti
Associates under LGED project. January 2013- June 2014.
Co-Team Leader/ RS-GIS Specialist. Hydrological
and Morphological Study and Environmental Impact Assessment
(EIA) for Planning and Designing of Proposed 20 Bridges over
different rivers Under Construction of Large Bridge on
Upazila and Union Road Project. Client: Local Government
Engineering Department (LGED). January 2013-- December 2013.
Climate Change Specialist. Risk Assessment of
Impact of Climate Change on Disaster Prone Coastal Areas for
the Disaster Shelter System Phase-1 (DSSP-1) Assignment-A
Project. Client: Resource Planning and Management
Consultants Ltd. (RPMC) funded by World Bank. September 2012
– December 2012.
Climate Change Specialist. Support Services on
Mathematical Modeling for Bangladesh Side of the India-
Bangladesh Joint Study Team for Joint Study on Proposed
Tipaimukh Hydro- Electric (Multipurpose) Project of India.
Client: Joint River Commission (JRC), Bangladesh. August
2012 – January 2015.
GIS and Climate Change Specialist. Hydrological
and morphological study and EIA of the Bhairab bridge over
the Shitalpati river, Kishoreganj. Client: Local Government
Engineering Department (LGED). July 2012 - August 2012.
RS/GIS and Climate Change Specialist.
Hydrological and Morphological Study and EIA for three
Bridges over the Arialkhan, the Tentulia and the Kalabadar
Rivers. Client: Local Government Engineering Department
(LGED). June 2012 - September 2013.
Hydrologist and Climate Change Specialist. TA
7890-BAN: Strengthening the Resilience of the Urban Water
Supply, Drainage, and Sanitation to Climate Change in
Coastal Towns. Client: AECOM funded by ADB. June 2012 –
December 2012.
Climate Change Specialist. Assessment of
Capabilities, Needs of Communities, Opportunities and
Limitations of Weather Forecasting for coastal regions of
Bangladesh. Client: WorldFish. June 2012-July 2012.
RS/GIS Specialist Hydrological and morphological
study and EIA of two road bridges in Serajganj. Client:
Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Bangladesh.
March 2012 to May 2012.
Climate Change Specialist. Training Program on
Climate Modeling and Downscaling Techniques. Client: IWM
(for BWDB). February 2012 - February 2012.
Team Leader. Hydrological and Morphological study
for the construction of 7th Bangladesh China Friendship
Bridge (Teckerhat Bridge) over Branch of Kirtinasha River at
17th km of Madaripur(Mostafapur)-Shariatpur-Chandpur Road.
Client: Roads and Highways Department (RHD), Shariatpur Road
Division, Bangladesh. October 2011-December 2011.
Team Leader. Hydrological and Morphological Study
for the construction of 7th Bangladesh China Friendship
Bridge (Kazirtack Bridge) over Arial Khan River at 12th km
of Madaripur (Mostafapur)-Shariatpur-Chandpur Road. Client:
Roads and Highways Department (RHD), Madaripur Road
Division, Bangladesh. October 2011-December 2011.
Team Leader. Hydrological and Morphological study
for the construction of 7th Bangladesh China Friendship
Bridge (Angaria Bridge) over Kirtinasha River at 21st km of
Madaripur (Mostafapur)-Shariatpur-Chandpur Road. Client:
Roads and Highways Department (RHD), Shariatpur Road
Division, Bangladesh. October 2011-December 2011.
Team Leader. Hydrological and morphological study
for the proposed bridge across the Katakhal River on
Companiganj-Chhatak road under Sylhet Road Division. Client:
Roads and Highways Department (RHD), Gopalganj Road
Division, Bangladesh. July 2011-June 2012.
Team Leader. Hydrological and Morphological study
for the Proposed Kamalapur Bridge (Span 105.15m) at the 16th
km of Boraitala-Muksadpur-Kashani Road under Gopalganj Road
Division. Client: Roads and Highways Department, Gopalganj
Road Division, Bangladesh. July 2011-September 2011.
Team Leader. Hydrological and morphological study
and EIA of the Little Feni River Bridge under Noakhali Road
Division. Client: Roads and Highways Department (RHD),
Bangladesh. July 2011- August 2011.
Climate Change Specialist. Hydrological Study for
the Chittagong Site of Asian University for Women. Client:
Buro Happold Limited, UK for Asian University of Women,
Chittagong, Bangladesh. June 2011 - July 2011
Climate Change Specialist. Regional Economics of
Climate Change in South Asia Part II – Adaptation and Impact
Assessment. Client: AECOM Asia Company Limited (for Asian
Development Bank). June 2011 – December 2012.
Team Leader. Hydrological and Morphological Study
Proposed P.C. Girder bridge at 30 Km. of
Pagla-Jogunnathpur-Raniganj-Auskandi road over Kushiara
river Sunamganj Road Division, Sunamganj. Client: Roads and
Highways Department (RHD), Bangladesh. April 2011 –
September 2011.
Climate Change and GIS Specialist. Hydrological
and Morphological Study and Environmental Impact Assessment
(EIA) for Planning and Designing of Proposed 34 (Thirty
Four) Road Bridges over different rivers Under Construction
of Large Bridge on Upazila and Union Road Project. Client:
Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Bangladesh.
April 2011-March 2011.
Team Leader. Hydrological and morphological study
for the proposed Barunatoli bridge over the Nabaganga River
under Magura Road Division. Client: Roads and Highways
Department (RHD), Bangladesh. March 2011-April 2012.
RS/GIS Specialist. Hydrological and Morphological
study for the proposed Derai-Sulla- Azmeriganj Road at
Sunamganj District to connect Sulla and Azmeriganj Upazila
to Sunamganj District. Client: Roads and Highways Department
(RHD), Sunamganj Road Division, Bangladesh. March 2011-April
Team Leader. Hydrological and Morphological Study
and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Proposed 500m
Long Pre-stressed Girder Bridge over Undermanik river under
Kalapara Upazila of Patuakhali District and 500m Bridge over
Dhaleswari River under Nagorpur Upazila of Tangail District.
Client: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED),
Bangladesh. February 2011 – July 2011.
RS/GIS Specialist. Hydrological and Morphological
Study using mathematical model and EIA for the
Baniachong-Nabigonj Road and Sutki Bridge under Road
Division Habigonj. Client: Roads and Highways Department
(RHD), Habiganj Road Division, Bangladesh. February 2011-
April 2011.
Team Leader. Hydrological and Morphological study
for the Proposed Munshirhat Bridge (Span 148.68 m) under
Shariatpur Road Division. Client: Roads and Highways
Department (RHD), Shariatpur Road Division, Bangladesh.
February 2011 - February 2011.
Climate Change Specialist (International).
Institutional Strengthening for Integrated Water Resources
Management in The 6 Cis River Basin Territory (Package E) -
General Approach, Methodology, and Work Plan. Client: Asian
Development Bank, Indonesia. January 2011 - May 2013.
Team Leader. Hydrological and Morphological Study
of for proposed Barunatoil Bridge over Naboganga River at
4km of Magura Town By pass Road under Road Division, Magura.
Client: Roads and Highways Department (RHD), Magura Road
Division, Bangladesh. January 2011-March 2011.
RS/GIS Specialist. Hydrological and Morphological
Study and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Proposed
4 (Four) Road Bridges over different rivers of Greater
Khulna District Under Union Infrastructures Development
Project (UIDP). Client: Local Government Engineering
Department (LGED), Bangladesh. October 2010-December 2011.
Climate Change Specialist. Feasibility of 1000m
Teesta bridge at Sundarganj Upazila. Client: Local
Government Engineering Department (LGED), Bangladesh.
October 2010-December 2011.
Climate Change Specialist. Feasibility of 700m
Teesta bridge at Kaliganj Upazila. Client: Local Government
Engineering Department (LGED), Bangladesh. October
2010-December 2011.
Team Leader. Environmental Sustainability Study
of Reckitt Benckiser (Bangladesh) Limited Facility in
Chittagong. Client: Reckitt Benckiser (Bangladesh) Limited.
September 2010 – December 2010.
Climate Change Specialist. Hydrological and
Morphological Study and Environmental Impact Assessment
(EIA) of Proposed 18 (Eighteen) Road Bridges over Different
Rivers in Bangladesh under Construction of Large Bridge on
Upazila and Union Road Project. Client: Local Government
Engineering Department (LGED), Bangladesh. May
2010-September 2010.
Team Leader. Hydrological and Morphological Study
of 112.61 m Long P.C Girder bridge at 2 Km. of
Gouripur-Homna Road and 156.78 m Long P.C. Girder bridge at
3 Km of Comilla-Palpara-Burichong B. Para-Mirpur Road under
Comilla Road Division. Client: Roads and Highways Department
(RHD), Comilla Road Division, Bangladesh. May 2010-June
Team Leader. Hydrological and Morphological Study
of 112.61 m Long P.C. Girder bridge (Razarhat Bridge) over
Shilok Khal at 10 Km of Rani Road under Chittagong Road
Division. Client: Roads and Highways Department (RHD),
Chittagong Road Division, Bangladesh. May 2010 - June 2010.
Database Consultant. Data base consultant for
National Water Resources Database (NWRD) Phase-II. Client:
World Bank, Bangladesh. January 2010-February 2010.
GIS Specialist. Compatibility of GIS Data and
development of guideline for Metadata, Data Sharing Protocol
and National GIS Policy. Client: Department of Environment.
Center for Geographical Information Services (CEGIS),
Bangladesh. June 2008 - December 2008.
Hydraulic Modeler. Development of Mathematical
Model for the Research on the Effect of Bandalling on River
Flow and Morphology. Client: River Research Institute,
Bangladesh. October 2007 - March 2009.
Climate Change Specialist. Changes in the spatial
and temporal distribution of temperature, rainfall, sunshine
and humidity in context of agriculture Client. Client:
Comprehensive Disaster Management Program (CDMP). August
2007 - July 2008.
Climate Change Specialist. Preparation of Look-up
Table and Generation of PRECIS Scenarios for Bangladesh.
Client: Department of Environment, Bangladesh and Department
for International Development (DFID), UK. August 2007 -
March 2008.
Hydraulic Modeler. Impact of 1998 Flood on Dhaka
city and Performances of Flood Control Works. Client: BCAS.
November 1998 - December 1998.
Other Professional Experiences
Lead Author, Sixth
Assessment Report, IPCC (WG I), 2018-present.
- Coordinator,
Climate Chang Study Cell,
BUET, 2007-present.
- Guest
Editor, Hydrology
and Climate Change, Water, MDPI.
- Guest
Editor, Urban
Infrastructure Development for Environmental
Sustainability, Sustainability, MDPI
Journal of Advances in Climate Change , 2017-2018.
Technical Editor,
International Journal of Oceanography and Marine
Ecological System, 2015-2016.
Technical Editor,
Asian Journal of Applied Sciences , 2015-2016.
Technical Editor,
Asian Journal of Agricultural Research, 2015-2016.
- Member,
Board of Governments (BOG), Institute of Water
and Flood Management (IWFM), BUET, 2022-2023.
- Member,
Board of Governments (BOG), Bangladesh Water Development
Board (BWDB), 2023-today.
- Member,
Selection Committee of the Professors and Associate
Professors, Department of Meteorology, Dhaka University,
2022 - today.
- Member,
Consultative Advisory Group, Climate Resilient
Local Infrastructure Centre (CReLIC), Local Government
Engineering Department (LGED), 2022 -today.
Member, Organizing
Committee, 5th International Conference on Water and
Flood Management (ICWFM2015), 6-8 March 2015, Dhaka,
Secretary, International Conference on
Water and Flood Management (ICWFM2007), 12-14
March,2007, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Course Coordinator, Short
Course on Flood Risk Assessment
and Management,
Organized by Institute of Water and Flood Management
(IWFM), BUET, Chittagong University and Technology
(CUET), UNESCO-IHE in collaboration with BWDB, CEGIS,
IWM and WARPO, Dhaka, 05-09 October 2015.
Course Coordination,
Course on Remote
Sensing and GIS in Water Management, Organized by
Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM), Dhaka,
22-24 May 2015, 6-8 June 2009, January 27-30, 2008,
September 2-6, 2006 and November
21-24, 2005.
Course Coordinator, Training
Program On Climate Modeling and Downscaling Techniques,
Organized by IWFM, BUET, 18-22 February 2012.
Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals
h-Index=38; i10-index=94 (Google Scholar as of
Chowdhury, M. E., Islam, A. S., Uz
Zzaman, R., Khadem, S. (2024). A machine learning-based
approach for flash flood susceptibility mapping considering
rainfall extremes in the northeast region of Bangladesh.
Advances in Space Research. (In press).
Rahman, S. and Islam, A. S., (2024)
Hydrological Response to Climate and Land Use Land Cover
Change of the Teesta River Basin. Hydrology Research.
Shampa, Muktadir, H. M., Nejhum, I. J., Islam, A. S.,
Rahman, M. M., & Islam, G. T. (2024). The Impact of
Sandbars on Bank Protection Structures in Low-Land Reaches:
Case of Ganges and Brahmaputra-Jamuna. Water, 16(17), 2523.
Abdullah, F., Mamoon, W. B., Islam, A. S., Islam,
G.T., Bala, S. K., Kaiser, S., ... & Das, M. K. (2024).
Hydrological responses of the Brahmaputra River basin using
CMIP6 GCM projections for supporting climate resilient
infrastructure design. Sustainable and Resilient
Infrastructure, 1-27.
Sahu, R. K., Das, M. K., Tyagi, B., Mohapatra, M.,
Karmakar, S., Islam, A.S., ... & Beck, H. E.
(2024). Analyzing Variability and Threshold Values of
Thermodynamic Indices in the Context of Climate Change for
Predicting Pre-monsoon Season Thunderstorms in Sylhet,
Bangladesh. Earth Systems and Environment, 8, 645–657
Roy, S. K., Morshed, A., Mojumder, P., Hasan, M. M., &
Islam, A. S. (2024). Innovative Trend Analysis
Technique with Fuzzy Logic and K-means Clustering Approach
for Identification of Homogenous Rainfall Region: A
Long-Term Rainfall Data Analysis over Bangladesh. Quaternary
Science Advances, 100227.
Roy, S.K., Hasan, M.M., Mondal, I., Akhter, J., Roy, S.K.,
Talukder, S., Islam, A.S., Rahman, A. and
Karuppannan, S. (2024). Empowered machine learning algorithm
to identify sustainable groundwater potential zone map in
Jashore District, Bangladesh. Groundwater for Sustainable
Development, p.101168.
Husna, N. E. A., Bari, S. H., Islam, G. T., & Islam,
A. S. (2024). Groundwater drought assessment in
Southwestern Bangladesh. International Journal of Hydrology
Science and Technology, 17(3), 267-277.
Chowdhury, M. E., Islam, A. S., Lemans, M.,
Hegnauer, M., Sajib, A. R., Pieu, N. M., ... & Bhuyan,
A. (2023). An efficient flash flood forecasting system for
the un-gaged Meghna basin using open source platform
Delft-FEWS. Environmental Modelling & Software, 161,
Imran, H. M., Kala, J., Uddin, S., Islam, A. S.,
& Acharya, N. (2023). Spatiotemporal analysis of
temperature and precipitation extremes over Bangladesh using
a novel gridded observational dataset. Weather and Climate
Extremes, 39, 100544.
Billah, M., Islam, A. S., Mamoon, W. B., &
Rahman, M. R. (2023). Random forest classifications for
landuse mapping to assess rapid flood damage using
Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data. Remote Sensing Applications:
Society and Environment, 100947.
Islam, A. T., Islam, A. S., Islam, G. T., Bala, S.
K., Salehin, M., Choudhury, A. K., ... & Mahboob, M. G.
(2023). Simulation of water productivity of wheat in
northwestern Bangladesh using multi-satellite data.
Agricultural Water Management, 281, 108242.
Thomas, M., Tellman, E., Osgood, D., DeVries, B.,
Islam, A. S., Steckler, M. S., ... & Billah, M.
(2023). A Framework to Assess Remote Sensing Algorithms for
Satellite-Based Flood Index Insurance. IEEE Journal of
Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote
Sensing, vol. 16, pp. 2589-2604, 2023,
Zzaman, R. U., Nayeem, M. A., Nowreen, S., Newton, I. H.,
Islam, A. S., Zahid, A., & Rahman, M. S. (2023).
CIMCA: Infusing computational intelligence in multi-criteria
analysis to assess groundwater potential for recharge.
Environmental Modelling & Software, 169, 105812.
Saunders, A., Giezendanner, J., Tellman, B., Islam, A.,
Bhuyan, A., & Islam, A. S. (2023, July). A
Comparison Of Remote Sensing Approaches To Assess The
Devastating May-June 2022 Flooding In Sylhet, Bangladesh. In
IGARSS 2023-2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote
Sensing Symposium (pp. 452-455). IEEE. 2023, pp. 452-455,
Chen, J., Mueller, V., Durand, F., Lisco, E., Zhong, Q.,
Sherin, V. R., & Islam, A.S. (2022). Salinization
of the Bangladesh Delta worsens economic precarity.
Population and Environment, 44(3), 226-247.
Ruane, A. C., Vautard, R., Ranasinghe, R., Sillmann, J.,
Coppola, E., Arnell, N., ... & Zaaboul, R. (2022). The
Climatic Impact‐Driver Framework for Assessment of
Risk‐Relevant Climate Information. Earth's Future, 10(11),
Roy, B., Hussain, M. M., Islam, A. S., Rahman, M.
A., & Mohammed, K. (2022). Assessment of Flood Hazard in
Climatic Extreme Considering Fluvio-Morphic Responses of the
Contributing River: Indications from the
Brahmaputra-Jamuna’s Braided-Plain. GeoHazards, 3(4),
Gädeke, A., Wortmann, M., Menz, C., Islam, A. S.,
Masood, M., Krysanova, V., ... & Hattermann, F. (2022).
Climate impact emergence and flood peak synchronization
projections in the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghan basins
under CMIP5 and CMIP6 scenarios. Environmental Research
Letters, 17, 094036.
Mitchell D, Hawker L, Savage J, Bingham R, Lord NS, Khan
MJ, Bates P, Durand F, Hassan A, Huq S, Islam A.S. (2022).
Increased population exposure to Amphan-scale cyclones under
future climates. Climate Resilience and Sustainability.
Islam A.T., Islam A.S., Islam G.T., Bala S.K.,
Salehin M., Choudhury A.K., Dey N.C., Hossain A.(2022)
Adaptation strategies to increase water productivity of
wheat under changing climate. Agricultural Water Management,
264, 107499
Tellman, B., Lall, U., Islam, A.S. and Bhuyan, M.A
(2022). Regional Index Insurance Using Satellite-Based
Fractional Flooded Area. Earth's Future, 10(3),
Khan, M. J. U., Durand, F., Bertin, X., Testut, L., Krien,
Y., Islam, A.S., Pezerat, M., and Hossain, S (2021).
Storm surge hazard over Bengal delta: a
probabilistic–deterministic modelling approach. Natural
Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 21, 2523–2541,
Newton, I. H., Islam, G. T., Islam, A. S.,
Razzaque, S., & Bala, S. K. (2021). A conjugate
application of MODIS/Terra data and empirical method to
assess reference evapotranspiration for the southwest region
of Bangladesh. Environmental Earth Sciences, 80, 223 (2021).
Nowreen, S., Newton, I.H., Zaman, R.U., Islam, A.S., Islam,
G.M.T., Alam, S. (2021) Development of potential map for
groundwater abstraction in the Northwest region of
Bangladesh using RS-GIS based weighted overlay analysis and
water-table-fluctuation technique. Environmental Monitoring
and Assessment. 193(24),
Roy, B., Khan, M. S. M., Islam, A. S., Mohammed,
K., & Khan, M. J. U. (2021). Climate-induced flood
inundation for the Arial Khan River of Bangladesh using
open-source SWAT and HEC-RAS model for RCP8. 5-SSP5
scenario. SN Applied Sciences, 3(6), 1-13.
Imran, HM, Hossain, A, Islam, A.S. et al. (2021)
Impact of Land Cover Changes on Land Surface Temperature and
Human Thermal Comfort in Dhaka City of Bangladesh. Earth
Systems and Environment. 1-27
Roy, B., Islam, GMT, Islam, AS, Bhattacharya, B,
Khan, MJU (2021). Trend Analysis of pre-monsoon flash floods
to assess the impact on Boro Productivity for the Northeast
Haor region of Bangladesh. Water Productivity Journal.
Zaman, R.U., Nowreen, S., Billah, M., Islam, A.S.,
Khan, M.J.U. (2020) Flood Hazard Assessment of Sangu River
Basin in Bangladesh using Multi-Criteria Analysis of
Hydro-Geomorphological Factors. Journal of Flood Risk
Management, 14(3), e12715.
Roy, B., Islam, G.M.T., Islam, A.S., Bhattacharya,
B., Khan, M.J.U. (2021) Future Flood Risk Assessment of the
Arial Khan River under Climate Change: Transforming Risks
from Transboundary River Basins to Local Administrative
Level. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 12 (7):
Khan, M. J. U., Durand, F., Testut, L., Krien, Y., &
Islam, A.S. (2020) Sea level rise inducing tidal
modulation along the coasts of Bengal delta. Continental
Shelf Research, 104289.
Khan, M.J.U., Islam, A.S., Das, M.K., Mohammed,
K., Bala, S.K., Islam, G.M.T. (2020) Spatiotemporal Change
of Drought in Bangladesh under Extreme Climate Scenario.
Climatic Change. 1-19
Huq, S., Ali, M., Islam, A.S., Khan, M.J.U. (2020)
Changes of Flow and Sediment Load of the Poorly Gauged
Brahmaputra River Basin (BRB) under High End Climate
Scenarios. Journal of Water and Climate Change.
Sherin, V. R., Durand, F., Papa, F., Islam, A. S.,
Gopalakrishna, V. V., Khaki, M., & Suneel, V. (2020)
Recent salinity intrusion in the Bengal delta: Observations
and possible causes. Continental Shelf Research, 104142.,
Khan, M.J.U., Islam, A.S., Bala, S.K., Islam,
G.M.T (2020) Changes of climate extremes over Bangladesh at
1.5°C, 2°C and 4°C of global warming. Theoretical and
Applied Climatology,
Daisy, S.S., Islam, A.S., Akanda, A.S., Faruque,
A.S.G., Amin, N., Jensen, P.M. (2020) Developing a
forecasting model for cholera incidence in Dhaka megacity
through time series climate data, Journal of Water and
Charls, A., Unnikrishnan, A.S., Yann, K., Murty, P.L.N.,
Samiksha, S.V., Islam, A.S. (2020) Tide-surge
interaction at the head of the Bay of Bengal during Cyclone
Aila. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 35.
Becker, M., Papa, F., Karpytchev, M., Delebecque, C.,
Krien, Y., Khan, J.U., Ballu, V., Durand, F., Le Cozannet,
G., Islam, A.S. and Calmant, S (2020). Water level
changes, subsidence, and sea level rise in the
Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna delta. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences (PNAS). 117 (4) 1867-1876.
Raihan, F., Beaumont, L., Mania, J. , Islam, A.S.,
Harrison, S.P. (2020) Simulating Streamflow in the Upper
Halda Basin of Southeastern Bangladesh Using SWAT Model.
Hydrological Sciences Journal, 65(1), 138-151.
Khan, M.J.U., Ansary, M.D., Durand, F., Testut, L.,
Ishaque, M., Calmant, S., Krien, Y., Islam, A.K.M.S.
and Papa, F. (2019). High-Resolution Intertidal Topography
from Sentinel-2 Multi-Spectral Imagery: Synergy between
Remote Sensing and Numerical Modeling. Remote Sensing,
11(24), 2888.
Das, M. K., Islam, A. S., Karmakar, S., Khan, M.
J. U., Mohammed, K., Islam, G. T., ... & Hopson, T. M.
(2019). Synoptic flow patterns and large-scale
characteristics of flash flood-producing rainstorms over
northeast Bangladesh. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics,
132, 613–629 (2020).
Basher, A., Islam, A. S., Stiller‐Reeve, M. A.,
& Chu, P. S. (2019) Changes in future rainfall extremes
over Northeast Bangladesh: A Bayesian model averaging
approach. International Journal of Climatology,
Rahman, S., Islam, A.S., Tazkia, A.R., Shaha,
P.K., Krien, Y., Durand, F., Testut L., Islam, G.M.T., Bala
S.K. (2019) Projected changes of inundation of cyclonic
storms in the Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna delta of Bangladesh
due to SLR by 2100. Journal of Earth System Science, 128,
145 (2019).
Uhe, P., Mitchell, D., Bates, P., Sampson, C., Smith, A.,
Islam, A.S. (2019) Enhanced flood risk with 1.5C
global warming in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna basin.
Environmental Research Letter, 14(7).
Philip, S., Sparrow, S., Kew, S., Van Der Weil, K.,
Wanders, N., Singh, R., Hassan, A., Mohammed, K., Javid, H.,
Haustein, K., Otto, F., Hirpa, F., Rimi, R.H., Islam, A.S.,
Wallom, D.C.H. and Oldenborgh, G.J. (2019). Attributing the
2017 Bangladesh floods from meteorological and hydrological
perspectives. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23,
Roy, B, Islam, A.S., Islam, G.M.T., Bhattacharya,
B., Ali, M.H., Khan, A.S., Hossain, M.S., Sarker, J.C. and
Khan, M..U. (2019) Determining Flash Flood Danger Level at
Gauge Stations of the North East Haor Regions of Bangladesh.
Journal of Hydrological Engineering, 24(4), 05019004.
Khan, M.J.U., Islam, A.S., Das, M.K., Mohammed,
K., Bala, S.K., Islam, G.M.T. (2019) Observed Trends in
Climate Extremes over Bangladesh from 1981 to 2010. Climate
Research, 77(1), 45-61.
Uddin, MN, Islam, A.S., Bala, SK, Islam, GMT,
Adhikary, S, Shaha, D, Haque, S, Fahad, GR, Akhter, R (2019)
Mapping of Climate Vulnerability of the Coastal Regions of
Bangladesh using Principal Component Analysis. Applied
Geography, 102, 47-57.
Krien, Y., Arnaud, G., Cécé, R., Ruf, C., Belmadani, A.,
Khan, J., Bernard, D., Islam, A.S., Durand, F.,
Testut, L., Palany, P., Zahibo, N.(2018) Can We Improve
Parametric Cyclonic Wind Fields Using Recent Satellite
Remote Sensing Data? Remote Sensing, 10, 1963.
Newton, I. H., Islam, A. M. T., Islam, A. S.,
Islam, G. T., Tahsin, A., & Razzaque, S. (2018). Yield
Prediction Model for Potato Using Landsat Time Series Images
Driven Vegetation Indices. Remote Sensing in Earth Systems
Sciences, 1, 29–38 (2018).
Mohammed, K, Islam A.S., Islam, G.M.T., Alferi,
L., Bala S.K., Khan, M.J.U. (2018) Future floods in
Bangladesh under 1.5°C, 2°C and 4°C global warming
scenarios. Journal of Hydrological Engineering, 23(12),
Matthias, B., Fabien, D., Yann, K., Khan, M.J.U., Marufa,
I., Laurent, T., Stéphane, C., Philippe, M., Islam,
A.S., Papa, Fabrice, Sylvain (2018) Topography of the
intertidal zone along the shoreline of Chittagong
(Bangladesh) using PROBA-V imagery. International Journal of
Remote Sensing, 1-21.
Hasan, MA and Islam, A.S. (2018) Evaluation of
Microphysics and Cumulus Schemes of WRF for Forecasting of
Heavy Monsoon Rainfall over the Southeastern Hilly Region of
Bangladesh. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 175, 4537–4566
Ali, M.H., Bhattacharya, B., Islam, A.S., Islam,
G.M.T., Hossain, M.S., Khan, A.S. (2018) Challenges for
flood risk management in flood prone Sirajganj region of
Bangladesh. Journal of Flood Risk Management, e12450.
Lorenzo A., Sagy, C., John, G., Guy, J-P.S., Mark, A.T.,
Ervin, Z., Christel, P., Andrew, K., Erin, C. de P., Zachary
F., Roberto, R., Huan, W., Robert, F.A., Robert, G.B. ,
Albert, K., Albrecht, W., Patrick, M., Islam, A.S.,
Tom, de G., Peter, S. (2018). A global network for
operational flood risk reduction. Environmental Science
& Policy, 84, 149-158.
Fahad, M.G., Islam, A.S., Nazari, R., Hasan, M.A.,
Islam, G.M.T., Bala, S.K. (2018) Regional changes of
precipitation and temperature over Bangladesh using bias
corrected multi-model ensemble projections considering high
emission pathways. International Journal of Climatology,
38(4), 1634-1648.
Mohammed, K, Islam A.S., Islam, G.M.T., Alferi,
L., Bala S.K., Khan, M.J.U. (2017) Impact of High-End
Climate Change on Floods and Low Flows of the Brahmaputra
River. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 22 (10),
Mohammed, K, Islam A.S., Islam, G.M.T., Bala
S.K., Alferi, L., Khan, M.J.U., Das, M.K (2017) Extreme
flows and water availability of the Brahmaputra River under
1.5°C and 2°C global warming scenarios. Climatic Change, pp
Islam A.S., Paul, S., Mohammed, K., Billah, M.,
Fahad, M.G.R., Hasan, M.A., Islam, G.M.T., Bala, S.K. (2017)
Hydrological response to climate change of the Brahmaputra
basin using CMIP5 General Circulation Model ensemble.
Journal of Water and Climate.
Basher, Md, Stiller-Reeve, M., Islam A.S. and
Scott, B. (2017) Assessing extreme rainfall trends over the
northeast regions of Bangladesh. Theoretical and Applied
Climatology, 1-12,
Hasan, M.A., Islam, A.S., Akanda A.S. (2017)
Climate projections and extremes in dynamically downscaled
CMIP5 model outputs over the Bengal Delta: A quartile based
bias-correction approach with new gridded data. Climate
Dey, N. C., Saha, R., Parvez, M., Bala, S. K., Islam,
A.S., Paul, J. K., Hossain, M. (2017). Sustainability
of Groundwater Use for Irrigation of Dry-Season Crops in
Northwest Bangladesh. Groundwater for Sustainable
Development, 4, pp.66–77,
Krien Y., Testut L., Islam A.S., Bertin X.,
Durand F., Mayet C., Tazkia A.R., Becker M., Calmant S.,
Papa F., Ballu V., Shum C.K., Khan Z.H. (2017) Towards
improved storm surge models in the northern Bay of Bengal.
Continental Shelf Research, 135, pp.58-73.
Tazkia A. R., Krien Y., Durand F., Islam A.S., Testut
L., Papa F. and Bertin X. (2017) Seasonal modulation of M2
tide in the northern Bay of Bengal. Continental Shelf
Research, 137:154-162,
Bricheno, L.M., Wolf, J., Islam, A.S. (2016) Tidal
intrusion within a mega delta: An unstructured grid
modelling approach. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,
Krien, Y., Mayet, C., Testut, L., Durand, F., Tazkia,
A.R., Islam, A.S., Gopalakrishna, V., Becker, M.,
Calmant, S., Shum, C.K., Khan, Z.H, Papa, F., Ballu, V.
(2016) Improved bathymetric dataset and tidal model for the
northern Bay of Bengal. Marine Geodesy. 39(6), pp. 422-438,
Fariborz, N.A., Jutla, A.S., Rahimikollu, J., Akanda,
A.S., Unnikrishnan, A., Islam, A.S., Huq, A., and
Colwell, R.R. (2015). A framework for downscaling river
discharge for assessing impacts of climate change on endemic
cholera. Climate Research, 64(3), pp. 527-574,
Kay,S., Caesar,J., Wolf,J., Bricheno,L., Nicholls,R.J., Islam,
A.S., Haque, A., Pardaens, A. and Lowe, J.A. (2015)
Modelling the increased frequency of extreme sea levels in
the Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna delta due to sea level rise
and other effects of climate change. Environmental Science:
Processes and Impacts, 2015 (17) 1311-1322 ,
Islam, G.M.T., Islam, A.S., Shopan, A.A.,
Rahman,M.M., Lázár,A.N., and Mukhopadhyay, A. (2015)
Implications of Agricultural Land Use Change to Ecosystem
Services in the Ganges Delta. Journal of Environmental
Management, 161(15), 443–452.
Nowreen, S., Murshed, S.B., Islam, A.S.,
Bhaskaran, B. and Hasan, M.A. (2015), Changes of Rainfall
Extremes around the Haor Basin Areas of Bangladesh using
Multi-member Ensemble RCM. Theoretical and Applied
Climatology, 119(1-2), pp 363-377.
Nowreen, S., Murshed, S., Islam, A.S., Hasan, M.A.
Sarker, T.K. (2013) An Indicator of Climate Change in the
South West Region of Bangladesh. International Journal of
Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, 4(3), pp.47-60.
Hussain, M.A., Islam, A.S., Hosain. M.A. and
Hoque. M.T. (2012) Assessment of Salinity Distributions and
Residual Currents at the Northern Bay of Bengal considering
Climate Change Impacts. International Journal of Ocean and
Climate Systems, 3(3), pp.173-186.
Islam, A.S., Bala, S.K. Hussain, M. A., Hossain,
M.A. and Rahman, M. (2011), Field investigation on the
performances of the coastal structures during Cyclone SIDR.
Natural Hazards Review, 12, pp. 111-116.031
Islam, A.S., Bala, S.K. and Haque, A. (2010) Flood
Inundation map of Bangladesh using MODIS time series images.
Journal of Flood Risk Management. 3(3), pp. 210-222.
Islam, A.S. (2010) Improving flood forecasting of
Bangladesh using Artificial Neural Network, International
Journal of Hydro Informatics, IAHR-IWA-IAHS, Vol. 12, Issue
3, pp. 351-364.
Islam, A.S., Bala, S.K. and Haque, A. (2010)
Hydrologic Characteristics of Floods in
Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) Delta, Natural Hazards,
Springer, Volume 54, Number 3, pp.797-811.
Bala, S.K. and Islam, A.S. (2009) Correlation
between potato yield and MODIS derived vegetation Indices.
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30(10), pp.
Islam, A.S. and Bala, S.K. (2008), Assessment of
potato phenological characteristics using MODIS derived NDVI
and LAI Information. GIScience & Remote Sensing.
Islam, A.S. and Piasecki, M. (2008) Ontology Based
Web Simulation System for Hydrodynamic Modeling. Simulation
Modelling practice and theory, 16 (7), pages 754-767.
Islam, A.S. and Piasecki, M. (2006) A Generic
Metadata Description for Hydrodynamic Model Data. Journal of
Hydroinformatics, 8, page 141-148.
Islam, M.N., Islam, A.S., and Uyeda H.(2003)
Application of GMS-5 Data in Estimation of Rainfall
Distribution, MAUSAM, 54(2): 521-528.
Publications in the Proceedings/Abstracts of International
Islam, A.S. , Tasnim, Z., Sarkar, I.,
Saiduzzaman, M., Rahaman, K.M.A., Sakib, M.S. and Hussain,
M.A. (2024) Enhancing Climate Resilience for Future Changes
in High and Low Flow Extremes in Bangladesh. In American
Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2024, Washington D.C.,
USA, December 9-13, 2024 (Abstract ID# H34F-06 accepted).
Mou, F.I. and Islam, A.S. (2024) Zonal
Categorization of Drought-Prone Northwest Bangladesh Based
on Heat and Humidity Impact on the Human Body and Assessing
Its Correlation with Heatwaves. In American Geophysical
Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2024, Washington D.C., USA,
December 9-13, 2024 (Abstract ID# GC21F-07 accepted).
Mou, F.I., Khadem, S., Islam, A.S. , Nowreen,
S., Zinia, N.J. and Kristofer, J. (2024) Assessing the
Impact of Forest Coverage on Surface Hydrology in
Bangladesh: A Case Study of the Chattogram Hill Tracts. In
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2024,
Washington D.C., USA, December 9-13, 2024 (Abstract ID#
H33U-02 accepted).
Akanda, A.S., Nusrat, F., Parent, J., Palash,W., Islam,
A.S., Islam, M.T., Khan, A.I and Qadri, F. (2024)
Satellites, Machine Learning, and Smartphones (SMS) -based
Platform for Nationwide Cholera Surveillance and Early
Warning in High-Burden Countries. In American Geophysical
Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2024, Washington D.C., USA
(Abstract ID# GH42A-07 accepted).
Tellman, B., Giezendanner, J., Saunders, A.,
Islam, A. S., Chakrabarti, S., ... and Popien, P.
(2023). Improving Digital Representations of Inundation with
Deep Learning: from satellite data fusion in Bangladesh to
the National Water Model-Satellite Fusion in CONUS. In
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2023, San
Francisco, USA, December 11-15, 2023 (Abstract).
Islam, A., Islam, A. S., Zhang, Z., and Tellman,
B. (2023). Assessment of Vegetation Damage in the Sundarbans
and Storm Surge Inundation in the Southwest and Central
Coastal Region of Bangladesh for Cyclone Fani, Bulbul, and
Amphan Using Satellite Images. In American Geophysical Union
(AGU) Fall Meeting 2023, San Francisco, USA, December 11-15,
2023 (Abstract Vol. 2023, No. 4, pp. H31DD-04).
Rahman, M. H., Islam, A.S. , and Shampa, S.
(2023). A Case Study of the Temporal Evaluation of the Urban
Heat Island (UHI) Effect: Impacts on Water Availability and
Air Quality of Dhaka City. In American Geophysical Union
(AGU) Fall Meeting 2023, USA, December 11-15, 2023 (Abstract
ID # 1395963)
Roy, S.K., Mahtab, S.B. and Islam, A.S. (2023)
Precipitation Patterns and Climate Unveiled: Exploring Trend
and Septotemporal Variability in Northwestern Hydrologic
Region in Bangladesh. In Proceedings of the 9th
International Conference on Water and Flood Management
(ICWFM 2023), pp. 129-130, Dhaka, Bangladesh, October 14–16,
Das, M.K., Karmakar, S., Islam, A.S. , and
Sowrav, S.F.F. (2023) Trigger Based Cyclone Forecasting and
Impact Analysis for Early Action in Bangladesh. In
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Water and
Flood Management (ICWFM 2023), pp. 71-72, Dhaka, Bangladesh,
October 14–16, 2023.
Giezendanner, J., Mukherjee, R., Purri, M., Thomas, M.,
Mauerman, M., Islam, A.S. , and Tellman, B. (2023)
Inferring the past: a combined CNN-LSTM deep learning
framework to fuse satellites for historical inundation
mapping. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (pp. 2154-2164).
Chowdhury, M.E. and Islam, A.S. (2023).
Deterministic Flash Flood Forecast Using Regression Analysis
for the Northeast Region of Bangladesh. In International
Perspectives on Water Resources and the Environment
Conference (IPWE-2023), Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 4-6,
Pieu, N.M., Islam, A.S. , Das, M.K., and
Abdullah, F (2022) Assessing Tropical Cyclone Tracks in the
Bay of Bengal. In Proceedings of the OCEANS 2022 Conference,
Chennai, India, October 17-22, 2022.
Khan, M.J.U., Durand, F., Testut, L., Krien,L., Islam,
A.S. (2021) Modulation of coastal tide with Sea Level
Rise: Implications for the future coastal flooding in the
Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta. In Proceedings of the 8th
International Conference on Water and Flood Management
(ICWFM 2021), Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 29–31, 2021.
Khan, M.J.U., Duran, F., Bertin, X., Testut, L., Krien,
Y., Islam, A.S. , Pezerat,M., Hossain, S. (2021)
Efficient Forecasting of Storm surge Inundation over the
Bengal delta: Case study of Super Cyclone Amphan. In
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Water and
Flood Management (ICWFM 2021), Dhaka, Bangladesh, March
29–31, 2021.
Billah, M., Islam, A.S. , Mamoo, W.B., Kaiser,
S., Roy,B., Islam, G.M.T., Bala, S.K. (2021) Monsoon Flood
Delineation in the north western part of Bangladesh Using
Space Borne Imaging Radar Data. In Proceedings of the 8th
International Conference on Water and Flood Management
(ICWFM 2021), Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 29–31, 2021.
Das, M.K., Islam, A.S. , Abdullah, F., Khan,
M.J.U., Pieu, N.M., Sarker, G.C., Hopson, M.T., Islam,M.,
Bhuyan, A., Bhuiyan, M.S.R. (2021) Performance Evaluation of
WRF Model for Forecasting Flash Flood Event in the Northeast
Haor Areas of Bangladesh. In Proceedings of the 8th
International Conference on Water and Flood Management
(ICWFM 2021), Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 29–31, 2021.
Haque, A., Islam, A.S. , Pieu, N.M., Das, M.K.,
Shadia, N., Chowdhury, M.E., Bala, S.K., Islam, G.M.T.,
Bhuiyan,M.S.R., Bhuyan, A. (2021) Flash Flood Forecasting of
the Northeast Haor Areas of Bangladesh by Open Source Based
1-D Hydrodynamic Model. In Proceedings of the 8th
International Conference on Water and Flood Management
(ICWFM 2021), Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 29–31, 2021.
Islam, A. and Islam, A.S. (2021) Assessment of
Vegetation Damage of the Sundarbans and Inundation in the
Southwest Coastal Region of Bangladesh for Three Recent
Cyclones Using Satellite Images. In Proceedings of the 8th
International Conference on Water and Flood Management
(ICWFM 2021), Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 29–31, 2021.
Islam, A.S. , Md. Jamal Uddin Khan, Mohan Kumar
Das, Mirza Shawkat Ali, Dilruba Akter (2021) Trend in Sea
Level Rise in Bangladesh using Satellite Altimetry Data. In
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Water and
Flood Management (ICWFM 2021), Dhaka, Bangladesh, March
29–31, 2021.
Islam, A.F.M.T., Islam, A.S. , Islam, G.M.T.,
Bala, S.K., Salehin, M., Choudhury, A.K., Dey, N.C..,
Hossain, A. (2021) Assessment of water productivity of wheat
under changing climate in northwest Bangladesh. In
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Water and
Flood Management (ICWFM 2021), Dhaka, Bangladesh, March
29–31, 2021.
Md. Enayet Chowdhury, Islam, A.S. , Matthijs
Lemans, Mark Hegnauer, Ashfaqur Rahaman Sajib, Nahruma
Mehzabeen Pieu, Mohan Kumar Das, Nur Sha Ddia, Akramul Haque
(2021) Integrated flash flood forecasting and early warning
system for the northeast haor region using Delft-FEWS
platform. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference
on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM 2021), Dhaka,
Bangladesh, March 29–31, 2021.
Chowdhury, M.E., Islam, A.S. , Pieu, N.M., Das,
M.K., Shadia, N., Haque, A., Bala, S.K. (2021) Correcting
Errors in Flash Flood Forecasts using Nonlinear
Autoregressive Exogenous (NARX) Machine Learning Tool. In
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Water and
Flood Management (ICWFM 2021), Dhaka, Bangladesh, March
29–31, 2021.
Faruque Abdullah, Islam, A.S. , Nahruma
Mehzabeen Pieu, Mohan Kumar Das, Md Mamunur Rashid, Claire
Souch, Mohammad R Zolfaghari, et al. (2021) Storm-surge
induced risk assessment by developing depth-damage curve and
vulnerability mapping for coastal Bangladesh. In Proceedings
of the 8th International Conference on Water and Flood
Management (ICWFM 2021), Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 29–31,
Faruque Abdullah, Islam, A.S. , Sujit Kumar
Bala, GM Tarekul Islam, et al.(2021) Urban Drainage Study
for Gopalganj Pourashava considering future climate change
impact. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference
on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM 2021), Dhaka,
Bangladesh, March 29–31, 2021.
Mohan Kumar Das, Islam, A.S. , Faruque Abdullah,
Nahruma Mehzabeen Pieu, Md. Jamal Uddin Khan, Md Mamunur
Rashid, Claire Souch, Mohammad R Zolfaghari, Sridhara Nayak,
Hamish Steptoe (2021) Sensitivity study to WRF-ARW
microphysics schemes for simulation Tropical Cyclone over
BoB ocean region. In Proceedings of the 8th International
Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM 2021),
Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 29–31, 2021.
Pieu, N.M., Islam, A.S. , Abdullah, F., Das,
M.K., Steptoe, H., Souch, C., Rashid, M.M. (2021) GEneration
of Storm Surges for Historical Tropical Cyclones in he Bay
of Bengal forced by Very Fine Resolution Atmospheric data.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Water
and Flood Management (ICWFM 2021), Dhaka, Bangladesh, March
29–31, 2021.
Nur Shadia, Pieu, N.M., Islam, A.S. , Das, M.K.,
Haque, A., Chowdhury, M.E., Bala, S.K., Islam, G.M.T,
Bhuiyan, M.S.R., Bhuyan, A. (2021) Hydrological Modeling of
the Transboundary Upper Meghna Basin for Flash Flood
Foreccasting. In Proceedings of the 8th International
Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM 2021),
Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 29–31, 2021.
Prithvi Dutta, Islam, A.S. , Binata Roy, Imran
Hossain Newton (2021) A Study on the Probabilistic future
floods in the Teesta River Basin of Bangladesh. In
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Water and
Flood Management (ICWFM 2021), Dhaka, Bangladesh, March
29–31, 2021.
Sania B Mahtab, Islam, A.S. , (2021) A
Systematic Approach on Selection of Best Probability Models
for Annual Extreme Rainfall Series in Major Major Divisional
Cities of Bangladesh. In Proceedings of the 8th
International Conference on Water and Flood Management
(ICWFM 2021), Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 29–31, 2021.
Kaiser, S., Roy, B., Abdullah, F., Islam, A.S. ,
Mamoon, W.B., Billah, M., Islam, G.M.T., Bala, S.K. (2021)
Flood Inundation Mapping of the Brahmaputra River Basin
using CMIP6 Climate Projections. In Proceedings of the 8th
International Conference on Water and Flood Management
(ICWFM 2021), Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 29–31, 2021.
Rahaman, M.S. and Islam, A.S. , (2021) An
Assessment of the Changes of Spaial and Temporal
Distribution of Landuse Land cover over the Teesta Basin
Area. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on
Water and Flood Management (ICWFM 2021), Dhaka, Bangladesh,
March 29–31, 2021.
Mamoon, W.B., Islam, A.S. , Kaiser, S., Roy, B.,
Billah, M., Islam, G.M., Bala, S.K., Pieu, N.M., Abdullah,
F., and Haque, A. (2021) Hydrodynamic Modeling to Study the
Changes in Flood Frequency in the North Central Bangladesh
under climate change. In Proceedings of the 8th
International Conference on Water and Flood Management
(ICWFM 2021), Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 29–31, 2021.
Uhe, P., Mitchell, D., Bates, P., Sampson, C., Smith, A.,
Islam, A.S. et al. (2019) Enhanced flood risk with
1.5∘C global warming in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna basin.
