
There is now scientific evidence that climate changes have affected the physical, biological and human systems. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in their Fourth Assessment recognized observed changes in many natural systems of every continent and most oceans due to regional climate changes, particularly temperature increases (Parry et al., 2007).  The observed changes have occurred in different sectors and systems including hydrology, water resources, coastal zones, ecosystems, agriculture, forestry, health systems and socio-economic activities. Peak discharge is occurring earlier in rivers affected by snow melt. Lakes and rivers around the world are warming, with effects on thermal structure and water quality. Sea-level rise and human development are together contributing to losses of coastal wetlands and mangroves and increasing damage from coastal flooding in many areas. Both terrestrial and marine biological systems are being strongly influenced by recent warming. Both agriculture and forestry have shown vulnerability to recent trends in heat waves, droughts and floods. Health system is affected due to recent warming, climate variability and changes. The impacts of climate changes on different systems and sectors are emerging.

Several factors such as geography, high-density population, poor economy, illiteracy etc. have made Bangladesh one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change.  Climate risks now need to be integrated into national development projects and strategies. In this regard, a Climate Change Study Cell at BUET can play very important role by creating knowledge base and producing trained man power to face the impending climate change risk. The activities of the Climate Change Study Cell can increase the awareness of policymakers, planners of potential impacts of climate change in different sectors. Knowledge on climate change impacts could help taking adaptation measures into national policy and planning processes.

Last updated on February 05, 2008 (c) Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology