WFM 6202: Remote Sensing and GIS in Water Management:

Geographical Information System (GIS)

Semester: October 2015

** Last Updated on 24st February 2015 at 1:30am**


1. Instructor:

Dr. A.K.M. Saiful Islam
Professor, IWFM, BUET
Phone: 880-2-9664640-44 PABX Ext 7923

2. Class Hours:

Tuesday(subject to change)    5:00p.m. - 7:30p.m.  (Class room, 4th Floor, IWFM)

3. Office Hours:

Tuesday  (subject to change)     4:30p.m. - 5:00p.m.  (Room-309, 2nd Floor,  IWFM)

4. Course Content:

Concepts of GIS; Spatial data: sources, acquisition and entry; Database; Vector and raster data; Data analysis; GIS output; Integration of remote sensing and GIS; Application of remote sensing and GIS in water resources modeling and management.

5. Grading Policy (subject to change):

Mid Term  = 30%  Final Exam = 50% Mini Project =20%

6. Syllabus:

Introduction to remote sensing; Principles of remote sensing; Remote sensing systems; Digital image processing; Concepts of GIS; Spatial data: sources, acquisition and entry; Database; Vector and raster data; Data analysis; GIS output; Integration of remote sensing and GIS; Application of remote sensing and GIS in water resources modeling and management.

7. Lecture Topics:

8. Hands on Training:
 on the application of GIS in water modeling and management

9. Mini Project:

  •  Guideline: Students are advise to select a topic relevant to their profession.

  • Report: 10 page report written in Ms Word, due on Last week. Report should contain - introduction to the problem, methodology, results, conclusion.

  • Presentation: Each group will present their study at the end of the semester

10. Software: ArcGIS 10.2 (commercial) , ILWIS 3.8 (open source)

ILWIS 3.3 & documentation available from developed website at ITC:

Latest version of ILWIS 3.8 from 52 North (community tool):

9. Books:

1. Introduction to Geographic Information Systems - by Kang-Tsung Chang
     (Hands on Training Text)

2. ILWIS User Guide 3.1 and Application Guide 2.0


  Last updated on 24 February 2016 by Prof. A.K.M. Saiful Islam, IWFM, BUET