In European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2019,
Vienna, Austria, April 7–12, 2019. (Abstract ID #
Becker, M.,...,Islam,A.S. et al. (2019)
Bangladesh’s coastal vulnerability due to relative sea level
rise and storm-surge inundation. In European Geosciences
Union (EGU) General Assembly 2019, April 7–12, 2019, Vienna,
Austria (Abstract ID # EGU2019-17600).
Pieu, N.M., Haque, S., Islam, A.S. , Das, P.,
Islam, M., Khan, M.J.U. (2019). Development of Hydrological
Model for Flash Flood Forecasting of Northeast Region of
Bangladesh. In Proceedings of the 7th International
Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM 2019), pp.
35-36, Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 02-04, 2019.
Pieu, N.M., Khan, M.J.U., Islam, A.S. , Lopa,
M., Nowreen, S., Akter, T. (2019). Hydrodynamic Modeling for
Flash Flood Forecasting in the North Eastern Bangladesh
Using HEC-RAS. In Proceedings of the 7th International
Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM 2019), pp.
39-40, Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 02-04, 2019.
Abdullah, F., Tasnia, A., Islam, A.S. , Islam,
G.M.T., Bala, S.K., Pieu, N.M. (2019). Climate Resilient
Urban Drainage for Gopalganj Pourashava. In Proceedings of
the 7th International Conference on Water and Flood
Management (ICWFM 2019), pp. 213-214, Dhaka, Bangladesh,
March 02-04, 2019.
Das M.K., Islam A.S., Karmakar, S., Khan, M.J.U., Mohammed
K., Islam G.M.T. and Bala S.K. (2019) Investigation of flash
flood producing rainstorm in NE Bangladesh using WRF model.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Water
and Flood Management (ICWFM 2019), pp. 27-28, Dhaka,
Bangladesh, March 02-04, 2019.
Newton, I.H., Uzaman, R.Z., Nowreen, S., Islam, A.S.
, Islam, G.M.T., Razzaque, S. (2019) Deciphering of
groundwater recharge potential zones in Dhaka city,
Bangladesh by RS and GIS techniques. In Proceedings of the
7th International Conference on Water and Flood Management
(ICWFM 2019), pp. 47-48, Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 02-04,
Roy, B., Islam, G.M.T., Islam, A.S. ,
Bhattacharya, B., Khan, J.M.U. (2019) Trend Analysis of
Pre-monsoon Flash Flood of the North East Haor Region of
Bangladesh. In Proceedings of the 7th International
Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM 2019), pp.
53-54, Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 02-04, 2019.
Khan, M.J.U., Krien, Y., Durand, F., Islam, A.S. ,
Testut, L. (2019) Probabilistic storm-surge induced
inundation hazard mapping for the coast of Bangladesh. In
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Water and
Flood Management (ICWFM 2019), pp. 79-80, Dhaka, Bangladesh,
March 02-04, 2019.
Alfieri,L., Cohen, S., Galantowicz,J., Schumann, G.,
Trigg, M., Zsoter,E., Prudhomme, C., Kruczkiewicz, A., de
Perez, A.C., Flamig,Z., Rudari,R., Wu, H., Adler, R.,
Brakenridge, R., Kettner, A., Weerts, A., Matgen, P., Islam,
A.S., de Groeve, T. and Salamon, P. (2018) Improving
operational flood risk reduction with the Global Flood
Partnership. In European Geosciences Union (EGU) General
Assembly 2018, April 8–13, 2018, Vienna, Austria (Abstract
ID # EGU2018-4953).
Hopsan, T., Priya, S., Riddle, E., Broman, D., Boehnert,
J., Sampson, K., Brakenridge, R., Birkett, C., Albert
Kettner, A., Cheng, W., Rajagopalan, B., Young, W., Collins,
D., Dorita Rostkier-Edelstein, D., Islam, A.S. ,
Pappenberger,F., Zsoter, E., Emerton, R., Singh, D.,
Webster, P. (2018) Transforming Atmospheric and
Remotely-Sensed Information to Hydrologic Predictability in
South Asia. In American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual
Meeting, USA, January 7–11, 2018.
Islam, A.S. , Rashid, M.M., Allen, M., Mitchell,
D., Mohammed, K., and Khan, M.J.U. (2017) Attribution of the
response of the stream flows of the Brahmaputra river basin
of a 1.5°C warmer world. In European Geosciences Union (EGU)
General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 23-28, 2017.
(Abstract ID # 13986)
Lucy, B., Judith, W., Islam, A.S. (2017) An
unstructured grid model of tidal intrusion in a mega delta.
In European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly,
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Liton, S.D., Bala, S.K., Islam, A.S. , Islam,
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Ahmed, T., Hossain, B.M.T.A. , Aktar, M.N., Khan, M.F.A.,
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(2011) Assessment of Climate Change Impact on the Meghna
River Basin using GeoMorphology Based Hydrological Model
(CBHM). In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference
on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM 2011), Vol.-2,
pp.833-840, Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 8-10, 2009.
Mukherjee, N., Choudhury, G.A., Khan, M.F.A. and Islam,
A.S. (2011) Implication of Changing Consumption
pattern on Food Security and Water Resources in Bangladesh.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Water
and Flood Management (ICWFM 2011), Vol.-2, pp. 731-738,
Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 8-10, 2009.
Rajib, M.A., Warda, F., Rahman, M.M., Islam, A.S.
and McBean, E.A. (2011) Future State of Water Availability
in the River Jamuna in Bangladesh as a Result of Climate
Change. In Proceedings of the 4th International Perspective
on Water Resources and the Environment (IPWE 2011), NSU,
Singapore, January 4-6, 2011.
Islam, A.S. , Bala, S.K. and Haque, A (2009)
Flood Inundation map of Bangladesh using MODIS surface
reflectance data. In Proceedings of the 2nd International
Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM-2009),
Vol-2, pp. 739-748, Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 15-17, 2009.
Bala, S.K., Islam, A.S. and et al., (2009)
Performance of flood control works around Dhaka City during
major floods in Bangladesh. In Proceedings of the 2nd
International Conference on Water and Flood Management
(ICWFM-2009), vol-2, pp.729-738, Dhaka, Bangladesh, March
15-17, 2009.
Islam, A.S. (2009) Analyzing changes of
temperature over Bangladesh due to global warming using
historic data. In Proceedings of the Young Scientists of
Asia Conclave: Pressing Problems of Humankind: Energy and
Climate, Bangalore, India, January 15-17, 2009.
Islam, A.S. (2009) Prediction of climate change
over Bangladesh using regional climate model. In American
Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2009, San Francisco,
USA, December 14-18, 2009.
Bala, S.K. and Islam, A.S. (2007) Estimation of
Potato Yield in and around Munshigonj Using Remote Sensing
and GIS Techniques. In Pre-conference volume of the
International Conference on Water and Flood Management
(ICWFM-2007), vol-1, pp. 421-430, Dhaka, Bangladesh, March
12-14, 2007.
Islam, A.S. (2007) Application of GIS to
Identify Spatial and Temporal Extent of Critical Condition
for Rural Drinking Water Supply During Dry Season. In
Pre-conference volume of the International Conference on
Water and Flood Management (ICWFM-2007), vol-1, pp413-420,
Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 12-14, 2007.
Hossain, M. M., Islam, A.S. , Islam, M.R., and
Shah, S. (2004) Rainfall forecasting using remote sensing
data in Bangladesh. In Southern Forestry and Natural
Resources Management GIS Conference (SOFORGIS 2004), Athens,
Georgia, December 16-17, 2004.
Piasecki, M., Bermudez L., Islam, A.S. , and
Beran, B. (2004) Developing the CUAHSI Metadata Profile. In
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2004, San
Francisco, USA, December 13-17, 2004.
Islam, A.S. and Piasecki, M. (2004) A Strategy
for Web-Based Modeling of Hydrodynamic Processes. In 17th
Engineering Mechanics Conference of American Society of
Civil Engineers (ASCE) at University of Delaware, Newark,
USA, June 13-16, 2004.
Burmudaz, L., Islam, A.S. and Sellerhoff, F.
(2003) Web-based Information System: IM2. In 8th
International Conference for Estuarine and Coastal Modeling,
Monterey, USA, November 3-5, 2003.
Islam, A.S. and Piasecki, M. (2003) A future
Outlook: Web-based Simulation of Hydrodynamic models. In
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2023, San
Francisco, USA, December 8-12, 2003.
Piasecki, M., Bermudez L., Islam, A.S. (2003)
IM2: A web-based data dissemination platform for real-time
observations and forecasts in coastal waters. In FAME
Symposium, Minneapolis, USA, August 10-13, 2003 .
Islam, A.S. and Piasecki, M. (2002) Web-based
Real-time Simulation. In American Water Resources
Association (AWRA) Conference 2002, Philadelphia, USA,
November 4-6, 2002.
Hoque, M. M. and Islam, A.S. (2002) Conjunctive
Use of Surface Water and Groundwater in Buri Teesta
Irrigation Project. In Proceedings of the South Asia Water
Forum 2, Islamabad, Pakistan, December 14-16, 2002.
Islam, M. N. and Islam, A.S. (2001) Adaptation
of CST method in estimating rainfall in Bangladesh. In
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on
Mechanical Engineering (ICME 2001), vol. 4, 21-26.
Islam, M. N., Islam, A.S. , Hayashi, T., Terao,
T., Matsumoto, J. and Uyeda, H. (2001) On the study of
surface rain over Bangladesh using satellite data. In
Reprints in the Abstract of the 8th Scientific Assembly of
IAMAS, p64, Innsbruck, Austria, July 10-18, 2001.
Huq, S., Khan, M., Islam, A. S., and Mirza, A. B. (2024).
change impacts in Bangladesh: What climate change means
for a country and its people. (Report).
Islam, A. S., Khan, A. S., Islam, G. T., Bhattacharya, B.,
Ali, M. H., and Hossain, M. S. (2023). Tidal
River Management in the Southwest Region of Bangladesh
Using Mathematical Modelling. In Transcending Humanitarian
Engineering Strategies for Sustainable Futures (pp.
20-38). IGI Global. (Book Chapter)
Islam, G. T., Kremmyda, G., Georgoulas, A., Koumpouros,
Y., Islam, S. L. U., Islam, A. S., ... and Shoeb, M. (2023).
the Quality Assurance in Engineering Education in
Bangladesh. In Transcending Humanitarian Engineering
Strategies for Sustainable Futures (pp. 263-275). IGI
Global. (Book Chapter)
DoE (2023), “Estimation
of Sea Level Rise (SLR) in Bangladesh using Satellite
Altimetry Data”, Climate Change and International
Convention (CC and IC) Wing, Department of Environment,
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change,
Bangladesh, Dhaka. (Report).
Bala, S. K., Islam, A. S., Islam, G. T., and Hosen, M.
(2022). Adaptation
Efforts and Policy Guidelines for Bangladesh at Global
Warming of 1.5° C, 2° C, and 4° C: Adaptation Efforts and
Policy Guidelines for Bangladesh at Specific Warming
Levels. In Modern Challenges and Approaches to
Humanitarian Engineering (pp. 17-40). IGI Global. (Book
Abdullah, F., Islam, A.S., Tasnia, A., Islam, G. M., Bala,
S. K., and Pieu, N. M. (2022). Urban
Drainage Study for Gopalganj Pourashava Considering Future
Climate Change Impacts. In Water Management: A View from
Multidisciplinary Perspectives (pp. 23-43). Springer,
Cham. (Book Chapter)
Arias, P., Bellouin, N., Coppola, E., Jones, R., Krinner,
G., Marotzke, J., ... and Zickfeld, K. (2021). Climate
Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of
Working Group14 I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Technical
Summary. (Report).
Amarnath, G., Islam, A.S. and Shrestha, M. (2016)
Managing variability - Floods and Droughts, Ganges Basin.
The Ganges River Basin: Status and Challenges in Water,
Environment and Livelihoods (Earthscan Series on Major
River Basins of the World) Hardcover – October 4, 2016.
(Book Chapter)
Sarkar, M.H., Khan, M.F.A., Islam, A.S., et al. (2016) Assessment
of Sea Level Rise on Bangladesh Coast through Trend
Analysis , Department of Environment, Ministry of
Environment and Forests., Dhaka, ISBN: 978-984-34-0888-4.
(Book Chapter)
Boktia, S.M., Ahmed, S., Islam, A.S., Hasan, M.A. (2015) Retrospective
Analysis of Agro-meteorological Information in Bangladesh,
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC), Dhaka,
ISBN: 978-984-500-026-0.
Islam, A.S. and Piasecki, M. (2011)
Ontology for Geographic Information Metadata using OWL,
Internet Policies and Issues, Volume 8, Nova Science
Publishers, Inc., NY. ISBN: 978-1-61122-840-3. (Book
Islam, A.S. (2011) Assessing
Land Surface Temperature (LST) over Bangladesh using MODIS
satellite images an indicator of climate
change,Geoinformatics for Climate Change Studies, TERI
Press , Delhi. ISBN: 9788179934098. (Book Chapter)
Islam, A.S. and Chowdhury, J.U (2002)
Hydrologic Characteristics of 1998 Flood in Major Rivers,
Engineering concerns of Flood, edited by Ali, M.A., Seraj,
S.M. and Ahmed, S., Bangladesh University of Engineering
and Technology (BUET), Dhaka. (Book Chapter).
Islam, A.S. ((2004),
of a Web-Based Modeling System Using Metadata Concepts
and Databases, Dissertation submitted to the
Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental
Engineering of the Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
19104, USA in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
Islam, A.S. (2000)
Rainfall Estimation over Bangladesh Using Satellite
(GMS-5) Data. Thesis submitted to the Department of
Water Resources Engineering of the Bangladesh
University of Engineering and Technology in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering.
Islam, A.S. (1996)
Groundwater Availability, Utilization and Environmental
Effect. Thesis submitted to the Department of Civil
Engineering of the Bangladesh University of Engineering
and Technology in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in
Civil Engineering.
Keynote Presentation on ''Enhancing Climate Resilience of
Coastal Areas of Bangladesh with Nature-Based Solutions' at
the Humanitarian Hub side event of the 29th United Nations
Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties of
the UNFCCC (COP29), Azerbaijan, November 21, 2024.
Speaking on 'Why glaciers matter: Addressing climate
impacts in the cryosphere through science-based
interventions' at the UNESCO Side events of the 29th United
Nations Climate Change Conference or Conference of the
Parties of the UNFCCC (COP29), Azerbaijan, November 15,
Speaking on ‘Water Energy Food Nexus (WEF) Research
Advances in Asia’ at the Asia Hub Annual Meeting as Panelis.
Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 12, 2024.
Presentation on ‘Earth Observation (EO) and Water Energy
Food Nexus (WEF) Research experiences and future priorities’
at the workshop on Building Earth Observation Capacities to
Address the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Asia. Organized by
Future Earth and the European Space Agency. Chiang Mai,
Thailand, November 9-10, 2024.
- Speaking at 'COP29 Position Paper Sharing event' as a Specia
Guest, organized by Climate Justice Alliance-Bangladesh, in
Dhaka, Bangladesh, on November 5, 2024.
Presentation on ‘Commentary on the Climate Change
Attribution Study’ at the Workshop on Scoping of Loss and
Damage Case in Bangladesh organized by the Centre for
Climate Justice - Bangladesh (CCJ-B), Dhaka, Bangladesh,
October 31, 2024.
Speaking as a Panelist at the National Climate Application
Forum 2024 Winter Session. Organized by Regional Integrated
Multi-Hazard Early Warning System, Dhaka, Bangladesh,
October 30, 2024.
Presentation on ‘Climate Change Science and Linking With
Negotiation’ at the Training Workshop on “Enhancing Climate
Change Negotiation Knowledge” at the Department of
Environment (DOE), Dhaka, Bangladesh, October 26, 2024.
Presentation on ‘Climate Change : Causes and Consequences’
at the Training Workshop on Workshop on Climate Change
Science, Policy and Diplomacy, Organized by Centre for
Climate Justice - Bangladesh (CCJ-B), Dhaka, Bangladesh,
October 6, 2024.
Presentation on ‘Climate Vulnerability and Risk Assessment
in Low-lying Coastal Cities of Bangladesh Using IPCC Risk
Framework and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Approach’ at
the Regional Workshop on Integrating Modelling,
Visualization, and Regional Collaboration for MHRA organized
by ICIMOD, Nepal, September 27, 2024.
Keynote on ‘Coastal Hazard Modeling to Enhance Climate
Resilience in Bangladesh’ in the workshop on Flood Hazards
and Climate Resilience at Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT), Boston, USA, July 3, 2024.
Presentation on ‘Development of Early Warning Systems in
Bangladesh for Flash Floods and Cyclonic Storm Surges to
Enhance Climate Resilience’ at the WRF/MPAS workshop at
NCAR, Boulder, USA, June 28, 2024.
Presentation on ‘Climate Change Impact on Integrated River
Basin Management’ at the training session at the Institute
of Water Modeling (IWM), Dhaka, Bangladesh, June 10, 2024.
Presentation on ‘Impacts of Climate Change on Extreme
Heatwaves’ at the Seminar on Heatwave, Climate Change
Program, BRAC, Dhaka, Bangladesh, May 23, 2024.
Presentation on ‘Impacts of Climate Change on Cities and
Towns of Bangladesh’ at the Training Workshop on Building
Climate Resilience for Cities and Towns in Bangladesh:
Nature-based Solutions for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation
for professionals from Rajuk. Organized by the Institute of
Housing (IHS) for The Netherlands., Dhaka, Bangladesh, May
13, 2024.
Presentation on ‘Nature Based Solutions for Coastal
Resilience in Bangladesh’ at the Training on Building
Climate Resilience for cities and towns in Bangladesh:
Nature-based Solutions for Climate Mitigation and
Adaptation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, May 7, 2024.
Keynote on ‘Changes in Extreme Climate in Bangladesh under
Global Warming Dhaka’ at the BCSIR Congress-2023 focusing on
'Smart Bangladesh and Science and Technology’, Dhaka,
Bangladesh, March 10, 2024.
Presentation on ‘Climate change, its causes, and
scientific evidence’ and ‘Impacts of Climate Change on
Agriculture and food security’ at the Training Workshop on
‘Climate Smart Agriculture for Adaptation and Mitigation’,
BARC, Dhaka, Bangladesh, February 27, 2024.
Keynote on ‘Enhancing Coastal Resilience through Nature
Based Solutions’ at the UNFCCC COP28 Side Event at LDC
pavilion, Dubai, UAE, December 10, 2023.
Keynote on the Summary Report on ‘Climate Change Impacts
in Bangladesh’ at the UNFCCC COP28 Side Event in Bangladesh
Pavilion in the session on ‘Supporting the establishment of
the mechanism on loss and damage in Bangladesh’, Dubai, UAE,
December 9, 2023.
Presentation on ‘IPCC recommendations for
mitigation and adaptation and the current state of NDCs to
meet the goals of the Paris Agreement’ at the UNFCCC COP28
Side Event in the SDG pavilion on ‘ACE for the Future: Youth
Participation in NDC Development’, Dubai, UAE, December 8,
Speaking as panelist at the UNFCCC COP28 IPCC side event
on ‘Supporting climate science and strengthening IPCC
engagement in under-represented countries’, Dubai, UAE,
December 5, 2023.
Speaking as a panelist at the UNFCCC COP28 IPCC side event
on ‘AR7 Special Report on Climate and cities’, Dubai, UAE,
December 4, 2023.
Participated in a panel discussion at the UNFCCC COP28
Side Event at Bangladesh pavilion on ‘Impact of climate
change on communities in Bangladesh and impact investing in
adaptation and resilient recovery’, Dubai, UAE, December 2,
Presentation on ‘Sea level rise module for Sustainability
Nexus AID program’ at the workshop organized by UN
University at Dresden, Germany, November 27, 2023.
Presentation on ‘Subsidence and human influence in highly
populated Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna Mega Delta’ at the
Expert Group Meeting on Asia-Pacific’s Sinking Cities,
November 27, 2023. (online)
Participated in a panel discussion at the British High
Commission on ‘Understanding the expectations and views of
different stakeholders to inform the engagement at COP28’,
Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 23, 2023.
Presentation on Multi-stakeholder Dialogue Adaptation Gap
Report 2023 at the Seminar organized by Concern Worldwide,
Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 20, 2023.
Invited Speaker on the ‘Water’ thematic group of the
workshop ‘The Road to Dubai: Expert Consultation on Thematic
Programme of COP28’, organized by Nature Conservation
Management (NACOM), Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 15, 2023.
Presentation on ‘Climate Science for adaptation projects’
at the Masterclass on ‘Training on Adaptation Finance:
Enabling Direct Access to the GCF in Bangladesh (Phase I:
Climate science in climate finance)’ organized by Global
Center on Adaptation (GCA), Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 5,
Keynote on ‘Climatic impact-driver (CID) Framework for
Regional Impact and Risk Assessment’ at the WCRP Open
Science Conference, Kigali, Rwanda, October 23-27, 2023.
Keynote Presentation at the Panel Session of ICWFM 2023
Conference on ‘Enhancing Coastal Resilience through Nature
Based Solutions’, Dhaka, Bangladesh, October 15, 2023.
Presentation on ‘Key findings of the IPCC’s Sixth
Assessment Report (AR6) for Bangladesh’ at the meeting of
the Parliamentary Standing Committee of the MOEFCC,
Parliament Bhaban, Dhaka, Bangladesh, July 30, 2023.
Keynote on ‘Post-pandemic international collaborations in
research and education of our institute’ at the Ceremony of
the Consortium for Innovations in Agricultural
Education and Research in Asia (CIAERA) and Asia Hub
Inauguration Symposium at Sanya, China, July 6-19, 2023.
Presentation on ‘Climate change, its
causes, and scientific evidence’ and ’Regional Climate
Change and its impact on Agriculture and food security’ at
the Training Workshop on ‘Climate Change, Carbon
Sequestration and Adaptation Strategies Organized by
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC), Dhaka,
Bangladesh, June 18, 2023
Presentation on ‘Humanitarian Challenges for Cities under
Global Warming’ at the UK Taster Event of the Enhance
Project at the University of Warwick, UK, March 27 - April
08, 2023.
Presentation on ‘Climate Change Impacts on Extremes in
Bangladesh: Floods and Cyclone Storm Surges’ at the Seminar
in Research Applications Laboratory (RAL) of the National
Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, USA, May
11, 2023.
Presentation on ‘Early Flood Warning System including
Flood Inundation Forecast in Ganga Basin’, Central Water
Commission (CWC), Delhi, India, April 4, 2023.
Presentation on ‘The major findings of IPCC WG1
report and their relevance for Bangladesh’, organized by the
Society of Experts on Environment and Development (SEED),
March 18, 2023 (online)
Presentation on ‘Climate Vulnerability, Challenges,
Mitigation/Adaptation Plan’ at the workshop on
‘Payra-Kuakata Comprehensive Plan focusing on Eco-Tourism’,
UDD Project Office, Kuakatha, Bangladesh, March 19, 2023.
Presentation on ‘Humanitarian Challenges for Cities under
Global Warming’ at the UK Taster Event of the Enhance
Project at the University of Warwick, UK, February 27, 2023.
Speaking as a Panelist at the session ‘IPCC projections
and planning for extreme sea level rise risk’ at the UN
Climate Conference for Parties (COP27), Cryosphere Pavilion,
Egypt, November 7, 2022.
Presentation on ‘Designing Post Graduate Program on
Climate Change Modeling and Risk Management to address
Humanitarian Challenges" at the Local Dissemination Events
of ENHANCE Project, Ho Chi Minh City University of
Transport, Vietnam, October 20-24, 2022.
Presentation on ‘Challenges of Climate Resilient
Infrastructures Design in Bangladesh" at the Dissemination
Events of ENHANCE Project at IWFM, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh,
October 18, 2022
Presentation on ‘Climate Change Impact on Extreme Events
in Bangladesh’ at the local Dissemination Events of ENHANCE
Project, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Bandung,
Indonesia, October 12, 2022
Presentation on ‘Oasis Platform for Cyclone and Storm
Surge Risk Assessment for Bangladesh’ at the 2nd
Humanitarian Symposium of ENHANCE project, University of
West Attica, Greece, September 8-22, 2022
Presentation on ‘Causes of Floods in the Northeast Sylhet
Division of Bangladesh and Flood Management Challenges’ at
the seminar of the ‘ENabling Humanitarian Attributes for
Nurturing Community-based Engineering’ at University of
Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia, July 29, 2022.
Presentation on ‘Climate Change Risks Assessment for
Building Climate Resilient Infrastructures’ at the Seminar
on the ‘ENabling Humanitarian Attributes for Nurturing
Community-based Engineering’ at BCSIR, Dhaka, Bangladesh,
July 26, 2022.
Presentation on 'Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and
Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for Development Project'
at Training program on Project Planning and Management
(PPM), National Academy for Planning and Development (NAPD),
Dhaka, Bangladesh, July 12, 2022.
Presentation on 'Climate Change Risks Assessment for
Building Climate Resilient Infrastructures in the Project
Area', at the LGED Workshop, Dhaka, Bangladesh, June 23,
Presentation on 'Flood Hazard Mapping of North-central
Bangladesh using Sentinel Satellite Images' at the 5th
Asia-Oceania Group on Earth Observations (AOGEO) Workshop,
organized by AOGEO, Beijing, China, June 16, 2022 (Online).
Presentation on 'Introduction to Flash Flood Forecasting
and early warning systems (FFEWS) for the northeast Haor
regions of Bangladesh' at LGED, Dhaka, Bangladesh, June 19,
Presentation on ‘Environmental Management’ at the Training
Program organized by the Bangladesh Power Management
Institute (BPMI), Dhaka, Bangladesh, June 30, 2022 (online).
Presentation on 'Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and
Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for Development Project'
at Training program on ‘Project Planning and Management
(PPM)’ at National Academy for Planning and Development
(NAPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh, May 26, 2022.
Presentation on 'Impact of Climate Change on Floods in the
Ganges, Brahmaputra, Meghna (GBM) River Basins' at the
International Workshop on Flood Risk and Climate Change
Adaptation, organized by Alliance of International Science
Organizations (ANSO). The Newton Fund. Institute of
Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, February
11, 2022 (Online).
Presentation on 'Retrospective analysis of
agrometeorological information in Bangladesh' at the
training program on ‘Climate Change, Carbon Sequestration
and Adaptation Strategies’ organized by BARC, Dhaka,
Bangladesh, April 25, 2022.
Keynote Presentation at the Webinar on the ‘Implications
of IPCC Sixth Assessment Report for Bangladesh’ organized by
Climate Vulnerability Forum, March 18, 2022 (Online)
Presentation on 'Impact of Climate Change on Floods in the
Ganges, Brahmaputra, Meghna (GBM) River Basins' at the
Kickoff workshop on Understanding flood risk in
human-altered landscapes from cities to farms: inferences
from satellites and machine learning, a project funded by
NASA, February 11, 2022 (online)
Keynote presentation on ‘IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report
for Deltas under Global Warming’ at the Conference on Facing
Climate Change, Making the City Sustainable, at Cairo,
Egypt, March 25-27, 2022.
Keynote presentation on ‘IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report
for Cities under Global Warming’ at the Conference on 1th
Sustainable Cities Conference ‘Cities in Transition’
Bibliotheca Alexandria, Egypt, March 29-30, 2022.
Presentation on 'Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and
Environmental Management Plan (EMP)' at Training program on
‘Development Administration Course for BCS Admin Cadre
Officers’ at National Academy for Planning and Development
(NAPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 15, 2022.
Presentation on ‘Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and
Risks at Global, Regional and Local Scale’ at Capacity
Building Training of GoB officials, organized by ICCAD,
March 14, 2022 (online).
Presentation on ‘Urban Disaster Risk Reduction and Concept
of a Resilient City’ at the seminar organized by Institute
of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies (IDMVS),
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 12, 2022. (Online).
Presentation on ‘An Investigation on the Causes of
Embankment Failure and Recommendations for Sustainable
Solutions’ at the BWDB Workshop, Dhaka, Bangladesh, February
6, 2022.
Presentation on 'Regional Climate Impact Assessment for
Bangladesh using CORDEX data' at the training program on
'Spatial and temporal climate change analysis using CORDEX
regional climate models over South Asia for Bangladesh'
organized by ICIMOD, Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 13-15,
Presentation on 'Future Cryosphere and Ocean' at the Met
office Pavilion of COP26 Climate Conference at Glasgow, UK,
November 6, 2021.
Presentation on 'Sea Level Rise of Bay of Bengal using
Satellite Altimetry' at the Bangladesh Pavilion of COP26
Climate Conference at Glasgow, UK, November 6, 2021.
Presentation on 'Regional Climate Information: Small
Islands' at the IPCC/WMO Pavilion of COP26 Climate
Conference at Glasgow, UK, November 8, 2021.
Presentation on 'Oasis Platform for Cyclone and Storm
Surge Risk Assessment and Disaster Management for
Bangladesh', at the Gobeshona Conference in 'Disaster
Management' session, Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 22, 2021.
Presentation on 'Impact of Climate Change on extreme
precipitation, river flooding, droughts, agriculture,
cyclone and storm surges in Bangladesh' at the 4th
International Conference on Bangladesh Environment
(ICBEN-4), Planery Session, Dhaka University, Dhaka,
Bangladesh, December 26-28, 2020.
Presentation on 'Impact of Climate Change on Environmental
Parameters' at the Short Course on Environmental and Social
Impact Assessment, Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 22, 2020.
Presentation on 'Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for
Development Project' at the Training Course organized by
National Academy for Planning and Development (NAPD), Dhaka,
Bangladesh, December 24, 2020.
Presentation on 'Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and
Environmental Impact Assessment (EMP)' at the ‘Training
Course on Development Planning and Project Management (DPPM)
for Forest Department Officers’ Organized by National
Academy for Planning and Development (NAPD), Dhaka,
Bangladesh, December 01, 2020.
Presentation on 'Overview of EIA and EMP of Development
Projects' at the Course on ‘Planning and Development for BCS
(Admin) Cadre Officers (6th Batch)’ Organized by National
Academy for Planning and Development (NAPD), Dhaka,
Bangladesh, November 18, 2020.
Presentation on 'Sea Level Rise in Bangladesh using
Satellite Altimetry Data' at the ‘Training workshop: Sea
level rise science and the use of regional sea level
projections for South Asia’, 23-25 November 2020 (online).
Presentation on 'SLR Estimation using Tide Gauge' at the
‘Training workshop: Sea level rise science and the use of
regional sea level projections for South Asia’, November
23-25, 2020 (online).
Presentation on 'Sufficiency and obstacles of current
policies for climate change adaptation and mitigation' at
the IFAD Webinar Series on ‘Climate Adaptation And
Resilience: Lessons From Bangladesh’, November 11, 2020.
Presentation on ' Flood Risks Management of Dhaka City' at
the Technical Workshop on ‘World Cities Day - Better City
Better Life’ organized by the Institute of Engineers,
Bangladesh (IEB), Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 05, 2020.
Presentation on 'Projected Changes of Inundation Patterns
of the Tropical Cyclones in the Bay of Bengal under
Different Sea Level Rise Conditions' at the webinar on
‘Climate Change Challenges in Bangladesh and Bay of Bengal
region’ organized on Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
Maritime University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 03, 2020.
'Climate Change Impact in Bangladesh' and 'Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA) of Development Project' at the
‘Training Course Financial and Economic Appraisal’,
Bangladesh Power Management Institute (BPMI), Dhaka,
Bangladesh, October 11, 2020.
Presentation on 'Changes of extremes under global warming'
at the webinar organized by Flood Resilient Network, Dhaka,
Bangladesh, October 13, 2020.
Presentation on 'Floods in a Changing Climate' at the
webinar Series of 'Flood Management' organized by IWFM,
Dhaka, Bangladesh, October 13, 2020.
Presentation on 'Urban Flood and Water Logging' at the
webinar Series of 'Flood Management' organized by IWFM,
Dhaka, Bangladesh, October 6, 2020.
Presentation on 'Project Appraisal, EIA and Formulation of
DPP' at the Training course organized by National Academy
for Planning and Development March (NAPD), Dhaka,
Bangladesh, September 1-3, 2020.
Presentation on 'Climate Change Risks Assessment for
Building Climate Resilient Infrastructures in the Project
Area' at the ‘ENabling Humanitarian Attributes for Nurturing
Community-based Engineering’ at the Seminar of ‘Promoting
Resilience of Vulnerable Through Access to Infrastructure,
Improved Skills and Information (PROVATi3 )’ Project LGED,
Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 05, 2020.
Presentation on 'Projection of Sea Level Rise in
Bangladesh using Satellite Altimetry Data' at the ‘Midterm
Workshop of the Project on ‘Projection of Sea Level Rise and
Assessment of its Sectoral (Agriculture, Water and
Infrastructure) Impacts’,’ at the Seminar of Department of
Environment, Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 05, 2020.
Presentation on 'Enhancement of Postgraduate Course on
Climate Change Risk Management ' at the ‘ENabling
Humanitarian Attributes for Nurturing Community-based
Engineering’ workshop at Council Bhaban, BUET, Dhaka,
Bangladesh, February 17-20, 2020.
Presentation on 'Climate Change Impact in Bangladesh' and
'Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Development
Project' at the ‘Training Course Financial and Economic
Appraisal’, Bangladesh Power Management Institute (BPMI),
Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 08, 2020.
Presentation on 'Assessment of the impact of 20C global
warming on water regime, hydrological extreme events and
livelihood of Bangladesh' at the Seminar on ‘Research
Leadership Training Scheme’ by the British Council, Dubai,
December 09-11, 2019.
Presentation on 'Potential Impact of Climate Change under
High-End Scenario on agriculture, river flooding, droughts,
storm surges in Bangladesh' at the UN Climate Change
Conference (COP25) in Madrid, Spain, December 2-8, 2019.
Presentation on 'Challenges for Ocean, cryosphere and
coastal cities under Changing Climate' at the Global Law
Conference at Chandigarh University, India, November 16-17,
Presentation on 'Developing Flash Flood Early Warning
System (FFEWAS), Capacity Building and Knowledge Management
for the Haor Region of Bangladesh' at the International
Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Nepal,
October 22, 2019.
Presentation on 'Environmental study for a Power Plant' at
the workshop on ‘Generation Planning, Power Plant Project
Formulation and Implementation’ at Bangladesh Power
Management Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh, September 15, 2019.
Presentation on 'The Consequences and Effects of Global
Warming at 1.5C, 2C and beyond' at the TERI-NORCE Research
School on Global Climate Anomalies, Teleconnections and
Regional Implications, Delhi, India, August 08, 2019.
'Climate Change Impact on water resources, agriculture and
coastal regions of Bangladesh' at the TERI-NORCE Research
School on Global Climate Anomalies, Teleconnections and
Regional Implications, Delhi, India, 08 August 2019.
Presentation on 'Environmental Legislation and Preparation
of Project with EIA and EMP' at the Training Course
organized by National Academy for Planning and Development
March (NAPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh, July 22, 2019.
Presentation on 'Climate Change and its impact on
development project' at the Training Course organized by
National Academy for Planning and Development March (NAPD),
Dhaka, Bangladesh, July 21, 2019.
Presentation on 'Environmental Impact Assessment of
Development Project' at the Training Course organized by
National Academy for Planning and Development March (NAPD),
Dhaka, Bangladesh, July 21, 2019.
Keynote on 'Potential Impact of Climate Change under High
End Scenario on agriculture, river flooding, droughts, storm
surges in Bangladesh' at the Seminar in Met office, UK, July
09, 2019.
Presentation on 'Changes of episodic hazards and
vulnerability in the coastal region of Bangladesh under
high-end climate change scenarios' at the 'International
Conference on the Rohingya Crisis in Comparative
Perspective' in University College London (UCL), UK, July
04, 2019.
Presentation on 'Impact of climate change on natural
hazards, water resources, agriculture and food security in
Bangladesh' at the Seminar in Kings College London (KCL),
UK, July 03, 2019.
Presentation on 'Understanding disaster risk in the
developing world' at the Seminar for Climate Action Week
(1-8 July) in London organized by Oasis Loss Modelling
Framework Limited, London, UK, July 03, 2019.
Presentation on 'Learning from Bangladesh on tackling
climate change' at the Seminar organized by the Royal
Geographical Society (with IBG) during the Climate Action
Week (1-8 July) in London, UK, July 01, 2019.
Presentation on 'Climate change and its impact in
Bangladesh' at the Seminar in Planning Commission, Dhaka,
Bangladesh, June 23, 2019.
Presentation on 'Climate Observations, Projections and
Impact: Bangladesh’ at the short course on Climate Input
Data Processing and Analysis in Dhaka organized by PIK,
Germany, June 19, 2019.
Presentation on 'Changes of Tropical Cyclone of the Bay of
Bengal and Storm Surge inundation in Bangladesh under Global
Warming' at the International Conference on Silk-roads
Disaster Risk Reduction and Sustainable Development,
Beijing, China, May 11-12, 2019.
Presentation on 'Global Warming and Possible Impact of
Climate Change on Water Resources, Extreme Events and
Agriculture in Bangladesh' at the Workshop at the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, Dhaka, Bangladesh, April 27, 2019.
Key note on 'Open source based flash flood forecasting and
early warning system for the northeast Haor region of
Bangladesh' at the Technical Workshop of FFEWS, Council
Bhaban, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh, April 10, 2019.
Presentation on 'Retrospective analysis of
agro-meteorological information in Bangladesh' at the
Training program on Climate Change, Carbon Sequestration and
Adaptation Strategies, BARC, Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 12,
Presentation on 'Flash Flood Forecasting and Early Warning
System (FFEWS) for the Haor Region and Cyclone Roanu
Inundation Modeling' at the Consultation Meeting to design
Forecast based Financing programme, Ministry of Disaster
Management and Relief, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 18 March 2019.
Presentation on 'Climate modelling output and projected
vulnerabilities in coastal region of Bangladesh' at the
International Seminar on Climate Change Impact and Cultural
Heritage, Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh, February
09, 2019.
Presentation on 'High-End Climate Change scenarios for
floods, droughts, cyclone and storms surges hazards in
Bangladesh' at the 'Workshop on Future Climate Projections
and their Applications in South Asia', Kathmandu, Nepal,
January 29-31, 2019.
Presentation on 'Developing Open Source Based Flash Flood
Forecasting and Early Warning System (FFEWS) for the Haor
Region of Bangladesh' at the FFEWS Workshop, LGED, Dhaka,
Bangladesh, January 24, 2019.
Presentation on 'Projected Risks in Water Availability,
Hydrological Extremes, Sea Level Rise, Crop Yield for South
Asia (Bengal Delta) at 1.5°C, 2°C and beyond 3°C Global
Warming' at the UNFCC Climate Change Conference of Parties
(COP24), Katowice, Poland, December 4,2018.
Presentation on 'Climate Change Impacts and Vulnerability
Assessment in Coastal Region of Bangladesh' at the 2nd
Regional Conference on Sustainability of Marginal Seas in
South and East Asia (SIMSEA), Manila, Philippine, November
19-20, 2018.
Presentation on 'A presentation of the Research Capacity
of the Institute of Water and Flood Management, BUET' at the
Seminar of H2020 Moving Delta Project, University of Paris,
Paris, France, November 13, 2018.
Presentation on 'Future vulnerabilities of the coastal
regions of Bangladesh due to anthropogenic climate change'
at Seminar in University of La Rochelle, La Rochelle,
France, October 19, 2018.
Presentation on 'Urban Drainage Study for Gopalganj
Pourashava Considering Climate Change' at the Workshop of
Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Dhaka,
Bangladesh, October 11, 2018.
Presentation on 'Overview of the Networking Workshop on
South Asian Extreme Climate Research Networking to Inform
Adaptation and Mitigation Policies' at the BRAC Center Inn,
Dhaka, Bangladesh, October 9-10,2018.
Presentation on 'Sixth Assessment Report cycle and other
Special Reports of IPCC' at the Outreach Seminar on IPCC
Special Report on 1.5 Degrees (SR15), BRAC Center Inn,
Dhaka, Bangladesh, October 9, 2018.
Presentation on 'Changes of Extreme Events and why it
matters for the developing country like Bangladesh', at
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder,
USA, September 14, 2018.
Presentation on 'Changes of Extreme Events and why it
matters for the developing country like Bangladesh' at
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Boulder, USA,
September 6, 2018.
Presentation on 'Storm Surge Modeling of the cyclone
landfalls in Bangladesh for damage assessment in present
conditions and under future warming world' at the Launching
Workshop of ‘Oasis Platform for Climate and Catastrophe Risk
Assessment –Asia’, BRAC Center Inn, Dhaka, Bangladesh,
October 2, 2018.
Presentation on 'Impacts of Climate Change on Climate
Extremes for Risks Assessment in Bangladesh' at the Seminar
of Institute of Water and Flood Management, BUET, Dhaka,
Bangladesh, July 10, 2018.
Presentation on 'Climate-induced challenges on the
freshwater availability and climate extremes for the
Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna rivers in Bangladesh at 1.5°C and
2°C global warming' at the Martine School, University of
Oxford, UK, May 21, 2018.
Presentation on 'Introduction to Climate Change and
Associated Science' at the ‘Training of Trainers on Rio
Conventions, organized by Rio Project’, Department of
Environment (DOE), at NAPD, Dhaka, Bangladesh, April 24,
2018 and February 26, 2018.
Presentation on ‘Developing Open Source Based Flash Flood
Forecasting and Early Warning System' at the 'Early Warning
System Workshop' organized by the Imperial College, London,
UK, March 20, 2018.
Presentation on ‘Why extreme event attribution is
important for Bangladesh' in the stakeholder workshop of
'Risk Evaluation of Brahmaputra Inundations for Loss and
Damage (REBuILD)’ project organized by the University of
Oxford, BRAC Center Inn, Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 7, 2018.
Presentation on ‘Environmental Impact Assessment and
Environmental Management Plan’ at the Training Course on EIA
for Water Sector, Industrial Sector, Roads and
Infrastructure, Organized by National Academy for Planning
and Development (NAPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh, October 25, 2017.
Presentation on ‘High-End Climate Change Impact for
Bangladesh’ at the HELIX Final Meeting, University of
Exeter, UK, October 3, 2017.
Presentation on ‘High-End Climate Change Impact for
Bangladesh’ at the HELIX Final Stakeholder Workshop at
IIT-Delhi, India, September 14, 2017.
Presentation on ‘High-End Climate Change Impact for
Bangladesh, at the HELIX Final Stakeholder Workshop, Council
Bhaban, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh, September 12, 2017.
Presentation on ‘India-Bangladesh Joint Report on the
Hydro-Morphological Aspects of Inland Navigation and
Fisheries Management (Bangladesh Component) ‘ at the IUCN
Workshop, Kolkata, India, May 30, 2017.
Presentation on ‘Rainfall Projections over the Northeast
Haor areas of Bangladesh using multi-model ensemble climate
data’ at the TRACKS National level stakeholder Workshop,
Dhaka, Bangladesh, May 18, 2017.
Presentation on ‘Climate Change and Bangladesh
Agriculture: Risk Reduction and Adaptation’ at the National
Training on Climate Change, Carbon Sequestration and
Adaptation Strategies. Organized by BARC, Dhaka, Bangladesh,
May 16, 2017.
Presentation on ‘Environmental Impact Assessment
and Environmental Management Plan’ at the Training Course on
the Development Project Planning and Appraisal (13th Batch),
Organized by GED, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh,
May 11, 2017.
Presentation on ‘Climate Change: Physical Science’ at the
Certificate Course on 'Introduction to Climate Change'
organized by BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, May 14,
Presentation on ‘Impact of High End Climate on Food
Security in Bangladesh’ at the Stakeholder Consultation
Workshop, Organized by World Food Program, Savar,
Bangladesh, May 8, 2017.
Presentation on ‘Environmental Impact Assessment and
Environmental Management Plan’ at the Training Course on
Environmental Issues in Project Management Organized by
National Academy for Planning and Development (NAPD), Dhaka,
Bangladesh, March 15, 2017.
Presentation on ‘Assessment of the Risks of Climate
Change: A Case of Bangladesh using local and global Climate
Model’ at the Capacity Building Workshop of the National
Climate Change Impact Survey Team of Nepal , BCAS, Dhaka,
Bangladesh, December 26, 2016.
Presentation on ‘Climate Change Scenario, Climate Model
and Future Climate Projection. Training on Concept of
Climate Change: Impacts, Vulnerability, Adaptation and
Mitigation CEGIS, Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 6, 2016.
Presentation on ‘Climate Change: Physical Science.
Certificate Course entitled 'Introduction to Climate Change'
organized by BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, November
20, 2016.
Presentation on ‘Hydro-morphological and ecological
aspects of IWT with the focus on transboundary protocol
route between India and Bangladesh’ at the The 1st Joint
Consultation: Sustainable Development of Inland Waterways
Transport and Fish Biodiversity Conservation organized by
IUCN, Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 2-3, 2016.
Presentation on ‘Environmental Impact Assessment’ at the
Training Course on Project appraisal and Formulation of
DPP, Organized by National Academy for Planning and
Development (NAPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 1, 2016.
Presentation on ‘After Paris Agreement: Way forward for
Bangladesh’ at the National Sharing Workshop On Enhancing
Climate Resilience Practice and Governance in partnership
between Department of Disaster Science and Management and
Department of Public Administration University of Dhaka,
Dhaka, Bangladesh, October 29-30, 2016.
Presentation on ‘Implications of the 1.5-degree global
warming for Bangladesh on the water resources, agriculture
and food security. Workshop on Climate change is not a
fatality’ at the Seminar on Climate Change, France Embassy,
Dhaka, Bangladesh, October 16, 2016.
Presentation on ‘Impact of high-end climate change for
Bangladesh on the water resources, agriculture and food
security’ at the 3rd HELIX Annual Meeting, Postdam, Germany,
October 10-14, 2016.
Presentation on ‘Impact of 1.5 degree on the climate
extremes, water resources, agriculture and food security of
Bangladesh. 1.5 degrees: Meeting the challenges of the Paris
climate agreement’ at the Seminar, Martin School, University
of Oxford, UK, September 21-22, 2016.
Presentation on ‘Future Projections of Rainfall over
North-East Bangladesh: Bayesian Model Averaging of Regional
Climate Models’ at the 4th Nordic Conference, Bergen,
Norway, August 28-30, 2016.
Presentation on ‘Environmental Management Plan’ at the
Training course organized by National Academy for Planning
and Development (NAPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh, July 25-26, 2016.
Keynote on ‘Water Stress, Droughts under Changing Climate’
at the Workshop on World Drought Day, Dhaka, Bangladesh,
June 20, 2016.
Presentation on ‘Flash Flood Forecasting for the Northeast
Haor Regions of Bangladesh’ at the Workshop on Floods
Mitigation in UNESCO-IHE, the Netherlands, June 8, 2016.
Presentation on ‘Climate Change: Physical Science’ at the
Certificate Course on Introduction to Climate Change , BRAC
University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, May 24, 2016.
Presentation on ‘Assessment of the risks of climate change
on flooding of Bangladesh’ at the Workshop on Integrated
Urban Flood Management in IWRM, Bangladesh Center for
Advance Studies (BCAS), Dhaka, Bangladesh, May 3, 2016.
Presentation on ‘Impact of High-End Climate Change for
Bangladesh’ at the Inaugural Session of the Expert Workshop
of the HELIX Project at BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh, April 30,
Presentation on ‘Climate change science in Bangladesh’ at
the Climate Change Capacity Building Program for
Journalists, International Centre for Climate Change and
Development (ICCCAD) at Independent University, Dhaka,
Bangladesh, March 28, 2016.
Presentation on ‘Introduction to the science of climate
change’ at the Short Course on Climate Change and Health,
Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research
(IEDCR), Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 6, 2016 and March 19,
Presentation on ‘Bangladesh at stake: scenarios on climate
impact; facing climate disruption, workshop on 'Path and
Challenges towards COP 22', the Residence of France, Dhaka,
Bangladesh, February 25, 2016.
Presentation on ‘Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) for
Bangladesh considering climate change’ at the Workshop of
the CRRIP Project, LGED, Dhaka, Bangladesh, February 24,
Presentation on ‘Environmental Impact Assessment’ at the
Training Course on Mainstreaming Environmental Climate
Change and Disaster Risk Management into Development
Planning, Organized by National Academy for Planning and
Development (NAPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh, February 11, 2016.
Presentation on ‘Environmental Management Plan’ at the
Training Course on Mainstreaming Environmental Climate
Change and Disaster Risk Management into Development
Planning, Organized by National Academy for Planning and
Development (NAPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh, February 11, 2016.
Presentation on ‘Developing Flash Flood Early Warning
System for Haor Areas’ at the Stakeholder workshop of the
FFEWS Project, LGED office, Sunamganj, Bangladesh, January
15, 2016.
Presentation on ‘Environmental Impact Assessment’ at the
Training Course on Project appraisal, EIA and Formulation of
DPP, Organized by National Academy for Planning and
Development (NAPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 10, 2016.
Presentation on ‘Environmental Management Plan’ at the
Training Course on Project appraisal, EIA and Formulation of
DPP, Organized by National Academy for Planning and
Development (NAPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 10, 2016.
Presentation on ‘Environmental Impact Assessment’ at the
Training Course on Project planning, development, management
and monitoring evaluation for DOE officials Organized by
National Academy for Planning and Development (NAPD), Dhaka,
Bangladesh, January 6, 2016.
Presentation on ‘Environmental Management Plan’ at the
Training Course on Project planning, development,
management and monitoring and evaluation for DOE officials
, Organized by National Academy for Planning and Development
(NAPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 6, 2016.
Presentation on ‘Environmental Impact Assessment’ at
Training Course on Project planning, development,
management and monitoring and evaluation for DAM officials
, Organized by National Academy for Planning and Development
(NAPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 23, 2015.
Presentation on ‘Environmental Management Plan’ at the
Training Course on Project planning, development,
management and monitoring and evaluation for DAM officials
, Organized by National Academy for Planning and Development
(NAPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 23, 2015.
Presentation on ‘Climate change science-Models, past
trends and future projection’ at the Workshop on Climate
Change and Health: Impacts to Adaptation held at ICDDRB,
Dhaka Bangladesh, 1-3 December 2015.
Presentation on ‘Environmental Impact Assessment’ at the
Training Course on Mainstreaming Environment and Climate
Change and Disaster Risk Management into Development
Planning, Organized by National Academy for Planning and
Development (NAPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 1-3, 2015.
Presentation on ‘Environmental Management Plan’ at the
Training Course on Mainstreaming Environment and Climate
Change and Disaster Risk Management into Development
Planning, Organized by National Academy for Planning and
Development (NAPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 1-3, 2015.
Presentation on ‘Application of Remote Sensing in Flood
Mapping’ at the Short Course on Flood Risk Assessment and
Management, CUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 29 November -2 December
Presentation on ‘Climate Change Impact on Floods in
Bangladesh’ at the Short Course on Flood Risk Assessment and
Management , CUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 29 November -2
December 2015.
Presentation on ‘Flood Forecasting and Early Warning
System for Haor Areas of Bangladesh’ at the Stakeholder
Workshop, Kishoreganj, Bangladesh, Organized by LGED and
BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 20 November, 2015.
Presentation on ‘Production and Service of
Agro-meteorological Information for the Adaptation to
Climate Change in Bangladesh’ at the AFACI Program Workshop,
Bangkok, Thailand, October 20-24, 2015.
Presentation on ‘Flood Damage Assessment (Case study:
Sirajganj District)’ at Short Course on Flood Risk
Assessment and Management, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh, October
05-09, 2015.
Presentation on ‘Application of Remote Sensing in Flood
Mapping’ at the Short Course on Flood Risk Assessment and
Management, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh, October 05-09, 2015.
Presentation on ‘Climate Change Impact on Floods in
Bangladesh’ at the Short Course on Flood Risk Assessment and
Management, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 05-09 October 2015.
Presentation on ‘Environmental Impact Assessment’ at
Training Course on Planning and Project
Management, Organized by National Academy for Planning and
Development (NAPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh, October 15, 2015.
Presentation on ‘Environmental Management Plan’ at
Training Course on Planning and Project Management,
Organized by National Academy for Planning and Development
(NAPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh, October 15, 2015.
Presentation on ‘Environmental Impact Assessment’ at the
Training Course on Mainstreaming Environment, Climate Change
and Disaster Risk Management into Development Planning,
organized by National Academy for Planning and Development
(NAPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh, July 26 - 28, 2015.
Presentation on ‘Environmental Management Plan’ at the
Training Course on ’Mainstreaming Environment, Climate
Change and Disaster Risk Management into Development
Planning’ Organized by National Academy for Planning and
Development (NAPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh, July 26 - 28, 2015.
Presentation on ‘Characterizing changes in Drought
risk for Bangladesh from climate change’ at the World Day to
Combat Desertification (WDCD) organized by Department of
Environment (DOE), Ministry of Environmental and Forestry,
Dhaka, Bangladesh, June 17, 2015.
Presentation on ‘Extreme Rainfall and floods of Bangladesh
under the changing climate’ at the Guest Lecture at the
IHE-UNESCO, the Netherlands during the workshop on Flood
Risk Management, the Netherlands, 31 May- 13 June 2015.
Presentation on ‘Analysis of the Extreme Rainfall Indices
over Bangladesh’ at the International Climate Change
Symposium: Impacts of Extreme Atmospheric Events on
Geo-surface in a Changing Climate Environmental Technology
Section, Industrial technology Institute (ITI), Colombo, Sri
Lanka, May 14-15, 2015.
Presentation on ‘High End Climate Impact and Extremes
(HELIX) Project’ at the National Seminar on the ‘Horizon
2020, from the Lab to the Market: Cooperation on Research
and Innovation between EU and Bangladesh’, Bangladesh
International Institutes, Dhaka, Bangladesh, April 22,
Presentation on ‘Action Research studies on climate change
impacts in the Haor Areas and Improving Flash Flood
Forecasting’ at the National Start-up workshop on Climate
Adaptation and Livelihood Improvement Protection (CALIP),
LGED, Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 29-31, 2015.
Presentation on ‘Advance Image Classification’ at the
Training Course on Remote Sensing and GIS for Natural Hazard
Assessment, BUET-JIDPUS, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 07-
April 01, 2015.
Presentation on ‘Action Research studies on climate change
impacts in the Haor Areas and Improving Flash Flood
Forecasting’ at the National Startup Workshop on Climate
Adaptation and Livelihood Improvement Protection (CALIP) ,
LGED, Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 29-31, 2015.
Presentation on ‘Impact of Climate Change on the
Brahmaputra flow and possible multilateral solutions’ at the
International Conference of Knowledge Exchange on
International Waters, Beijing, China, January 13-14,
Presentation on ‘Decadal Changes of Rainfall and
Temperature Extremes over the different Agro Economical
Zones (AEZ) of Bangladesh’ at the 13th CAS-TWAS-WMO Forum,
International Symposium on Extreme Weather and Climate:
Past, Present, Future, Beijing, China, September 8-11,
Presentation on ‘Performance of Three Selected Convective
Schemes for Predicting Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall
Using RegCM4’ at the Asian monsoon variability and
predictability, Beijing, China, July 6-15, 2014.
Presentation on ‘Use of climate modeling and downscaling
techniques in projects, sectors and programs’ at the
Workshop on Climate Risks, Vulnerability and Adaptation
Assessment in Development Interventions, ADB,
Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 10-11, 2014.
Presentation on ‘Extreme Climate Indices using the R -
ClimIndex Tool’ at the Special Training Course on Open
Source Biometrical Computing with R, BARI,
Gazipur, Bangladesh, June 15-17, 2013.
Presentation on ‘Urban Drainage Modeling for the three
selected Pourashavas in the Coastal Region of Bangladesh
Considering Climate Change’ at the Final Workshop of the
TA-7890 BAN Strengthening Resilience of Urban Water Drainage
and Sanitation Sector to Climate Change in Coastal Towns
(45519-001), LGED, Dhaka, Bangladesh, February 7, 2013.
Presentation on ‘Impact of climate Change on the Water
Salinity of the Sundarbans area: A Case Study’ at the Final
Workshop of the High-resolution Regional Climate Change
Information for Bangladesh to inform Impacts assessments,
Vulnerability indicators and Adaptation policies, at IWFM,
BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 12, 2013.
Presentation on ‘Climate Induced future changes of
temperature and precipitation over Bangladesh’ as the
Plenary Speaker of the 4th International Symposium of
BJSPSAA 2012 on ‘Global Climate Change: Impacts,
vulnerability and adaptation’, DUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh,
December 01, 2012.
Presentation on ‘Flood disaster risk assessment and
mitigation’ at the Workshop on Disaster
Prevention/Mitigation Measures against Floods and Storm
Surges in Bangladesh’, Kyoto University, Japan, November
17-21, 2012.
Presentation on ‘Climate Change Projections for Selected
Polders of the Coastal Region to assess impact on
Agriculture and Water Resources’ at the Reflection workshop
of Ganges BDC, organized by the World Fish, Dhaka,
Bangladesh, 1-2 April 2012.
Presentation on ‘Analysis of Planform Changes using
Satellite Images’ at the Short course on Hydro-morphological
Study of Bridges for LGED Engineers, organized by the Local
Government Engineering Department (LGED), Dhaka, Bangladesh,
March 11-15, 2012.
Presentation on ‘Climate Change Modeling and weather
forecasting activities and needs for Bangladesh’ at the
Workshop on Seasonal Forecast Information Development and
Application Training, organized by the Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center (ADPC) in collaboration with Department
of Agricultural Extension (DAE), Dhaka, Bangladesh, January
29-31, 2012.
Presentation on ‘High-resolution Regional Climate Change
Information for Bangladesh to inform Impacts assessments,
Vulnerability indicators and Adaptation policies’ at the
Stakeholder Workshop of the research project in
collaboration with Met office, UK at IWFM, BUET, Dhaka,
Bangladesh, March 08, 2012.
Presentation on ‘Climate Change Modeling and weather
forecasting activities and needs for Bangladesh’ at the
Workshop on Seasonal Forecast Information Development and
Application Training, Organized by Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center (ADPC), Bangkok at Department of
Agricultural Extension (DAE), Dhaka, Bangladesh, January
29-31, 2012.
Presentation on ‘International treaties, negotiations and
Bangladesh position’ at the Training Program on Climate
Change under the project of Water Security in Peri-Urban
South Asia: Adapting to Climate Change and Urbanization,
Khulna, Bangladesh, November 23-24, 2011.
Presentation on ‘Regional Climate Modeling in Bangladesh’
at the ADPC-Bjerknes WRF Workshop, organized by the Asian
Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC), Bangkok, Thailand,
October 10-21, 2011.
Presentation on ‘State of Climate Change and Water
Modeling in Bangladesh’ at the Training Program on Water
Security and Climate Change, organized by the Bangladesh
Center for Advanced Study (BCAS), Dhaka, Bangladesh,
September 21, 2011.
Presentation on ‘Analysis of Planform Changes using
Satellite Images’ at the Short course on Hydro-morphological
Study of Bridges and Bored Foundation Construction
Methodology for LGED Engineers, organized by organized by
the Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Dhaka,
Bangladesh, September 4-8, 2011.
Presentation on ‘GIS Application in Watershed Modeling
using DEM data’ at the Training Program on Advance ArcGIS
for WARPO under the project Maintenance, Updating and
Dissemination of NWRD of the component-3B of WIMP project,
organized by the Center for Environmental Geographic
Information Services (CEGIS), Dhaka, Bangladesh, January
8-15, 2011.
Presentation on ‘Geo-statistics Analysis’ at the Training
Program on Advance ArcGIS for WARPO under the project
Maintenance, Updating and Dissemination of NWRD of the
component-3B of WIMP project, organized by the Center for
Environmental Geographic Information Services (CEGIS),
Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 8-15, 2011.
Presentation on ‘Analysis of Planform Changes using
Satellite Images’ at the Short course on Hydro-morphological
Study of Bridges for LGED Engineers, organized by the Local
Government Engineering Department (LGED), Dhaka, Bangladesh,
January 2-6, 2011.
Presentation on ‘Climate Change Scenarios of Dhaka City
using Regional Climate Modeling’ at the Workshop of the
project on Natural hazards and climate change in Dhaka:
future trends, social adaptation and informal dynamics,
Bonn, Germany, July 8-9, 2010.
Presentation on ‘Comparison of PRECIS results with Ground
Base Observations in Bangladesh,’ at the Follow-up workshop
on Regional Climate Modeling using PRECIS, organized by BUET
and Met office, UK in Dhaka, Bangladesh, June 02-03, 2010.
Presentation on ‘Risk based Information and dissemination
system, short course on Risk Management in Water Resource,
DCE, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 14 March, 2010.
Presentation on ‘University Consortium for Climates
Research (UCCR), Meeting at Welcome Trust, UK with a
Bangladeshi delegation visit in UK on Pilot Framework for
Collaboration on Research in Climate Change and the Land,
Water, Food and Health Interface in Bangladesh, March 4,
Presentation on ‘Collaboration on Climate change Research
for Bangladesh’ at the Meeting with the Bangladeshi
Delegation visit to UK, Met office, Exeter, UK, March 2,
Presentation on ‘Introduction to Climate Change Works in
Bangladesh’ at the Training workshop on Regional Climate
Modeling using PRECIS, organized by BUET and Met office, UK
in Dhaka, Bangladesh, February 14-18, 2010.
Presentation on ‘Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and
Mitigation Measures’ at the Workshop on TOT on Environmental
Issues, Impact and Management Plan, LGED Bhaban, Agargoan,
Dhaka, Bangladesh, February 08, 2010.
Presentation on ‘Introduction to Climate Change’ at
the Workshop on TOT on Environmental Issues, Impact and
Management Plan, LGED Bhaban, Agargaon, Dhaka, Bangladesh,
February 08, 2010.
Presentation on ‘Climate Change - a Global Pressing Issue’
at the Young Scientists Congress 2009 organized by BAS with
the help of IAP (Inter-academy Panel) and TWAS in Dhaka
University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 29-30, 2009.
Presentation on ‘Hydrologic Characteristics of Floods in
Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) Delta’ at the International
symposium on Hazard Management for Sustainable Development
in Kathmandu, Nepal, November 29-30, 2009.
Presentation on ‘Using PRECIS to simulate climate change
scenarios for Bangladesh’ at Climate Change and Community
Based Adaptation, a short course for NGO and International
Organization staff International Centre for Climate Change
and Development (ICCCAD), Independent University, Bangladesh
(IUB), Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 15-21, 2009.
Presentation on ‘Downscaling of Global Climate Model
(GCM)’ at the Seminar on Impact of Climate Change in
Bangladesh and Results from Recent Studies, Organized by
Institute of Water Modeling (IWM), Dhaka, Bangladesh,
November 17, 2009.
Presentation on ‘Prediction of climate change over
Bangladesh using regional climate model’ at World Climate
Conference-3 at Geneva, Switzerland, August 31-September 04,
Presentation on ‘Analysis and Modeling of Climate Change’
at Training Course on Facing the Challenges of Climate
Change: Issues, Impacts and adaptation Strategies for
Bangladesh with focus on Water and Waste Management,
Organized by International Training Network (ITN) Centre,
BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 15, 2009.
Presentation on ‘Climate and Water’ at Staff Training
program on Water and Climate Change: Vulnerability and
Adaptation in BCAS, Bangladesh for SaciWaters project,
Dhaka, Bangladesh, August 02-09, 2009.
Poster Presentation on ‘Regional Climate Modeling for
Bangladesh’ at NCAR-ECSA Junior Faculty Forum 2009 on the
Connecting Weather and Climate in Theory, Models and
Observations, Boulder, Colorado, USA, July 14-16, 2009.
Presentation on ‘Global climate change scenario’ at SAARC
Training Program on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster
Risk Reduction, Dhaka, Bangladesh, July 9, 2009.
Presentation on ‘Bangladesh Climate Research and Education
in BUET and research needs’ at the Seminar on Matching
Climate Impact Prediction modelling and development needs,
British Council, BRAC Inn, Dhaka, Bangladesh, April 21,
Presentation on ‘Future Climate Scenarios Requirement for
Bangladesh’ at the workshop on Canadian Climate Change
Scenarios Network (CCCSN): Understanding Global Climate
Model Output for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation,
Regina, Canada, March 26-27, 2009.
Presentation on ‘Introduction to Climate Change Study Cell
Launching Ceremony of the Climate Change Study Cell (CCSC)
of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology’,
Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 8, 2009.
Presentation on ‘Flood Studies at IWFM, Workshop of
Mega-Stress for Mega-Cities’, BRAC Inn Center, Dhaka,
Bangladesh, February 24, 2009.
Presentation on ‘Geospatial Metadata, Workshop on
Compatibility of GIS data and Development of Guidelines for
Metadata, Data Sharing Protocol and National GIS Policy’,
LGED, Dhaka, Bangladesh, October 22, 2008.
Presentation on ‘Climate Change Modelling for Bangladesh’
at the PRECIS Workshop, University of Reading, UK organized
by Met Office, UK, August 13, 2008.
Presentation on ‘Introduction to Climate Change Modeling’
at BUET, at the short course on Climate Change Risk and
Adaptation in Water Sector at DCE, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh,
February 10, 2008.
Presentation on ‘Hydrologic Analysis using GIS, Concept
Course on Spatial Analyst’ at the Training Course for BWDB
at CEGIS, Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 20, 2007.
Presentation on ‘Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and
Mitigation Measures’ at the Training Course of Small Scale
Water Resources Project (SSWRP-II), LEGED, Dhaka,
Bangladesh, October 28, 2007.
Interviews in Electronic Media
Somay Television. Water
Logging in DND Areas. বৃষ্টি হলেই তলিয়ে যায় ডিএনডি বাঁধের
নিচু এলাকা - October 09, 2024.
R Television. Water
Logging in Urban Cities. জলাবদ্ধতার ভোগান্তি মুক্ত নগরীর
বাংলাদেশ চাই। - October 08, 2024.
Somay Television. Floods
in end of monsoon season. নতুন করে আবারও বন্যার শঙ্কা!-
September 05, 2024.
Desh Television. Increasing
Floods in South Asia - দক্ষিণ এশিয়ায় ভারী বৃষ্টি-বন্যা
বাড়ছে - September 03, 2024.
News24 Television. লা
নিনার প্রভাবে দীর্ঘ বন্যার শঙ্কা বিশেষজ্ঞদের - July 14,
Boisakhi Television. Changes
of Flood Characteristics. বদলে যাচ্ছে বন্যার ধরন - July
12, 2024.
Bangla Vision Television. ঢাকার
চারপাশের নদীর পানিতে মাছ বেঁচে থাকার মতো অক্সিজেন নেই!–
June 28 , 2024.
Bangla Vision Television. Earthquae
in Dhaka city. ঢাকায় যে কোনো সময় ভূমি ধ'সের আ'শঙ্কা
বিশেষজ্ঞদের – June 27 , 2024.
Independent Television. Reduce
Navigability of the Rivers. নদীর নাব্যতা কমে যাওয়ায় বন্যার
ব্যাপ্তি বেড়েছে - June 23, 2024.
News24 Television. Flood
forecasts in July. জুলাই মাসেও দেশে বন্যার আশঙ্কা করছে
আবহাওয়া অধিদপ্তর - June 22, 2024.
Independent Television. Renewal
of Ganges Water Treaty. চলতি চুক্তিই ভারতের সঙ্গে নবায়ন
চায় বাংলাদেশ - June 19, 2024.
Jamuna Television. Ground
water mining of Dhaka city. নামছে ভূগর্ভস্থ পানির স্তর;
কৃত্রিম লেকে চাহিদা মেটাচ্ছে - June 17, 2024.
N-Television. Increase
use of Surface water compared to Groundwater ভূগর্ভস্থ
পানির ব্যবহার থেকে সরে আসতে হবে, বিশেষজ্ঞদের পরামর্শ -
June 12, 2024.
Ekattor Television.
Interview on monsoon rain and floods - June 04, 2024.
Boshakhi Television. Global
warming impact of heavy precipitation এক ডিগ্রি তাপমাত্রা
বাড়লে সাত ভাগ বৃষ্টি বাড়ে!- June 03, 2024.
Ekattor Television. Sudden
floods in Sylhet সিলেটের আকস্মিক বন্যার কারণ কী ? - June
02, 2024.
DBC News Television. Flood
followed by cyclone. ঘূর্ণিঝড়ের রেশ না কাটতেই আসছে আরেক
আতঙ্ক বন্যা - May 31, 2024.
Ekattor Television. Cycle
Remal with slow translation speed. বাংলাদেশে আর কতক্ষণ
অবস্থান করবে শক্তিশালী ঘূর্ণিঝড় রিমাল? – May 27, 2024.
Channel24 Television. Cyclone
Remal compare with cyclone Aila? 'আইলা'র সমপরিমাণ শক্তি
নিয়ে এগিয়ে আসছে ঘূর্ণিঝড় 'রিমাল' - May 26, 2024.
Ekattor Television. Cyclone
Remal tracks শক্তি বাড়িয়ে ধেয়ে আসছে ‘রেমাল - May 25, 2024.
Ekattor Television. Interview
on Sea Level Rise in Bangladesh - May 24, 2024.
Ekattor Television. Low
pressure system in the Bay of Bengal বঙ্গোপসাগরে লঘুচাপ;
যা জানালো আবহাওয়া অফিস - May 22, 2024.
Channel24 Television. Faster
rate of rise of SLR in the Bay of Bengal. বিশ্বের অন্যান্য
অঞ্চলের চেয়ে বাংলাদেশে সমুদ্রপৃষ্ঠের উচ্চতা বৃদ্ধি হচ্ছে
অনেক বেশি - August 18, 2022.
Ekattor Television. বজ্রপাত
থেকে বাঁচতে যা করবেন - May 06, 2024.
Boshakhi Television. দেশে
দীর্ঘমেয়াদে অতি উষ্ণতার রেকর্ড - May 04, 2024.
Desh Television. বাংলাদেশে
এখনি কৃত্রিম বৃষ্টিপাত ঘটানো প্রয়োজন? - May 05, 2024.
Ekattor Television. তাপমাত্রার
রেকর্ড কি বার্তা দিচ্ছে ? – April 30, 2024.
Ekattor Television. তাপপ্রবাহের
আরো ভয়াবহ রূপ আসছে মে মাসে – April 27, 2024.
Ekattor Television. তাপমাত্রা
বাড়ছেই, কবে আসবে স্বস্তি? – April 19, 2024.
Ekattor Television. বৈশাখের
শুরুতে তীব্র তাপপ্রবাহের আভাস – April 13, 2024.
Boshakhi Television. চল্লিশ
ডিগ্রির বেশি তাপমাত্রায় পুড়ছে দেশ– April 06, 2024
Ekattor Television. চার
বিভাগে হিট এলার্ট জারি: ঘূর্ণিঝড়ের কবলে পড়তে পারে ঈদযাত্রা
– April 04, 2024
Ekattor Television. কেমন
গরম পড়বে এবার ? বৃষ্টি ঝরবে কতোটা ? – March 28, 2024.
Boshakhi Television. বছরে কমছে ৯ হাজার হেক্টর বন – March
21, 2024.
Ekattor Television. উষ্ণতম
ফেব্রুয়ারি দেখলো বিশ্ব, কী হবে বাংলাদেশের! – March 14,
Boshakhi Television.
বছরে কমছে ৯ হাজার হেক্টর বন – March 21, 2024.
Ekattor Television. দীর্ঘ
হচ্ছে গ্রীষ্মকাল, কী প্রভাব পড়বে ? – March 14, 2024.
Ekattor Television. দুর্যোগপ্রবণ
এলাকাগুলোতে বাড়ছে অধিক শিশু জন্মদানের হার – February 24,
Ekattor Television. এবার
গরমে কতোটা উত্তপ্ত হবে বাংলাদেশ? – February 18, 2024.
Ekattor Television. শীতের
দাপট এবার বেশি কেন? – January 21, 2024.
Ekattor Television.
পৌষ মাসেই আরও শীত বাড়তে পারে শীত – January 9, 2024.
Ekattor Television. ঘন
কুয়াশা নিয়ে যা জানালো আবহাওয়া অফিস – January 01, 2024.
Ekattor Television. প্রাকৃতিক
বিপর্যয়ে বিশ্বজুড়েই শিশু বাস্তচ্যুতি বেড়েছে –December 26,
Ekattor Television. শীত
নামা নিয়ে যা জানাল আবহাওয়া অফিস –December 18, 2023.
Ekattor Television. আসছে
শৈত্যপ্রবাহ,সারাদেশে শীতের প্রকোপ ! – December 13, 2023.
COP29 SDG Pavilion Presentation
on climate change impacts in Bangladesh –December 8, 2024.
Ekattor Television. কোথায়
অবস্থান করছে লঘুচাপ,ঘূর্ণিঝড়ের কি অবস্থা ? –December 01,
Ekattor Television. শীর্ষ
ধনী ১ শতাংশ দরিদ্রতম ৬৬ শতাংশের সমান কার্বন নিঃসরণ করছে –
November 21, 2023.
Ekattor Television. শীত
নিয়ে এলো 'মিধিলি' – November 18, 2023.
Ekattor Television. দেশের
তিন সমুদ্রবন্দরকে ৪ নম্বর সতর্কসংকেত - October 24, 2023
Ekattor Television. কেমন
শীত পড়বে এবার! - November 2, 2023.
R-Television. জলাবদ্ধতার
ভোগান্তি মুক্ত নগরীর বাংলাদেশ চাই - October 10, 2023
Ekattor Television. বিপদসীমার
ওপর দিয়ে প্রবাহিত হচ্ছে দক্ষিণের ৮ নদীর পানি - October 3,
Ekushey Television.
সারাদেশেই উদ্বেগজনকভাবে নামছে ভূগর্ভস্থ পানির স্তর -
September 29, 2023
Ekattor Television. এই
বৃষ্টি কি শীতের আভাস দিচ্ছে নাকি বাড়াবে আরো গরম ? -
September 24, 2023
Ekattor Television. এমন
সময় বৃষ্টি হচ্ছে যখন বৃষ্টি হওয়ারই কথা না - August 26,
Ekattor Television. ভয়াবহ
পানি সংকটে পৃথিবী; মানুষ কোথায় পাবে খাবার পানি? - August
18, 2023
Ekattor Television.
বন্যায় ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত সাড়ে তিন হাজার ঘরবাড়ি ও ৮, ২৫৩ হেক্টর
জমির ফসল - August 18, 2023
ATN-News Television. পাহাড়ে
বন্যা -1 | অতিথি: অধ্যাপক এ কে এম সাইফুল ইসলাম - August
09, 2023
ATN-News Television. পাহাড়ে
বন্যা - 2| সঞ্চালনা: মাশহুদুল হক | News Hour Xtra - August
07, 2023
Ekattor Television. পরিকল্পিত
পরিকল্পনার অভাবেই কি চট্টগ্রামের জলাবদ্ধতা? - August 07,
Ekattor Television. সকাল
সকাল ঝিরিঝিরি বৃষ্টিতে ভিজছে রাজধানী - August 02, 2023
Ekattor Television. জলবায়ুর
এই পরিবর্তনে যেভাবে টিকে থাকতে পারে বাংলাদেশ - July 29,
Ekattor Television. বৃষ্টি
কবে হবে? কী বলছেন আবহাওয়াবিদরা? - July 25, 2023
Ekattor Television. ৩০
বছরে সবচেয়ে কম বৃষ্টির রেকর্ডও এ বছর - July 22, 2023
Ekattor Television. বিশ্বের
তাপমাত্রা বৃদ্ধি হতে হতে হয়ে গেলো বিশ্ব রেকর্ড - July 10,
Prothom Alo দীর্ঘমেয়াদি
জ্বালানি নিরাপত্তা ও জলবায়ু পরিবর্তনের প্রভাব মোকাবেলায়
নবায়নযোগ্য শক্তিই টেকসই সমাধান - June 23, 2023
Ekattor Television. কেমন
হবে বর্ষা ? - June 15, 2023
Independent Television. তাপপ্রবাহের
শঙ্কা নেই: আবহাওয়া অফিস - June 11, 2023
Ekattor Television. কোন
কারণে কমছেনা গরম- জানালেন জলবায়ু বিশেষজ্ঞ - June 8, 2023
Boishakhi Television. প্লাস্টিকে
বিপন্ন ঢাকা - June 5, 2023
Ekattor Television. গরম
কবে কমবে ? | Heatwave - June 5, 2023
ECI, University of Oxford. 1.5
Degrees | Parallel Session: Human Impacts of 1.5C -
November 7, 2016
Ekattor Television. গাছ
কাটা-নগরায়নে দুই-তিনগুণ বেশি গরম অনুভূত হচ্ছে - May 31,
Ekattor Television. যেভাবে
নিজেকে বজ্রপাত থেকে বাঁচাতে পারেন - May 27, 2023
Ekattor Television. বৃষ্টির
সম্ভাবনা দেশের বিভিন্ন অঞ্চলে – May 27, 2023
Ekattor Television. ঝড়
বৃষ্টিতে বজ্রপাত, বাংলাদেশে বাড়ছে মৃত্যু। - May 24, 2023
Independent Television. যে
কারণে বাংলাদেশ থেকে সরে যায় মোখা - May 24, 2023
Ekattor Television. তিন
বিভাগে কালবৈশাখী ঝড় ও বৃষ্টির পূর্বাভাস- May 23, 2023
Ekattor Television.
বিশ্বজুড়ে বিরূপ আবহাওয়া - May 11, 2023
Ekattor Television. ঘূর্ণিঝড়
'মোখা': ১৩ বা ১৪ই মে বাংলাদেশে আঘাত হানার সম্ভাবনা - May
8, 2023
Ekattor Television. দাবদাহের
বিদায়, শুরু হলো কালবৈশাখীর দাপট - April 25 , 2023
Ekattor Television. তীব্র
তাপদাহ, বৃষ্টি কবে ? - April 19 , 2023
Ekattor Television. তাপপ্রবাহ
বছর বছর এভাবে বাড়বেই, কি হতে যাচ্ছে আগামীতে ?- April 16,
Ekattor Television.
অশনি সংকেত; গরমের মাত্রা আরো বাড়বে- April 10, 2023
Ekattor Television. মাস
জুড়ে তীব্র ঝড় ও তাপপ্রবাহের আশংকা - April 03, 2023
Ekattor Television. তিন
বিভাগে কালবৈশাখী ঝড় ও বৃষ্টির পূর্বাভাস – March 23, 2023
Ekattor Television. - কতোটা
ভয়াবহ হতে পারে, জলবায়ুর এই নেতিবাচক আচরণ? March 18, 2023
ATN News Television. যমুনা
নদী ছোট করার পরিকল্পনা পানি সম্পদ মন্ত্রনালয়ের - March 14,
Ekattor Television. সারা
দেশে বজ্রসহ বৃষ্টির আশঙ্কা - March 13, 2023
Ekattor Television. পানির
উচ্চতা বাড়ছে, ঝুঁকিতে ৯০ কোটি মানুষ - February 17, 2023
Ekattor Television. শীত
কি এবার বিদায় নিতে চায় না? - February 15, 2023
Ekattor Television. উপকূলে
পাঁচ দশকে সোয়া ১ লাখ হেক্টর কৃষিজমি বিলীন - January 01,
Ekattor Television. শীত
আছে ; ধেয়ে আসছে বৃষ্টিও - January 14, 2023
Ekattor Television. জলবায়ু
পরিবর্তন: গত ৮ বছর ছিল বিশ্বের উষ্ণতম সময় - January 12,
News24 Television.
নদী ভাঙনের সমাধান হতে পারে ফ্ল্যাক্সমেট টেকনোলজি - January
5, 2023
Ekattor Television.
বঙ্গোপসাগরে তৈরি হচ্ছে ঘূর্ণিঝড় ‘মান্দাস’ – December 8,
Ekattor Television. সারা
পৃথিবী জুড়ে এতো প্রাকৃতিক পরিবর্তনের কারণ কী? - November
22, 2022
Ekattor Television.
ঘূর্ণিঝড় সিডরের ১৫ বছর আজ- November 17, 2021
COP28. Sea
Level Rise at the Side event of IPCC at Cryosphere
Pavilion - November 15, 2022
Channel24 Television.
'জলবায়ু পরিবর্তন হচ্ছে, আমরা কেন পরিবর্তন হব না' -
November 1, 2022
Ekattor Television. বৈশ্বিক
উঞ্চতা কমাতে কতোটা কার্যকর হবে কপ-২৭ ? - October 30, 2022
Ekattor Television. বারবার
গতিপথ পাল্টাচ্ছে ঘূর্ণিঝড় সিত্রাং - October 24, 2022
Independent Television.
দেশ বাঁচাতে প্রয়োজন অন্তত ২৩ হাজার কোটি টাকা - October 14,
Ekattor Television. কী
মহাপরিকল্পনা তিস্তায়? - October 10, 2022
Ekattor Television. অসময়ে
বৃষ্টি-বন্যা, কারণ কী ?- October 8, 2022
Mohana Television. তিস্তা
ইস্যুতে বিকল্প ভাবনার পরামর্শ বিশেষজ্ঞদের - October 7,
Ekattor Television. এ
মাসে বেশি বৃষ্টি ঘূর্ণিঝড় হতে পারে, বন্যার আশঙ্কা -
October 03, 2022
Ekattor Television. এশিয়ার
বিভিন্ন দেশে বন্যা ও খরা – August 26, 2022
Ekattor Television. বান্দরবানে
ভারি বৃষ্টিতে বন্যা - July 28, 2022
Ekattor Television.
তীব্র তাপদাহে অতিষ্ঠ জনজীবন; বেশি বিপাকে শ্রমিক ও
দিনমজুররা - July 24, 2022
Ekattor Television.
সিলেট ও উত্তরাঞ্চলে বন্যার জন্য শুধু কি অতিবৃষ্টিই দায়ী? -
June 25, 2022
Met Office. Mostly
Climate - Climate Adaptation - July 7, 2022
Machranga Television. মাছরাঙা
সন্ধ্যার সংবাদ - July 18, 2022
Ekattor Television. আরও
দুইদিন পর বৃষ্টির সম্ভাবনা - July 16, 2022
Channel24Television. ভরা
বর্ষায় বৃষ্টিহীন প্রকৃতি; দেশজুড়ে তাপপ্রবাহে অতিষ্ঠ জনজীবন
- July 14, 2022
Deepto Television.
ছয় জেলায় বন্যার অবনতি হতে পারে - June 23, 2022
News24 Television.
জনতন্ত্র গণতন্ত্র | বন্যা ও ত্রাণ ব্যবস্থাপনা - June 19,
BBC News. সিলেট
অঞ্চলে বন্যা: ভারতের দায় কতোটা? - June 21, 2022
Desh Television.
বন্যা এত ভয়াবহ হওয়ার কারণ - June 21, 2022
Sky News. The
Daily Climate Show: Famine warning in Africa - June 20,
BBC News. সিলেট
ও সুনামগঞ্জে বারবার বন্যা হচ্ছে যেসব কারণে - June 20, 2022
ETV Television.
'৩৫শ' মিলি মিটার বৃষ্টি হয়েছে' |- June 20, 2022
ETV Television. একুশের
রাত | বন্যা কী দীর্ঘস্থায়ী হবে? - June 20, 2022
Jamuna Television. পানি
নামতে দেয় না উন্নয়ন? | আমজনতা - June 20, 2022
Ekattor Television. বজ্রপাতে
একদিনে ১৮ জনের মৃত্যু - June 19, 2022
Desh Television. বন্যা
ভয়ংকর - June 19, 2022
Independent Television. বন্যা
পরিস্থিতি কতদিন স্থায়ী হতে পারে? - June 17, 2022
Ekattor Television.
সিলেট-সুনামগঞ্জে ফের বন্যা - June 16, 2022
Independent Television. এবার
বৃষ্টি বেশি হতে পারে- এই কারণে বন্যাও বেশি হবে? - June 14,
Morning Reads. World
Ocean Day 2022 - June 8, 2022
DBC News Television. জলবায়ু
ঝুঁকি মোকাবেলায় বাড়াতে হবে অভিযোজন ক্ষমতা। - June 6, 2022
CBC News Television. India,
Bangladesh hit with worst flooding in nearly 2 decades -
May 23, 2022
News24 Television. সাত
বছরের মধ্যে সর্বোচ্চ তাপদাহে পুড়ছে গোটা দেশ - April 28,
Morning Reads. Creating
a Resilient Environment for a Sustainable Future - April
28, 2022
Independent Television. হাওরে
বন্যা প্রতিরোধে যে ধরনের বাঁধ প্রয়োজন - April 20, 2022
Independent Television. পানির
প্রবাহ ঠিক রাখতে হাওরের রাস্তাগুলোতে সেতু করে দেয়ার
পরিকল্পনা - April 18, 2022
Ekattor Television. আবহাওয়ার
বৈরিতা ও আমাদের করণীয় - April 15, 2022
Desh Television. হাওরের
বিপদ, ফসলের বিপদ - April 12, 2022
Jamuna Television. বাঁধ
ভেঙে হাওরে ঢুকেছে পানি, ২ কোটি টাকার ফসল নষ্টের শঙ্কা -
April 5, 2022
DBC Television. বিশ্ব
পানি দিবস আজ- March 22, 2022
BTV Television. নদ-নদীতে
পানি কমছে, লবণাক্ততা বাড়ছে, এখনই বাড়াতে হবে পানির আধার -
March 3, 2022
Independent Television. সুয়ারেজ
লাইন দিয়ে বৃষ্টির পানির বদলে পরিবহন হচ্ছে পয়োবর্জ্য! -
February 15, 2022
Independent Television. জলবায়ু
ঝুঁকি মোকাবিলায় সাত বছরে দেশে ব্যয় বেড়েছে দ্বিগুণ -
December 21, 2021
Ekattor Television. ধেয়ে
আসছে ঘূর্ণিঝড় জাওয়াদ, প্রবল ঝড় বৃষ্টির আশঙ্কা - December
4, 2021
Met Office. The
future of the ocean and cryosphere is in our hands –
November 17, 2021
Ekattor Television.
ডিসেম্বরে হতে পারে শৈতপ্রবাহ - November 16, 2021
ATN News Television. News
Gallery- November 2, 2021
LCS Global. World
Habitat Day 2021 - October 4, 2021
Ekattor Television. প্রাকৃতিক
দুর্যোগে বাস্তুচ্যুত ১ কোটি ৪১ লাখ বাংলাদেশি - September
27, 2022
Somay Television. বঙ্গোপসাগরে
নিম্নচাপ, দক্ষিণ উপকূলে বৈরী আবহাওয়া - September 15, 2021.
ATN News Television. News
Gallery- September 7, 2021
Independent Television. পদ্মা,
যমুনা ও ধরলাসহ বেশকিছু নদীর পানি বৃদ্ধি অব্যাহত - August
27, 2021.
Independent Television. রাজধানীকে
বন্যা থেকে বাঁচাতে নদী খননের ওপর জোর দিচ্ছে সরকার - July
07, 2021.
Ekattor television. Interview
on recent floods - July 03, 2021.
Channel Eye Television.
সচেতনতার অভাবে দেশে বজ্রপাতে মৃত্যু ও ক্ষয়ক্ষতি বাড়ছে -
June 24, 2021.
Ekattor Television. ঢাকাসহ
চার বিভাগে ভারী বর্ষণের সম্ভাবনা - June 20, 2021.
ATN News Television. Flood
management issues under covid19 - June 13, 2021.
Baizid Steel. ভূমিকম্প
ও বাংলাদেশ - সচেতন হবার সময় এখনি - June 12, 2021.
NEWS24 Television.
বিশ্ব পরিবেশ দিবস আজ|প্রকৃতি রুষ্ঠ হলে ভয়াবহতার সবচেয়
বড় উদাহরণ করোনা ভাইরাস - June 05, 2021.
DBC Television. বিশ্ব
পরিবেশ দিবস আজ - June 05, 2021.
Jamuna Television. পরিবেশবান্ধব
প্রযুক্তিতে স্টিল উৎপাদনে জিপিএইচ ইস্পাতের অনন্য
দৃষ্টান্ত -June 5, 2021.
Morning Reads. World
Environment Day 2021 - June 05, 2021. World Environment
Day 2021
Met Office. ARRCC
webinar - Sea level rise and coastal climate risks in
Bangladesh - March 17, 2021
Morning Reads. পদ্মা
বিশ্বের অন্যতম প্রমত্তা নদী – January 13, 2021.
Independent Television.
তিস্তা নদী 'পুনরুদ্ধারে' এবার চীনা প্রকল্প - December 25,
Bangla vision Television. প্রকৃতির
প্রতি মানুষের বেখেয়ালি আচরনের শোধ নিচ্ছে প্রকৃতিও -
October 27, 2020.
Independent Television. সাগরে
তাপমাত্রা বাড়ায় ঝড়, জলোচ্ছাস, বন্যাসহ বাড়ছে দুর্যোগ -
October 25, 2020.
Morning Reads. Protecting
the planet with standards - October 14, 2020.
Ekattor Television. উপকূলীয়
জনপদে নানা দুর্ভোগ ! - August 23, 2020.
Ekattor Television. সেপ্টেম্বরেও
রয়েছে বন্যার ঝুঁকি ! - August 17, 2020.
ATN News Television. পাঁচ
বছরে বন্যার পানি রেকর্ড ভেঙেছে ৪ বার - August 17, 2020.
DW News Television. Floods
in Bangladesh during covid19 pandemic - August 14, 2020.
Independent Television. Editor's
Pick: Current Flood situation and flood management -
August 13, 2020.
Morning Reads. Water
and Climate Change: The Inextricable Link - August 11,
Somay Television. Climate
Change impact economy of Bangladesh জলবায়ু পরিবর্তনে
ভয়াবহ ক্ষতির মুখে দেশের অর্থনীতি - August 04, 2020.
Deepto Television. Water
logging and Dhaka city corporation জলাবদ্ধতা নিরসনে
দায়িত্ব চায় দুই সিটি করপোরেশন - August 04, 2020.
Deepto Television. Water
logging of Dhaka city সামান্য বৃষ্টিতেই জলাবদ্ধতায় নাকাল
রাজধানীবাসী - August 03, 2020.
Machranga Television. River
Bank Erosion and Floods চলতি দীর্ঘমেয়াদী বন্যায় দেশের
বিভিন্ন এলাকায় চলছে ভাঙন - August 02, 2020.
Somay Television.
Flood situation deteriorated বৃষ্টি অব্যাহত থাকলে বন্যা
পরিস্থিতির উন্নতি না হওয়ার শঙ্কা ! - August 01, 2020.
Ekattor Television. Flood
inundation and water logging বন্যার পানিতে বন্দি লাখো
পরিবার | একাত্তর সকাল - July 26, 2020.
Independent Television. Floods
in Sorrounding Rivers of Dhaka city রাজধানী ঘিরে ৪ নদীর
পানি বিপৎসীমার ওপরে; ডেমরা, বনশ্রী, গোড়ানের অনেক স্থানেই
পানি - July 23, 2020.
Machranga Television. Flood
warnings for Dhaka city ১৯৮৮ সালের পর চলমান বন্যা হতে
যাচ্ছে দেশের সবচেয়ে দীর্ঘস্থায়ী বন্যা - July 22, 2020.
Somay Television. Water
Logging সকালের সময় - July 23, 2020.
Independent Television.
Flood situation worsening in 72 hours আগামী ৭২ ঘণ্টার
মধ্যেই আসছে বিপদ! - July 20, 2020.
Independent Television. Impact
of Flood and Heavy Rainfall in Bangladesh বন্যা আর
বৃষ্টিতে বিপর্যস্ত জনজীবন; সারাদেশে ভোগান্তি - July 20,
Boishakhai Television. Plastic
Pollution in Coxs Bazar sea beach কক্সবাজারের সমুদ্র সৈকতে
ভেসে আসছে প্লাস্টিক বর্জ্য - July 13, 2020.
Somay Television. Another
wave of Flood in this Week চলতি সপ্তাহে আসছে আরো বড় বন্যা
! - July 10, 2020.
Boishakhi Television. Cyclone
Amphan and Flooding আম্ফানের কারণে আগাম বন্যা হচ্ছে - July
06, 2020.
Independent Television. Flood
situation unchanged নদীর পানি কমলেও অপরিবর্তিত বন্যা
পরিস্থিতি; বিশুদ্ধ পানি ও খাদ্য সংকট - July 01, 2020.
Webinar. Tackling
Climate Emergency through UK-BANGLADESH Collaboration on
Research - July 2, 2020.
DBC Television. পরিবেশ
খাতে বাজেট বৃদ্ধির দাবি জানালেন পরিবেশবিদরা - June 20,
Morning Reads. Cyclone
Amphan সাইক্লোন আম্ফান - June 15, 2020.
DBC Television. World
Environmental Day in Covid19 situation করোনাকালে বিশ্ব
পরিবেশ দিবস - June 5, 2020.
Boishakhi Television. World
Environmental Day 2020 ভিন্ন বাস্তবতায় বিশ্ব পরিবেশ
দিবস – June 5, 2020.
Somay Television. Climate
Change impact on Cyclone’ - May 23, 2020.
Somay Television. Sundarbans
act as a Barrier for cyclone আবারো বাংলাদেশকে বাঁচিয়ে
দিলো সুন্দরবন! - May 21, 2020.
Boishakhi Television. Cyclone
Amphan impacts norther Bangladesh উত্তরাঞ্চলে আমফানের
তাণ্ডব; ব্যাপক ক্ষয়ক্ষতি - May 21, 2020.
Somay Television. Heavy
rainfall aftermath of cyclone Amphan আম্পানের প্রভাবে ভারি
বর্ষণে সারাদেশে বন্যার শঙ্কা ! - May 20, 2020.
Ekattor Television.
Performance of Cyclone Shelters ঘূর্ণিঝড়
আশ্রয়কেন্দ্রগুলো কি থাকার মতো? - May 20, 2020.
Independent Television. Super
cyclones in Bay of Bengal বিশ্বের শক্তিশালী ৩৬ টি
ঘূর্ণিঝড়ের ২৬ টিই বঙ্গোপসাগরের - May 20, 2020.
Bangla vision Television. Cyclone
Amphan talk shown বাংলাভিশনের বিশেষ টক শো - May 20, 2020.
Somay Television. Cyclone
Amphan will landfall in Bangladesh? এগিয়ে আসছে ঘূর্ণিঝড়
আম্পান - May 19, 2020.
Independent Television. Increasing
Strength of Cyclone Amphan সময়ের সাথে সাথে আরো শক্তিশালী
হচ্ছে 'আমফান'; বাড়ছে গতিও - May 19, 2020.
R-Television. Cyclone
Amphan and Covid 19 মহা-দুর্যোগে দেশ : করোনা ও আম্পান -
May 19, 2020.
Somay Television.
Cyclone Amphan and its track সময় সংবাদ | বিকাল ৫টা | ১৮
মে ২০২০ – May 18, 2020.
Ekattor Television. Cyclone
Amphan ঘূর্ণিঝড় "আমফান" কী ? | একাত্তর সকাল - May 17,
Ekattor Television. Floods,
Hail Storms impacts on Paddy হঠাৎ বন্যা, বজ্রপাত, শিলা
বৃষ্টি থেকে ধান বাঁচানো যাবেতো ? - April 25, 2020.
Independent Television. Heatwave
prevails as temperature ~ 40C ৪০ ডিগ্রি ছাড়িয়ে যাবে
তাপমাত্রা - April 20, 2020.
Ekattor Television. Nature
Conservations. প্রকৃতি দেখাচ্ছে কেমন করে ভালো থাকতে পারে
মানুষ – April 06, 2020.
Ekattor Television.
Lack of Rainfall আবার কবে বৃষ্টি হবে? - April 03, 2020.
Somay Television. Heatwave
above 38C temperature. ৩৮ ডিগ্রি তাপমাত্রাতেও স্বস্তিতে
রাজধানীবাসী - April 01, 2020.
Boisakhi Television. Water
scarcity in the Hills of Bangladesh পাহাড়ের ঝিরি-ঝর্ণাতে
নাই নিরাপদ পানি - March 22, 2020.
Independent Television. Children
are effect by natural disasters and climate change সবচেয়ে
কম ঝুঁকিতে শিশুরা - March 15, 2020.
Ekattor Television. একাত্তর
সকাল ০৩ মার্চ ২০২০ - March 03, 2019.
Boisakhi Television. Glacier
melting on the Foothill of the Himalaya শুকিয়ে যাচ্ছে
হিমালয়ের পাদদেশ - March 03, 2019.
Boisakhi Television. Original
Buriganga River আদি বুড়িগঙ্গা নদী এখন ময়লার ভাগাড় -
February 13, 2019.
Independent Television. Plastic
Pollution ভারত নিষিদ্ধ করেছে, কিন্তু বিশ্বের ৭ম প্লাস্টিক
দূষণকারী বাংলাদেশ –January 18, 2020.
Boisakhi Television. Pollution
of Air and Water দূষণের উৎস নির্মূল করার পরামর্শ
বিশেষজ্ঞদের - November 27, 2019.
Boishakhai Television.
Planetary Emergency for Climate Change গ্রহজনিত জরুরি
অবস্থা জারি, বাংলাদেশের জন্য ইতিবাচক - November 16, 2019.
Boishakhai Television. Cyclone
Bulbul Track ঘনঘন আসছে ঘুর্ণিঝড় - November 12, 2019.
Independent Television. Cyclone
Bulbul ঘূর্ণিঝড় বুলবুল- November 11, 2019.
New24 Television. Cyclone
Bulbul compared with Cyclone Fani. বুলবুল আকারে ফণির থেকে
ছোট হলেও ক্ষয়ক্ষতি বাড়তে পারে - November 09, 2019.
Ekattor Television.
Water Treaty in 6 Rivers. আরো ৬টি নদী নিয়ে পানি চুক্তি
হতে পারে ভারতের সাথে - October 18, 2019.
Independent Television. Water
logging in Dhaka সামান্য বৃষ্টিতেই জলাবদ্ধ ঢাকা; কী বললেন
মেয়র? - July 27, 2019.
Independent Television. Record
flood level in Padma River. ২০ বছরের মধ্যে সর্বোচ্চ পানি
বইছে পদ্মায় - October 4, 2019.
Independent Television. Water
security পানির জন্য ভারতের উপরই নির্ভরশীল থাকতে হবে? নাকি
আমাদেরও কিছু করার আছে? - October 2, 2019.
News24 Television.
Water Pollution in Meghna River - August 30, 2019.
ATN News Television. Failure
of Embankments in Flood কাজে আসেনি বন্যা নিয়ন্ত্রণ বাঁধ,
কমতে শুরু করেছে বন্যার পানি- July 24, 2019.
Independent Television. Record floods in Jamuna River - যমুনা নদীতে গত ৫০
বছরের মধ্যে সর্বোচ্চ বন্যার রেকর্ড! Jamuna River Flood -
July 19, 2019.
Ekushey Television.
Flood situation in Bangladesh একুশের রাত | বন্যা পরিস্থিতি
মোকাবেলায় প্রস্তুতি - Talk show - July 14, 2019.
Ekattor Television.
Engendered Tanguar Haor Wetland - May 09, 2019.
Independent Television. Extreme
Heatwave under changing climate - May 9, 2019.
Ekushey Television. Climate
change challenges for Bangladesh- Talk show - May 05,
Somay Television. Heatwave
under climate Change - April 17, 2019.
Somay Television. Haor
Flash Flood Forecasting - News - April 10, 2019.
Channel Eye Television.
Nor ‘westers in Bangladesh - March 31, 2019.
Independent Television. Cyclones
in Bangladesh – November 11, 2018.
Ekattor Television.
Long-term Flood Management – July 06, 2018.
Desh Television. Lightning
under global warming - May 13, 2018.
Somay Television. Challenge
for Agriculture - May 15, 2018.
Independent Television. Lightning
Awareness - April 30, 2018.
Independent Television. Lightning
Protections in Bangladesh - April 30, 2018.
Channel Eye Television. Lightning
and Thunderstorms in Bangladesh - April 29, 2018.
Ekattor Television. Extreme
Climate Events in Dhaka - April 23, 2018.
Independent Television. Lightining
and Climate Change - April 23, 2018.
Ekattor Television. Coldwave
and Climate Extremes - January 28, 2018.
Somay Television. Climate
Change Impact on Agriculture - January 8, 2018.
Independent Television. Climate
Change Implications for Bangladesh - November 4, 2017.
Boishakhi Television. Drainage
Issues of Dhaka City - August 3, 2017.
Independent Television. Groundwater
Declination - July 29, 2017.
Ekattor Television.
Erratic Weather and Floods - Talk Show - July 26, 2017.
Desh Television. Monsoon
Flood- সোজাকথা (Part-1)- Talk Show - July 12, 2017.
Desh Television. Monsoon
Flood- সোজাকথা (Part-2)- Talk Show - July 12, 2017.
Ekattor Television. World
Environment Day - June 5, 2017.
Independent Television. ENSO
and Heatwave in Bangladesh - May 22, 2017.
New24 Television.
Heatwave and Health Stress in Bangladesh - May 22, 2017.
Ekattor Television.
Climate Change and Heatwave in Bangladesh - May 21, 2017.
Independent Television. Lightning
Safety and impact of climate change on lightning - March
22, 2017.
Asian Television. Dredging
Issues of Shimulia - Kaorakandi Ferry Route - November 25,
Independent Television. Achievements
of COP 22 and funding for Bangladesh - November 12, 2016.
SA Television. Climate
Conference - Talk show - November 17, 2016.
Desh Television. Climate
conference in the Marrakech - Talk show - November 16,
Independent Television. Climate
Change Adaptation funding for Bangladesh - October 28,
Ekattor Television. Impact
of Urbanization on Haors Ecosystem - October 28, 2016.
Carbon Brief. Feasibility
of the 1.5 degree climate change limit - September 22,
Independent Television.
River Bank Erosion and Environmental Migration - August
20, 2016.
SA Television.
Floods and River Bank Erosion - Talk show August 16, 2016.
N-Television. Ei
Somay - Talk Show on Floods in NTV August 9, 2016.
Desh Television. Jukti
Torko R Goppo - Talk Show on Floods - August 03, 2016.
Ekushey Television. Flood
Management Issues for Dhaka city - August 01, 2016.
Desh Television. Flood
Situation - August 3, 2016.
Ekushey Television. Riverbank
Erosion in Bangladesh - August 03, 2016.
Independent Television. 2016
Floods in Bangladesh - July 24, 2016.
Independent Television. Flood
Management Issues - July 24, 2016.
Independent Television. Bangladesh
at Flood Risk - July 24, 2016.
Independent Television. Changes
of Monsoon Flood in 2016 – June 22, 2016.
Machranga Television. Possibility
of Major Floods in 2016 - May 25, 2016.
Ekattor Television. Flash
Flood Forecasting for Haor Areas - May 20, 2016.
Desh Television. Lightning
on 12-13 May in Bangladesh - May 13, 2016.
Independent Television. Thunder
Strom and Lightening - May 13, 2016.
Desh Television. Soja
Kotha Talk show – সোজাকথা - May 1, 2016.
Ekattor Television. Heat
wave in Bangladesh - May 02, 2016.
Independent Television Change
of weather - April 06, 2016.
HELIX Project. High
End Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation
for Bangladesh, Interview for the HELIX Project. (Online)
November 24, 2014.
Desh Television. Bangladesh
and Climate Change Conference COP15. December 16, 2009. Part 1, Part
2, Part 3, Part 4, Part
5 , Part 6.
Channel S Television. Bangladesh
participates 3rd World Climate Conference in Geneva,
Switzerland. August 31, 2009.
Interviews in Print Media
- Dhaka Post.
পর্যাপ্ত? – October 9,
- Somay
Flood risk
looms: Several districts in Bangladesh could be affected – September
5, 2024.
- Daily
Star. সিলেটে
গবেষণা - June 21,
- Daily
Star. বৈশ্বিক
উচ্চতা – May 19,
- Prothom Alo. Sea level
rising, coast under threat
– May 24, 2024.
- Daily
Star. Cyclones
now last longer
– May 24, 2024.
- Prothom Alo. Bangladesh
sees record days of heatwave in 76 years
- April 27, 2024.
- Prothom Alo
ব্যতিক্রম - April 27,
- Prothom Alo
তাপপ্রবাহ- April 26,
- Nation
Rising Sea
Levels: 90K in southern Bangladesh may face displacement
by 2050
- February 22, 2024.
- Daily
Star. Rising Sea
Levels: 9 lakh in south may be displaced by 2050 – February
12, 2024.
- Somay
Nature’s shield against Cyclone Remal
– May 27, 2024.
- Samakal.
চুপ – April 24,
- Prothom Alo. Palm tree
project failed, now comes lightning arrester worth Tk 13b
– December 22, 2023.
- Daily
Star. Bangladesh
caught up in extreme weather events
– December 12, 2023.
- Prothom Alo. এক
হয়েছিল, কিসের
ইঙ্গিত – November
18, 2023.
- AmaderSomay.
সংকটে – September
6, 2023.
- DW
News. ফুলে-ফেঁপে
নদ-নদী, বন্যার
আশঙ্কা – August 26,
- Daily
Star. Study on
Climate change: Flooding may rise by 36pc – August 24,
- Financial
BD suffers
$1.0b in economic losses due to floods in 2022 – August 24,
- Business
submerge around 55-60% of Bangladesh every year, says
global research
– August 23, 2023.
- DW
News. বন্যায়
চট্টগ্রাম, পার্বত্য
চট্টগ্রাম, কক্সবাজার – August 9,
- Prothom Alo. পরপর
কম, কিসের
ইঙ্গিত – August 4,
- Samakal. খরার
দেশ - July 22,
- Financial
may lose 1.7pc GDP yearly by 2037: Report - July 20,
- Jugantor. জলবায়ু
বাংলাদেশ - July 4,
News Bangla.
আশঙ্কা - June 18,
- Daily
Star. 1.5 crore
more at flood risk
- July 30, 2022.
- Daily
Star. Why aren’t
we looking at climate-based solutions to address flooding? - July 6, 2022.
- Ittafaq. বজ্রপাতে
বাংলাদেশে! – June 29,
- Business
How climate
change is behind frequent northeastern floods – June 21,
- Down to
Don’t blame
just climate change; ‘haor’ destruction also behind Sylhet
floods: Experts
– June 21, 2022.
- AlJajeera. Bangladesh
floods: Experts say climate crisis worsening situation – June 22,
- Daily
Star. Bangladesh
may witness more floods this monsoon, experts warn – June 21,
- Daily
Star. ‘লা
সম্ভাবনা’ – June 21,
- Prothom Alo. মেঘালয়ের
বন্যা – June 19,
- Dhaka
Mail. বন্যার
দায়ী, কী
বিশেষজ্ঞরা – June 18,
News Bangla.
গবেষকরা – June 18,
- RTV. সিলেটের
দায়ী? – June 18,
- Daily
Star. Sylhet,
Sunamganj floods worst in recent memory
- June
17, 2022.
- Prothom Alo. Devastating
floods hit Sylhet after highest rainfall in 122 years in
- June 17, 2022.
- The
Week. Super
cyclones may have much more devastating impact in India in
future: Study
- May 28, 2022.
- DW
News. ‘বাংলাদেশকে
হবে’- May 27, 2022.
- Daily
Star. IPCC
Climate Report: Grim picture painted for Bangladesh – August 10,
- Ittafaq. বদলে
সময় – June 23,
- Bhorer
বিশেষদের – March 22,
- Kalerkontho. Onus now on
city corporations to remove waterlogging – December
31, 2020.
- Kalerkontho. দুর্যোগ
প্রতিমন্ত্রী - November
12, 2020
- Jugantor. কার্তিকের
হাওয়া – November
08, 2020.
- Banglahdtv. নভেম্বরে
পূর্বাভাস - November
02, 2020.
- Jugantor. জলবায়ু
বাংলাদেশে - September
28, 2020.
- Samakal. আবহাওয়ার
বিপদ - October
21, 2020.
- Jugantor. চতুর্থ
উত্তরাঞ্চল - October 03,
- Jugantor. দীর্ঘস্থায়ী
বন্যা - August 24,
- Prothom Alo. তীব্র
বন্যা - August 13,
- Daily
factors prolong flooding: Experts -
August 11, 2020.
- Janakantho. বন্যা
পারে - August 11,
- BDNews24. বন্যা
কেন? - August 09,
- BD News
Floods have
submerged a quarter of Bangladesh. Experts see no quick
end to the problem -
August 09, 2020.
- Jugantor বন্যা
পানি - August 08,
- Daily
the good fight
- August 05, 2020.
- Jugantor. উত্তর
কমছে - August 05,
- Jugantor. ঢাকার
বাড়ছে - July 31,
- Jugantor. মিরপুর
পানি - July 31,
- Reuter. Pandemic
job losses and flooding spark fears of hard times in
- July 30, 2020.
- New
york times. A Quarter
of Bangladesh Is Flooded. Millions Have Lost Everything - July 30,
- New
Age. Bangladesh
faces longest flooding in 2 decades
- July 30,2020.
- Prothom
We must be
ready for floods every year
- July 30, 2020.
- Daily
engulfs over a third of Bangladesh -
July 30, 2020.
- Janamot. বন্যায়
মানুষ - July 29,
- Jugantor. মধ্যাঞ্চলের
অবনতি - July 28,
- Prothom
হবে - July 26,
- Jugantor.
বন্যা, করণীয়
কী? - July 26,
- BD News
যাচ্ছে? - July 26,
- BD News
24. কত
বন্যা? - July 25,
- Jugantor. এ
হবে? - July 25,
- Jugantor. রাজধানীর
বন্যা - July 25,
- Jugantor. উত্তরাঞ্চলে
অবনতি - July 24,
- Jugantor. দ্রুত
বন্যার - July 23,
- Jugantor. বন্যার
জেলা - July 22,
- Daily Star. Flood to
prolong up to mid-Aug -
July 22, 2020.
- Prothom Alo. ব্রহ্মপুত্র
বাড়ছে - July 16,
- Jugantor. বন্যাকবলিত
জেলা - July 14,
- Daily
Dhaka at
flood risk as more rains forecast -
July 14, 2020.
- New Age. Flood
worsens, Teesta flows 50-yr high
- July 14, 2020.
- Daily Star. No respite
for flood-hit people -
July 11, 2020.
- Jugantor. পূর্বাঞ্চলের
বন্যা - July 11,
- Jugantor. অনেক
পানি - July 09,
- New Age. Erosion
wipes four villages off north
- July 08, 2020.
- Jugantor. উত্তর-পূর্বাঞ্চলে
স্থিতিশীল - July 07,
- Sara Bangla. জলবায়ু
দেশ – July 06,
- Prothom Alo. এবার
আশঙ্কা - July 06,
- Jugantor. আট
জেলায় - July 05,
- Jugantor. আবার
পানি, বাড়ছে
ভাঙন - July 04,
- Jugantor. মধ্যাঞ্চলেও
বন্যা, ১৫
দুর্ভোগ - 30 June
- Jugantor. ছয়-জেলায়-বন্যার-আরও-অবনতি- June 30,
- Jugantor. বন্যা
অবনতি - June 29,
- Prothom alo. এই
পারে - June 27,
- Prothom Alo. ঘূর্ণিঝড়ের
শঙ্কা - June 22,
- Bangladesh Journals. বাড়ছে
পানি - June 21,
- Jugantor. বিলীন
এলাকা, পদ্মা-যমুনার
পূর্বাভাস - June 20,
- Jugantor. Low areas
inundated as rivers swell abnormally -
June 06, 2020.
- Jugantor. করোনা
হাতে- June 05,
- Jugantor. বিশ্ব
থাকবে? - June 05,
- Somay News. বাড়ছে
তাপমাত্রা, বিপদের
বাংলাদেশ - May 23,
- Somay News. বঙ্গোপসাগরের
ঘূর্ণিঝড় - May 21,
- Jugantor. আঘাত
সন্ধ্যায় - May 20,
- Protho alo. ধেয়ে
ঘূর্ণিঝড়' আম্পান, সিডরের
শক্তিশালী - May 18,
- Jugantor. উপকূলের
‘আম্পান’ - May 18,
- Talktime. ধেয়ে
আম্পান, প্রস্তুতি
বিশেষজ্ঞরা - May 17,
- Jugantor. ধেয়ে
‘আম্ফান’ - May 17,
- Jugantor. এগিয়ে
আমফান, প্রস্তুতি
বিশেষজ্ঞরা - May 17,
- Muktakhabar. বঙ্গোপসাগরে
শঙ্কা - May 16,
- Just
শঙ্কা - May 16,
- Jugantor. কাল-পরশু
ভারিবর্ষণ, জলাবদ্ধতার
আশঙ্কা - April 24,
News. পৃথিবী
April 22, 2020.
- Jamunatv দেশের
April 16, 2020.
- Rupashi
bangla. পৌষের
January 03, 2020.
- Purba Paschim. ধেয়ে
November 09, 2019.
- BD
November 09, 2019.
- Probashidiganta.
November 09, 2019.
- Jugantor.
November 09, 2019.
- Weekly
Ekota. বন্যার
October 13, 2019.
- Prothom
Alo. বর্ষার
October 08, 2019.
- Daily
Star. Withdrawal
of Feni River Water: Experts see little impact here -
October 09, 2019.
- Business Standard. How
will Feni River water withdrawal impact Bangladesh?- October 07,
Bangla. উজানের
October 02, 2019.
- Jugantor.
October 04, 2019.
- Amader
Somay. দুই
October 04, 2019.
- Jugantor.
October 02, 2019.
- Prothom
Alo. ক্ষতি
July 26, 2019.
- Jugantor.
July 23, 2019.
- Jugantor.
- July 22, 2019.
- Prothom
Alo. পানি
July 21, 2019.
- Jugantor.
July 20, 2019.
- Jugantor.
July 15, 2019.
- Manabzamin.
July 14, 2019.
- Daily
Sun. Dhaka
at flood risk as more rains forecast -
July 14, 2019.
- Jugantor.
July 12, 2019.
- Jugantor.
July 07, 2019.
- Bongo
May 08, 2019.
- Ekota
May 07, 2019.
- Jugantor.
May 06, 2019.
- Ekota.
May 05, 2019.
- Jugantor.
April 29, 2019.
- Jugantor
April 28, 2019.
- Manabzamin.
April 27, 2019.
- Jugantor.
April 27, 2019.
- Bongo24
April 18, 2019.
- Manabzamin. তিন
April 11, 2019.
- Campus.
April 10, 2019.
- Manabzamin.
April 10, 2019.
- Jugantor.
March 06, 2019.
- Daily Bangla. ‘ট্রলের’
ক্ষতি!- March 05,
- Dakhinanchal
Protidin. জলবায়ু
: উপমন্ত্রী-
April 18, 2019.
- Jugantor.
July 08, 2018.
- Sarabangla.Net
July 06, 2018.
- Jugantor.
June 19, 2018.
- Manabzamin জলবায়ু
আলামত- May 25,
- Jugantor
May 09, 2018.
- Vorer Dak কৃষকের
May 03, 2018.
- MN News ঝড়-বৃষ্টি
May 02, 2018.
- Diganta
Barta. বজ্রপাতের
May 02, 2018.
- Jugantor
May 01, 2018.
- Amader
Arthonity. জলবায়ু
May 01, 2018.
- Kaler
Kontho. বজ্রপাতের
May 01, 2018.
- Ekushey News. মাঠে
May 01, 2018.
- Jugantor.
April 30, 2018.
- Jugantor.
April 22, 2018.
- Jugantor.
- January 08, 2018.
- Amader ২০৫০
January 08, 2018.
- Sara
Bangla. সর্বনিম্ন
January 08, 2018.
- Jugantor.
- January 08, 2018.
- Jugantor.
October 22, 2017.
- Prothom
Alo. দেশে
- October 14, 2017.
- New
Nation. Final
Stakeholder Workshop of HELIX Project -
September 15, 2017.
- Asian
Age. Workshop
on climate impact held at BUET
- September 14, 2017.
- Daily
Workshop at BUET
- September 14, 2017.
- Kaler Kontho. বুয়েটে
ওয়ার্কশপ - September
14, 2017.
- Jugantor.
- September 13, 2017.
- Jugantor.
September 01, 2017.
- Jugantor.
August 30, 2017.
- Bhorer
August 22, 2017.
- Jugantor.
August 20, 2017.
- Jugantor.
- August 18, 2017.
- Manabzamin.
August 17, 2017.
- Jugantor.
August 16, 2017.
- Jugantor.
August 15, 2017.
- Jugantor.
August 14, 2017.
- Jugantor.
- August 14, 2017.
- Jugantor.
- August 13, 2017.
- Manabzamin. ঢাকার
ওয়াসা- August 4,
- Manabzamin.
July 29, 2017.
- Kaler
Kontho. সচিবালয়ে
July 27, 2017.
- Jugantor.
July 27, 2017.
- Manabzamin.
July 19, 2017.
- Manabzamin.
July 16, 2017.
- Jugantor.
- জলবায়ু
- July 14, 2017.
- Asia
- July 14, 2017
- Manabzamin
July 13, 2017.
- July 13, 2017.
- Jugantor.
July 12, 2017.
- Manabzamin.
- July 11, 2017.
- Ajker টানা-ভারী-বর্ষণ
- July 11, 2017.
- Jugantor.
June 6, 2017.
- Jugantor.
- May 30, 2017.
- News39.Net.
- May 28, 2017.
- Independent. Haor
needs a dedicated early flash flood warning system - May 27,
- Jugantor.
- May 26, 2017.
- Jugantor.
- May 25, 2017.
শঙ্কা - May 23,
- TimeNewsbd.Com
- May 23, 2017.
- Manob
Jamin. গরমে
May 22, 2017.
- Manob
Jamin. বজ্রপাত
May 21, 2017.
- Daily Sun. 60
water resource projects may get Tk 4,035 crore – May 19,
- Daily
Sun. Scientific
knowledge a must to cope with climate change effect -
May 19, 2017.
- Daily
Star. Lost
to Corruption
- May 05, 2017.
- Dhaka
Tribune. Experts:
Flash floods may grow and embankments are not the solution
- April 28, 2017.
- Natun
Kagoj. ভয়াবহ
- April 24, 2017.
- Daily
Star. Prelude
to a spreading nightmare
- April 22, 2017.
- Manob Jamin. হাওরে
April 17, 2017.
- Daily
Star. Havoc
in haor
- April 14, 2017.
- Prothom
Alo. আজ–কালের
- পদ্মায়
August 27, 2016.
- Daily Sun. Padma
swells, engulfs lowlands - Rajshahi town protection dam
threat -
August 27, 2016.
- Manob
August 25, 2016.
- Manob
August 23, 2016.
- Manob
Jamin. বন্যায়
August 10, 2016.
- Manob
August 04, 2016.
- Manob
Jamin. বাঁধে
- August 01, 2016.
- Jugantor.
- August 01, 2016.
- Prothom
Alo. মধ্য
- July 31, 2016.
- Jugantor.
- July 30, 2016.
- Jugantor.
- July 10, 2016.
- Amader লানিনার
যাবে - June 22,
- Bhorer
- May 30, 2016.
- Daily
killed so far by lightning this year
- May April 14, 2016.
- Kaler
Kontho. বছর
- May 14, 2016.
- Manob
Jamin. বজ্রপাত-আতঙ্ক
- May 14, 2016.
- Kaler
Kontho. সুন্দরবনের
May 1, 2016.
- Manob
Jamin. গরমে
- April 30, 2016.
- Bengali
Times. তীব্র
- April 29, 2016.
- Vorer
Dak. তীব্র
নাভিশ্বাস - April 29,
- Sangbad.
April 25, 2016.
- BD
- April 21, 2016.
- Prothom
Alo. দাবদাহ
- April 18, 2016.
- Manabzamin.
- April 20, 2016.
- Manabzamin.
- April 18, 2016.
- Jugantor.
- পহেলা
- April 12, 2016.
- Dhaka
urges quick release of climate fund -
February 26, 2016.
- Deutsche
Welle (DW).
July 9, 2010.
Articles published in Print Media
Tribune. Earth is all we have (May 11, 2022)
Tribune. A flood that never seems to end (July 28, 2020)
Sun. In Search of a Real-time Flood Forecasting System
(July 22, 2020)
Tribune. Under the Weather (April 30, 2018)
Tribune. What COP23 achieved (November 19, 2017)
Tribune. Hopes from Bonn (November 11, 2017)
Age. Is Bangladesh prepared enough for climate
negotiations at COP23? (October 31, 2017)
Tribune. Why so flooded? (August 28, 2017)
The severe floods this year. (August 18, 2017)
Tribune. Heading for disaster. (August 16, 2017)
Climate change and crops in haor areas. (April 17, 2017)
Sharing transboundary geospatial data and climate
information (April 4, 2017)
Changing climate: Waste water management in Dhaka city
(March 26, 2017.
Lightning hazards and safety precautions (March 26, 2017)
Age. Climate change follows the law of physics (November
12, 2016)
Tribune. Expectations from Marrakech (November 5, 2016)
Tribune, The hottest month in history (October 8, 2016)
Tribune, Recent floods break 100-year record at
Brahmaputra station (August 20, 2016.
Age. Aspects of 2016 flooding in Bangladesh (August 5,
Tribune. Signs of the weather. (June 4, 2016)
Dhaka Tribune.
Bangladesh will experience rise of temperature beyond the
Paris agreement (March 26, 2016)
Star. Rising Sea Level - Challenges ahead for Bangladesh.
(March 18, 2016.
Dhaka Tribune.
Cooping with Climate Change (January 08, 2015)
International Training Workshops/Short
Joint WRF/MPAS User Workshop 2024 , NCAR, USA, June
25-28, 2024.
Scoping Meeting of the IPCC Special Report on Climate
Change and Cities ,Riga, Latvia, 16-19 April 2024.
United Nations University (UNU) Sustainability NEXUS
Analytics, Informatics, and Data (AID) workshop in the
UNU Institute for Integrated Management of Material
Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES) , Dresden,
Germany, November 27-28, 2023.
Research Forecasting (WRF) Tutorial 2016, NCAR, USA,
25-29 January, 2016.
Training Workshop on Asian Monsoon Variability and
Beijing, China, 6-15 July, 2014.
Regional Climate Modeling (RegCM) Training Workshop, ICTP, Italy, 12-24 May, 2014.
Workshop on Water Resources in Developing Countries:
Planning and Management in a Climate Change Scenario, Organized by ITCP, Italy, 6 -17 May
Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) Training Course,
organized at CESBIO from 5-9 November, 2012, Toulouse,
Forecast Information Development and Application
Jointly organized by Department of Agricultural
Extension (DAE) and Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
(ADPC), Bangkok, Thailand, 29-31 January 2012.
Training Workshop on
Statistical Downscaling for Developing Climate Change
Scenarios, organized
by BRAC University in collaboration with Loughborough
University, UK, funded by the British Council, 26-27
October 2011.
Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Workshop 2011
, 10-20 October 2011, Bangkok, Thailand.
Training Programme on Interdisciplinary Field Research
Methodologies in Integrated Water Resources Management, Peradeniya and Girandurukotte, Sri
Lanka, Organized by Crossing Boundaries Project,
Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of
Peradeniya and the SaciWATERs, Hyderabad, India, 25 May
04 June, 2011.
Training Workshop on Regional Climate Modeling using
PRECIS, IWFM, BUET, Dhaka, June 2-3, 2010.
Workshop on Regional Climate Modeling using PRECIS",
IWFM, BUET, Dhaka, February 14-18, 2010.
Climate Change Scenarios Network (CCCSN): Understanding
Global Climate Model Output for Climate Change Impacts and
Adaptation, Organized by Adaptation and Impacts
Research Division (AIRD) of Environment Canada, University
of Regina, Canada, March 26-27, 2008.
Training Workshop,
Department of Meteorology, Reading University,
Organized by Met Office, Hadley Center, UK, August
11-15, 2008
course on Advanced Use of Remote Sensing in Water
Resource and Irrigation Management, International
Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth
Observation (ITC), the Netherlands, April 02-June 22,
Executive Course on
Essentials of Risk Management, School of Education
Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, February
28-March 1, 2006.
9th United Nations International Training Course on Remote
Sensing Education for Educators, Stockholm University,
Sweden, May 3- June 11, 1999.
Disaster Mitigation Using Remote Sensing and GIS, Jointly organized by Local Government
Engineering Department (LGED), Bangladesh and Asian
Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand, July
20-July 24, 1999.
Supervisor of Ph.D./Master's Thesis
and Post Graduate Diploma Project
Supervisor. A Novel Method for Estimation of
Extreme Design Rainfall by Accounting Non-Stationary Data at
Daily and Sub-daily Scale in a Changing Climate. Sania Binte
Mahtab. Ph.D. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2025 (On-going).
External Supervisor. Assessment of Sea Level Rise
on the Coast of Bangladesh Considering the Geomorphological
Changes and Adaptation Measures. Md Minarul Hoque. Ph.D.,
BUP, 2025 (On-going).
Supervisor. Waterbody Changes Relative to Other
Land Cover Classses and Their Influence on Urban Heat
Indices and Wet-Dry Spells. Fariha Islam Mou. M.Sc. (WRD),
IWFM, BUET, 2025 (On-going).
Supervisor. Forecasting Model for Teesta Basin at
Dalia Barrage Using Observed and Satellite Data. Partho
Protim Barua. M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2025. (On-going).
Supervisor. Development of High-Resolution Surface
Soil Moisture using Spatial Data with Deep Learning Model in
Bangladesh. Sujit Kumar Roy. M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2024.
Supervisor. Modelling of basin wide flash flood
susceptibility using traditional and hybrid machine learning
techniques for the northeast region of Bangladesh. Enayet
Chowdhury. M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2023.
Supervisor. Impacts of Future Land Use/Land Cover
(LULC) and Climate Change on Runoff of the Teesta Basin. Md.
Syadur Rahaman. M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2022.
Supervisor. Assessment of Vegetation Damage of the
Sundarbans and Inundation in the Southwest Coastal Region of
Bangladesh for Three Recent Cyclones Using Satellite Images.
Ariful Islam. M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2022.
External Supervisor/Examiner. Dynamics of
inundation events in the rivers-estuaries-ocean continuum in
Bengal delta: synergy between spaceborne remote sensing and
hydrodynamic modelling. Md. Jamal Uddin. Ph.D., Laboratoire
d’Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales,
University of Toulouse, France, 2021.
Supervisor. Assessment of Water Productivity of
Wheat and Maize under Changing Climate in the Northwestern
Bangladesh using Remote Sensing Data and Crop Modeling. Abul
Fatta Mohammad Tariqul Islam. Ph.D. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2019.
Supervisor. Hydro-climatic impact on cholera
incidence in Dhaka under global warming. Salima Sultana
Daisy. Ph.D. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2019.
Supervisor. Impact of climate change on summer and
monsoon precipitation in the north-east region of
Bangladesh. Md. Abul Bashar. Ph.D. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2019.
External Supervisor. The Impact of Climate Change
on the Hydrology of the Halda Basin, southeastern
Bangladesh. Farzana Raihan, Ph.D., University of Macquire,
Sydney, Australia, 2018.
Supervisor. Assessment of Climate Change
Vulnerability on Human Health. Md. Raihan Tanvir. P.G.Dip.
(WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2018.
Supervisor. Comparative Study of Performance for
Real-time Flash Flood Forecasting in the Upper Meghna
Basin. Khaled Mohammad, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2017.
Supervisor. Monsoon rainfall forecasting for
different hydrological regions of Bangladesh using climate
predictability tool (CPT). Sattajit Roy Das. M.Sc. (WRD),
IWFM, BUET, 2015.
Supervisor. Index Based Climate Vulnerability
Assessment for Hatiya of Noakhali of Bangladesh Nahid Raju.
M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2015.
Supervisor. Comparison of Statistical Downscaling
Techniques for Development of Future Climate Change
Scenarios for the Coastal Areas of Bangladesh, Sadia Azad.
P.G.Dip (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2015.
Supervisor. Improvement of forecasting heavy
rainfall events using Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)
model , Mohammad Alfi Hasan. M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2014.
Supervisor. Assessment of change in future flow of
Brahmaputra Basin applying SWAT model using multi-member
ensemble climate data. Supriya Paul. M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM,
BUET, 2014.
Supervisor. Detecting Changes of Shoreline at
Kuakatha Coast using RS-GIS Techniques and Participatory
Approach. Nazla Bushra. P.G. Dip. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2010.
Supervisor. Investigation of the effect of
climate change on evapotranspiration rate in different
hydrological regions of Bangladesh. Satyajit Nandi. M.Sc.
(WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2011.
Supervisor. Identification of Land Cover Changes
of the Haor Area and its Impact on Livelihood Assets, Md.
Salauddin. M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2010.
Supervisor. Agricultural and Meteorological
Drought Assessment using remote sensing and GIS in North
West region of Bangladesh, Hasan Murad. M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM,
BUET, 2010.
Supervisor. Impact of Climate Change on Rural
Livelihood: A Case Study, Muhammad Anowar Saadat. M.Sc.
(WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2010.
Supervisor. Management of Storm Water for Drainage
of Azimput, BUET and Lalbagh Area of Dhaka City. Noor Ahmed.
M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2008.
Supervisor. Developing GIS Too to Identify
Critical Areas for Drinking Water Supply during Dry Season
in Dinajpur District. S.M. Tanvir Hassan. P.G. Dip (WRD),
IWFM, BUET, 2006.
Member in Board of Examiners of Student
Thesis/Project report
Member. Member. Determination of Occurance
Probability and Frequency Analysis of Maximum Surge Level of
Tropical Cyclone Along the Exposed Coast of Bangladesh.
Anika Tahsin, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2024.
Member. Member. An Assessment of the Influencing
Fatcors of Water Scarcity in the Drought-Prone Northwest
Region of Bangladesh. Akanda Md. Raihan Gafur, M.Sc. (WRD),
IWFM, BUET, 2024.
Member. Member. Monitoring Water Level, Discharge,
and Shoreline of Jamuna River using Multi-satellite Data.
Faruque Abdullah, M.Sc. (WRE), Dept. of Water Resources
Engineering, BUET, 2024.
Member. Impacts of the Atmospheric River on
Extreme Precipitation of the Meghna Basin. Ahmed Hossain,
M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2024.
Member. High Resolution Evapotranspiration
Estimation from Satellite Remote Sensing and Data Fusion for
The Northwest Region of Bangladesh. Nafis Sadik Khan, M.Sc.
(WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2024.
Member. Spatiotemporal Variations of Atmospheric
Heat Fluxes in the Bay of Bengal and Bangladesh along with
their correlation with Precipitation. Mohammad Nasirul
Haque, MPhil, Dept. of Physics, BUET, 2024.
Member. Investigation of Hydro-meteorological
Drivers Constraining Flood Forecasting for Brahmaputra
River. Faisal Mahmud Sakib, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2024.
Member. Assessing Spatial Thresholds for
Index-Based Water Mapping with Sentinel-2 Satellite
Imageries over Eastern Hill Tracts. Saifullah Sayed, M.Sc.
(WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2024.
Member. Future Role of Non-Government
Organizations in Climate Change Adaptation in Bangladesh.
Md. Arif Chowdhury, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2024.
Member. Estimating Salinity and Concentration of
Chlorophyll-A in the Meghna Estuary Using Landsat imagery.
Asaduz Zaman, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2023.
Member. Potentiality of Sediment Flux to Offset
Relative Sea Level Rise of Ganges Delta in Bangladesh.
Mahmida Tul Urmi, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2023.
Member. Performance Evaluation of the Existing
Managed Aquifer Recharge (Mar) Systems in Southwestern
Coastal Bangladesh as Drinking and Irrigation Water Supply
Solution. Md. Helal Ahmmed, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2023.
Member. Analysis of Technical Feasibility and
Economic Viability of Flood Tolerant Housing Units. Zahrun
Zannat, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2023.
Member. Developing New Module of Delta Dynamic
Integrated Emulator Model and Applying it in Selected
Strategic Plan in Water Sector. Manjurul Hussain, M.Sc.
(WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2023.
Member. Estimation of Braided River Bathymetry Using
Optical and Radar Images for River Erosion Prediction.
Mohammad Muddassir Islam, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2023.
Member. Spatial and Temporal Changes of Soil
Salinity in the Coastal Area of Bangladesh. M. Abrar
Rubaiyat Islam, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2023.
Member. Sedimentation induced Risk on food
security in the north-eastern Haor region of Bangladesh. Md.
Nabil Shad, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2023.
Member. A study of bankline shifting of the
selected reach of Jamuna River left bank using numerical
models. Akramul Haque, M.Sc. (WRE), Dept. of Water Resources
Engineering, BUET, 2023.
Member. Integration of Forecast-Based Action and
Social Protection Programs for Community Flood Risk
Management. Rashel Mahmud, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2022.
Member. Modeling the Hydrological Response of the
Meghna Basin Under CMiP6 Climate Projections, Wasif Bin
Mamoon, M.Sc. (WRE), Dept. of Water Resources Engineering,
BUET, 2022.
Member. Groundwater security in coastal peri-urban
areas of south-west Bangladesh in the context of
multi-scalar hydrological and anthropogenic processes. Md.
Rezaul Hasan, Ph.D. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2022.
Member. Investigation of Sundarbans ecosystem
resiliency through multi temporal remote sensing data. Md.
Maruf Billah, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2022.
Member. Impact of resuscitation of Ichamoti river,
Pabna on urban land price by using hedonic pricing model.
A.K. Azad, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2022.
Member. Suitability of drinking water services in
greater Southwestern coastal Bangladesh. Mohammad Jobayer
Hossain, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2022.
Member. Potential of urban rooftop agriculture as
a climate change adaptation tool through efficient water
management. Musammat Shahinara Begum, Ph.D. (WRD), IWFM,
BUET, 2022.
Member. Assessing land use change and its impact
on ecosystem services in Khulna conurbation. Md Salman
Ferdous, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2022.
Member. Studying the Meander Bend Migration of the
Arial Khan River. Jannatul Ferdoush, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM,
BUET, 2022.
Member. Analysis of the Hydro-Morphodynamic
Processes in Relation with Risk of Sedimentation in Tidal
Rivers of Southwest Bangladesh. Mohammad Saif Uddin,
Ph.D. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2022.
Member. Community Resilience to Climate Change
Through Disaster Resilient Housing Practice in Coastal Area:
A Case Study of Dacope Upazila in Khulna. Md. Rayhanur
Rahman, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2022.
Member. Assessment of Sedimentation and Watershed
Prioritization using GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques. Anik
Chandra Banik, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2022.
Member. Study of Changing Water Conflicts and
their Implications for Water Security in Polder-29. Md.
Hasibul Hasan, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2022.
Member. Assessment of the Variability in Nutrient
Content of Deposited Sediment and Crop Diversity in Selected
Tidal Basins of Bangladesh. Nureza Hafiz, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM,
BUET, 2022.
Member. Analysis of Technical Feasibility and
Economic Viability of Flood Tolerant Housing Units. Sahika
Ahmed, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2022.
Member. Determinants and Gender Considerations for
Survival Strategies Due to Riverbank Erosion: A Case Study
at Dewanganj, Jamalpur. Navila Afsari, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM,
BUET, 2022.
Member. Establishment of Best-Fitted Rainfall
Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for the Hydrologic
Regions of Bangladesh. A.Q.M. Zohuruzzaman, M.Sc. (WRD),
IWFM, BUET, 2022.
Member. Impacts of Climate Change and Upstream
Intervention on the Hydrology of the Meghna River Basin
using SWAT. Afiya Narzis, M.Sc. (WRE), Dept. of Water
Resources Engineering, BUET, 2020.
Member. Relation of lightning flash with aerosal
and hydrometeor over Bangladesh. Abu Taher Mohammad Shafiul
Azam, Ph.D., Dept of Physics, BUET, 2019.
Member. A Study on Fluvial Flood Hazard and Risk
Assessment of Arial Khan River Floodplain under Future
Climate Change Scenarios. Binata Roy, M.Sc. (WRE), Dept. of
WRE, BUET, 2019.
Member. Stochastic modeling of hydrological and
meteorological drought in the south-west region of
Bangladesh. Noor-e-Ashmaul Husna, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET,
Member. Improving Flash Flood Eary Warning System
in North-Eastern Part of Bangladesh. Md. Abdus Samad, M.Sc.
(WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2019.
Member. Rainfall Frequency Analysis and Isopluvial
Mapping for Bangladesh Using Best Fitted Probability
Distribution Function. Khandakar Aurib, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM,
BUET, 2018.
Member. Remote Sensing-Based Estimates of
Reference Evapotranspiration for the Southwest Region of
Bangladesh. Imran Hossain Newton, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET,
Member. Basic wind speed map under high emission
extreme scenario and probable structural loading. Jamal
Uddin Khan, M.Sc. (CE), Dept. of CE, BUET, 2018.
Member. Effect of climate and land use changes on
sediment load for Bbrahmaputra river basin using HEC-HMS.
Shammi Haque, M.Sc. (WRE), Dept. of WRE, BUET, 2018.
Member. Impact of Flash Flood on Boro Rice
Production in Taherpur Upazila. Md. Abdullah All Souf, M.Sc.
(WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2017.
Member. Mechanism of Groundwater Response to
Recharge and its quantification for Shallow Aquifers in
Bangladesh. Sara Nowreen, Ph.D. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2017.
Member. Study of rainfall in Bangladesh using
global precipitation measurement data, Mst. Asma Khatun,
M.Phil., Dept. of Physics, BUET, 2016.
Member. Study of extreme rainfall in Bangladesh
using tropical rainfall measuring mission data, Abu Taher
Mohammad Shafiul Azam, M.Phil., Dept. of Physics, BUET,
Member. Flood Hazard and Vulnerability Assessment
in a Riverine Flood Prone Area: A Case Study, Md. Sadequr
Rahman Bhuiyan, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2014.
Member. Assessing the Sustainability of Community
Based Fisheries Management Approaches Through Beel User
Group at Sunamganj Haor Area. Syed Ahmed Ali., M.Sc., IWFM,
BUET, 2012.
Member. Impact of Land-Use Change on
Eco-Hydrological Characteristics of Arial Beel. Anisa Rahman
Siddique, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2012.
Member. Conjunctive Use of Saline and Non-saline
Coastal Aquifers for Agriculture. Muktarun Islam, Ph.D.
(WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2012.
Member. Future Economic and Livelihood Impact of
Storm Surge Disaster Under Climate Change Context in a
Selected Polder. Pronab Kumar Halder, M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM,
BUET, 2011.
Member. Assessment of Changes in Water Retention
Areas in Eastern Dhaka Using RS and GIS. Khokon Sona
Rajbhar. P.G.Dip. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2008.
Member. Impact of Climate Change on Command Area
Development of Teesta Barrage Project. Md. Moshiur Rahman,
M.Sc. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2008.
Member. Application of Geoinformatics for Flood
Study at Tarapur Union of Gaibandha. S.M. Imrul Hasan, M.Sc.
(WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2008.
Member. Determination of Location of Shared Posts
for Vulnerable People at Duptara Village Piped Water Supply
System using GIS. Marina Rahman, PG. Dip (WRD), IWFM, BUET,
Member. Application of Remote Sensing in
Identifying Pollutant Spread in the Buriganga River.
Mohammad Ruhul Amin. P.G.Dip. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2006.
Member. Analysis of Changing Scenario of Wetlands
in Dhaka City Using Remote Sensing and GIS. Mst. Sufia
Sultana, PG.Dip. (WRD), IWFM, BUET, 2005.
Professional Affiliations
Operating Systems: Windows
Solaris, Linux
Programming languages:
Script Languages: Java
Scripts, Linux
shell scripts, DOS
Web Languages: HTML,
Databases: Oracle,
MySQL, PostgreSQL,
Modeling tools: Rational
Rose, NetBean,
Protege, R,
GIS/CAD tools: ArcGIS,
Imagine, AutoCad
Hydrologic models: HEC-HMS,
- Water Management Tools: WEAP
- Urban Runoff Model: SWMM
- Hydraulic Model: HEC-RAS,
- Sub-surface models: MODFLOW
- Coastal Models: FVCOM,
- Crop Models: CropWat,
- Climate and Weather Models:
- Bengali
- Fluently read, write, and understand
- English
- Fluently read, write, and understand
Assistant Provost, Suhrawardy
Hall, BUET, 2009-2011
Sports Secretary, BUET
Teacher's Club, 2009, 2011
Member, Barisal
Zilla School - Batch '87(BZS-87), 2007-present
Member, Greater Barisal Kollyan Somity of BUET, 2006-present
Civil Engineering Graduate Association (CAEGA),
President, Bangladeshi
Students Associations (BSA) at Drexel, 2001-2003